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  • Great God's - Great Fish Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jan 17, 2015
    based on 6 ratings

    In this sermon we look at three points about God: 1. God Shows Jonah His SOVEREIGNTY 2. God Shows Jonah His PERSISTENCE 3. God Shows Jonah His COMPASSION

    Great God's - Great Fish Do you recall that back in the first sermon in the series I mentioned - Jonah is not the hero of the story. God is! At the beginning of the story Jonah is running from God; at the end of the story Jonah is arguing with God. In between Jonah is praying to God and Jonah is more

  • The Great Fish, A Place To Think

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Aug 29, 2011

    This is a youth lesson used in Junior age camp as the evening vespers hour message for children. Taken from the prayer in Jonah chapter 2

    Jonah chapter 2 : The Great Fish – a place to think Intro: The other day, I walked through the door of the Multi Purpose Building to get into my office and saw the decorations Ronnie had put in the hall and on the windows for this week of camp. The fish theme was obvious. And the fish more

  • The Reluctant Missionary: Jonah Preaches To Nineveh

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jan 16, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God's will will be done whether we are willing or not.

    The Reluctant Missionary: Jonah Preaches to Nineveh Jonah 3:1-10 The story of Jonah and the whale is a favorite story at Vacation Bible School. Children are drawn with the fascination of the idea of being swallowed alive. It also addresses the natural fear children have of the unknown. A story more

  • Jesus, Jonah, And The Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 12, 2021

    Jonah’s experienced in the belly of the great fish foreshadows the pattern of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

    Jesus, Jonah, and the Resurrection Jonah 1-4 and Matthew 12: 38-40 1. Strange things can happen on Easter Sunday []: 2. One year, a bunch of friends and I decided to go to a sunrise service at a super fancy church. This church looks like a European cathedral and we were all more

  • Fishing With Jesus

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Feb 19, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    A sermon examining the qualities of true fishers of men.

    FISHING WITH JESUS Luke 5:1-11 A young boy went fishing with a cane pole in a stream, soon a few teenagers arrived with nice rods & reels and expensive lures. Those boys began to laugh and play as they cast their lines and reeled them in over and over again; after a couple of hours they had more

  • The Miracle Of The Great Catch Of Fish Series

    Contributed by Russell Rhodes on Sep 1, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    This Sermon focus’s on doint what Jesus ask us to do.

    The Miracle of the Great Catch of Fish Luke 5:1-11 Miracles # 04 I. The occasion of the miracle is following a time of teaching. 5:1-3 A. There was a crowd. B. There was a boat. (The boats were fishing boats) NOTE: Jesus got in the boat and went out a little taught the crowd. II. Jesus asks more

  • The God Of Second Chances Series

    Contributed by Kerry Bauman on Sep 29, 2005
    based on 45 ratings

    An analysis of Jonah’s prayer while in the belly of great fish. What people pray about when their under great stress.

    The God of Second Chances Text: Jonah 1:17-2:10 Introduction: In the late winter of 1891, the whale-ship Star of the East was in the vicinity of the Falkland Islands when it came within sight of a whale. Two boats were dispatched with harpoons to snare and kill the beast, but the lashing of its more

  • The Great Reset

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Apr 19, 2022

    All of us have those times when we are caught with egg on our face. We are guilty and there is no getting around it. What do we do now. Is God done with me? Would He even dare to entrust me to do something for Him again? I believe that is how Peter and the disciples felt.

    READY, RESET, GO! John 21:1-7 Thomas Edison and his team invented the first light bulb that actually functioned for a few hours (1879). It took hundreds of attempts and each attempt took a full 24 hours to create a new bulb and put the ingredients together. On one occasion, after 24 hours of more

  • Obedience And The Fish

    Contributed by Diana Tyler on Feb 9, 2023

    Jonah started out in rebellion but was given a second chance.

    Jonah has a very interesting story. It's only 4 chapters, but a lot can be learned from this book. In the first chapter, the Lord had told Jonah to go to Nineveh and cry out against it because its wickedness was so great. But instead of obeying God, Jonah ran away. Jonah 1:1-3. There are going more

  • 153? Big Fish?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Nov 12, 2021

    7 OUT OF THE 12 DISCIPLES WERE FISHERMEN... Jesus taught some great lessons about fishing. Have you ever considered 153 big fish? Is this an accident? Let us study fishing.

    153?--- BIG FISH--- THE MIRACLE! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. more

  • "Fishing For People"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Feb 2, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    If we heed Christ’s call on our lives there will be a great catch.

    Luke 5:1-11 “Fishing for People” When I was a young boy, my dad and I would take off on a Saturday morning to a nearby lake. It looked more like a brown stagnant swamp than a lake, but I suppose it was a lake. We’d rent a small fishing boat, buy some crickets for bait and go out fishing for more

  • 1. Living In Rebellion Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Nov 29, 2020

    One of the unfortunate things about the book of Jonah is: most people know only about the great fish, but they know nothing of the great God.

    One of the unfortunate things about the book of Jonah is: most people know only about the great fish, but they know nothing of the great God. Jonah is for real! He was the son of a Amittai. 2 Kings 14:25. A prophet who prophesied in the time of Jeroboam II. Our main concern should not be whether a more

  • In The Fish's Belly! Series

    Contributed by Victor Ramlall on Jun 23, 2013

    Jonah's experience in the fish's belly motivates him to acknowledge and plead for God's mercy which Jonah was willing to deny Nineveh from experiencing.

    Question: Why was Jonah in the fish's belly? Almost everyone on the planet knows that!...or think they know! Well he was there because the fish swallowed him! The cause of this predicament was Jonah's original response to God's command. He did not like the idea of doing what God wanted, despite the more

  • 19 The Fishy Rescue Series

    Contributed by Michael Collins on Nov 28, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This devotion is about how God rescued Jonah by sending a great fish to swallow him. This is the 19th of 31 devotions from a series called 'The Church Called Jonah.' In these devotions, which are based on the book of Jonah a comparison is made between Jonah and The Church-at-large.

    # 19 – The Fishy Rescue Jonah 1:16 – “Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.” Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah We just saw how the sailors made a tough, never-before-done decision – to more

  • Great Catch Series

    Contributed by Tyler Edwards on Jun 13, 2011

    Jesus calls His disciples while they are out fishing

    The Great Catch Our text this morning will begin in Luke 5:1. I never understood fishing. I get some people make a living at it but as a hobby it seems weird to me because it requires something that I don’t have a lot of: patience. The idea of just sitting around for hours waiting to more

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