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Sermons on greener grass:

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  • The Myth Of Greener Grass

    Contributed by Philip Harrelson on Jan 6, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Contentment is an elusive but necessary quality for the Christian.

    Philippians 4:11-13 KJV Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. [12] I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to more

  • The Deception Of Greener Pastures

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Jun 4, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The grass looks greener on the other side.

    Thank you Rev. M. Edge The Deception of Greener Pastures Gen 13:10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it [was] well watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, [even] as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as thou comest unto more

  • Distiny Pt3 Distractions Series

    Contributed by Joe Hayes on Jul 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Desitiny Distrations that stop us from being doing what God has designed us to be and do. You can’t be denied you destiny, Just miss it. Also listen at

    Destiny will not be Denied but Destiny can be Missed. Jesus tells the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-31. The destiny of the son was assured as long as he stayed close to his father. The son’s destiny was to inherit the estate. Until that time, with his father and family, his role was to more

  • The Grass Isn’t Always Greener Series

    Contributed by Mason Davis on Aug 19, 2024

    THE GRASS IS GREENER on the other side of the fence, or is it?

    THE GRASS ISN’T ALWAYS GREENER By: C. Mason Davis Today’s Scripture Proverbs 5:15-17 states, “Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well. Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets. Let them be only thine own, and not strangers more

  • The Grass Is Always Greener... Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Nov 22, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Christmas preparations make it easy to get distracted, but Christmas is a celebration of life, and to truly experience that gift, we have to awaken to Christ's offer of abundant life!

    Here we are, at the “most wonderful time of the year!” Last Sunday several of us gathered here at the church to put up the Christmas decorations. Perhaps some of you have decorated your homes as well in recent days. Indeed, Christmas decorations are beginning to appear everywhere. Heck, more

  • The Grass Is Always Greener (On The Other Side Of The Sea)

    Contributed by Beth Garrod-Logsdon on Feb 4, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    God rescued the Israelites through a series of miracles- but when the going got tough, the Israelites always wanted to return to Egypt.  When our going gets tough, do we trust God to provide or do we long for the "good ol’ days" of Egypt?

    The Grass is Always Greener (On the Other Side of the Sea) Exodus 15:22-16:9; 16:35; 17:1-7 I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but some people are just never happy! No matter what you do – it’s just not right. These people can always find something to complain about! When I waited tables, I was more

  • Grass Roots Rules About Looking For Greener Grass” A Simple Lesson About Contentment Series

    Contributed by Perry Fowler on May 11, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence? Here's three grassroots rules about wealth that will help us find contentment:

    Have you ever heard the phrase, “The grass is greener on the other side of the fence?” It’s tempting to think that other people’s circumstances are better than yours isn’t it? When I was growing up, I would often go to church camp. If you’ve ever had camp food you’ve learned that it “Ain’t more

  • Where The Grass Is Greener ( Envy) Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Oct 13, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Envy has a powerful effect upon our lives. It rubs of of peace, joy and love. God not only offers us forgiveness, but also a life of contentment.

    Acts 8:9-25 “Where the Grass Is Greener (Envy)” INTRODUCTION We are complex individuals. To be able to say that we were completely dedicated to and solely motivated by God’s will may be our dream and desire, but it is not the reality. All too often the less noble forces of greed, pride, more

  • Sermon On The Grass Is Not Always Greener...

    Contributed by William Meakin on Sep 10, 2024

    The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side is a singular, speculative, but focused idiom that suggests the indeterminable fallacy that other people or places in one’s imagination always appear to be in a better, or more acceptable cachet than oneself.

    Kasper Schmeichel, a Danish football goalkeeper once remarked: “The grass is not always greener on the other side. It is about recognizing what you do have and being grateful for what you do have.” Philippians 4:11-12 reminds us: “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in more

  • Green Grass Of Home

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on Oct 15, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The secret to happiness in life is not having what you want but wanting what you have!

    The Pearl of Psalms (POP 02) Psalm 23:2 The Green, Green Grass of Home The secret to happiness in life is not having what you want, but wanting what you have. If you understand that, you are ahead of most people in this generation because the average person does not understand that, As a more

  • The Grass Isn't Always Greener On The Other Side.

    Contributed by Pastor Joey Palomin on Dec 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Choosing the right choice, so you may have a righteous living as God intended.

    We all know that life is full of choices. Some choices lead to good prosperity and some lead to consequences. Sometimes in life we want to take the easy road out or the road less traveled. But is the decision you make the right choice or a bad ? to answer this question, we need to pray and ask God more

  • Don't Let The Green Grass Fool You

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Aug 22, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    This message is about how we can get so caught up looking at and desiring something that someone else has that we fail to walk in the blessings that God has already given us.

    Don’t Let The Green Grass Fool You Scriptures: Psalm 1:1-3 Introduction The title of my message this morning is “Don’t Let The Green Grass Fool You!” Some of you are old enough to remember the song with this title. Let me read the first verse of this song to you: more

  • High On Grass Series

    Contributed by Ethan Muse on Apr 2, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    The first of sermons in a series on Luke 15, based on the parable of the lost sheep.

    This is my adaptation of a sermon by Pastor Henry Wright I am not a theologian. I don’t claim to be, I don’t try to be, and I don’t want to be. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing necessarily against the theologian, I’m just not one. You see, theologians tend to be deep and profound, often more

  • Snake In The Grass Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on Mar 23, 2004
    based on 46 ratings

    a look at the Fall and the ongoing efforts of Satan to delude the world

    Beginnings # 2 I invite you back to the Book of Beginnings this morning! I’ll be speaking to you from Genesis 3 today. The Snake in the Grass - Speaking the Lies We Want to Believe A friend picked up his 3 yr. old son from Christian Preschool. As they rode in the car, the Dad was talking about more

  • Mown Grass

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Oct 9, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon on Psalm 72:6; talking about Jesus Christ and rain falling on mown grass.

    Sermon for 10/7/2007 Mown Grass Psalm 72:6 Introduction: Mike Miller- My son and I love to do things together. While he was home from college this summer, we had loads of fun teaming up to work on various projects around the house. For example, we would mow the grass together. This activity more

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