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  • A Call To Backsliders

    Contributed by John Wesley on Apr 4, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    1. Presumption is one grand snare of the devil, in which many of the children of men are taken. They so presume upon the mercy of God as utterly to forget his justice. Although he has expressly declared, "Without holiness no man shall see the Lord," yet t

    "Will the Lord absent himself for ever? And will he be no more entreated? Is his mercy clean gone for ever? And is his promise come utterly to an end for evermore?" —Psalm 77:7, 8 1. Presumption is one grand snare of the devil, in which many of the children of men are taken. They so presume upon more

  • Hard Work And Providence Series

    Contributed by Christopher Lanham on Jun 18, 2011

    It is funny how we think God should work. For some reason we seem to think that since God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present Creator of the universe – and anything else in existence – that he should do everything on a grand scale.

    Hard Work and Providence Ecclesiastes 11:1-8 Cascades Fellowship CRC, JX MI June 5, 2005 I am going to tell you one of my favorite stories this morning because it illustrates perfectly how many of us think about the relationship between what we do and what God does. Many of you have probably more

  • Big Picture: The Solution To All The Problems Of Earth

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jun 1, 2021

    From the very beginning of time, space, reality itself in which we exist God the designer, the grand architect of energy and matter foresaw all that would happen. He knew before his voice called the stars and planets into existence that a redeemer would be needed for a wayward mankind.

    Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The first verse of the Bible says in the beginning God created. And the last verse of the Bible says: Revelation 22:21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen. From the very beginning of time, space, reality more

  • Levítico 2. La Importancia De Gratificar. Series

    Contributed by Pastor: Jose Luis Dejoy on Feb 8, 2020

    Las grandes empresas del mundo, las más prosperas son aquellas que saben gratificar a sus empleados y a sus clientes. Ellos saben que un empleado contento rinde más, produce más.

    Las grandes empresas del mundo, las más prosperas son aquellas que saben gratificar a sus empleados y a sus clientes. Ellos saben que un empleado contento rinde más, produce más. Un cliente contento o satisfecho vuelve y no vuelve solo, siempre vuelve con alguien más. El cliente more

  • Deus Faz Coisas InescrutÁveis (God Does Unsearchable Things) - Portuguese

    Contributed by James Dina on Sep 13, 2020

    "Grande é o Senhor, e muito digno de louvor; e a Sua grandeza é insondável. Uma geração louvará as Suas obras a outra geração, e declarará os Seus actos poderosos." (Salmo 145:3-4)

    DEUS FAZ COISAS INESCRUTÁVEIS JOB 5:9 "Quem faz grandes coisas, e coisas inescrutáveis, Maravilhosas sem número" As maravilhas de Deus são actos sobrenaturais para além da compreensão humana. Através de sinais extraordinários, o Deus das more

  • The Scene Around The Throne Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 11, 2008
    based on 73 ratings

    God has limited His revealing of Heaven to us, but He has shown us an event of grand importance. He shows us a time when 4 Living Beings initiate God being worshiped by the casting down of the crowns we have won in our service of Him

    REVELATIONS 4:6b-11 THE SCENE AROUND THE THRONE [Ezekiel 1:4-10] John is permitted to look into heaven to view of the throne of God, and observe the future worship celebrated there. A door (tura) or opening was made into heaven, through which John is lifted up to more

  • Rompe El Vaso

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Aug 21, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    ¿Has hallado que la victoria te evade a veces? Es posible que el orgullo es mas grande en tu vida que pensabas. Humíllate y permite que la luz de Dios brilla, y así habrá gran victoria

    Rompe el vaso-deja brillar la luz Jueces 6:12 Y se le apareció el ángel de Jehovah, y le dijo: --¡Jehovah está contigo, oh valiente guerrero! -Dios le llama en fe lo que iba a ser Gedeón Jueces 7:15-21 15 Y aconteció que cuando Gedeón oyó el relato del sueño y su interpretación, adoró. Después more

  • La Voie De Dieu

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Oct 13, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    Les chemins de Dieu, sont très différents de ce que nous pensons, Dieu peut à sa manière faire des choses qu’on ne soupçonne pas même dans le coeur des grands de ce monde... Même si l’histoire est connu, reconnaissons ses voies !

    (2 Rois 5/1-14 (V.1) I. Naaman était un homme couronné de succès, Il avait beaucoup pour lui, Mais il avait aussi un grand problème (un fardeau dans sa vie). "... Commandant de l’armée... Un homme grand et honorable... Par Lui le MONSIEUR a donné la victoire (dans sa profession)... MAIS IL ÉTAIT more

  • "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Apr 2, 2011

    Many of us can remember him. We may have watched him....or our kids or grand kids may have. Plain sweater, white canvass sneakers, nice smile.....over the years not much changed with the show; it was always the same house-same outfit and the same opening

    “Won’t you be My Neighbor?” Luke 10:25-37 Show video clip of Mr Rogers singing his opening song. Many of us can remember him. We may have watched him....or our kids or grand kids may have. Plain more

  • The Greatest Christmas Gift Ever Given Series

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on Dec 24, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    CHRISTMAS IS A MESSAGE OF GOOD TIDINGS; A MESSAGE OF GREAT JOY.AND THE MESSAGE OF GRAND LOVE. Bible says “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

    The real message of Christmas is not the gifts that we give to each other. Rather, it is a reminder of the gift that God has given to each of us. During this Christmas season, we’ll hear one word more than any other. It’s “the Name of Jesus.” It’s “a gift” more

  • Trusting In God's Majesty And Providsion

    Contributed by Jung Lee on Mar 30, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    "Standing on a mountaintop at dawn, we're awed by the vastness of God's creation, reminding us of our valued place in His universe. Psalm 8:3-4 reflects on this, urging us to trust in God’s grand design for a fulfilled life."

    Introduction Imagine you're up high on a mountain just as the day starts, with the sky bursting into bright colors like a big, beautiful painting. Moments like this remind us how huge God's world is and how we, even though we might feel tiny, are important to Him. In Psalm 8:3-4, more

  • Better By Far Series

    Contributed by Patrick Nix on Jan 5, 2012

    It's far better than life, home, friends, health, food, music, love, better than ANYTHING! Heaven is better than 1st kiss, a great steak, sex, pampered at spa, wealth, power, sports car, or even the love of grand kids! (Heb 11:13-16 & Phil 1:23)

    Heaven is a believer’s better country It's far better than life, home, friends, health, food, music, love, better than ANYTHING! Heaven is better than 1st kiss, a great steak, sex, pampered at spa, wealth, power, sports car, or even the love of grand kids! (Heb 11:13-16 & Phil 1:23) The more

  • La Generosidad, Rasgo De Un Triunfador / Parte 4 Series

    Contributed by Joshua Pinto on Sep 13, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    Cuando pensamos en la generosidad, generalmente viene a nuestra mente personas que dan dinero. Mas sin embargo, si revisamos el diccionario encontraremos una definición más amplía que dar dinero. Generosidad es: darse totalmente a asuntos grandes en los q

    La generosidad, Rasgo de un triunfador / Parte 4 El día de hoy concluimos con nuestra serie "Rasgos de un Triunfador"; hemos mencionado las semanas anteriores que para triunfar en la vida, nos urge desarrollar los rasgos que definen a un triunfador. Hemos hablado del rasgo de la bondad, el rasgo more

  • Matthew 6 – Part 9 – Trying To Play A Symphony On An Old Piano Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Feb 7, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    “zçteô”. It means to seek; to go after; to strive; to pursue; to desire; to aim at; to search for; to endeavor to get. (POSB Commentary). SEEKING THE GRAND PIANO - His Kingdom and His righteousness. It’s tuned,it sounds better and He knows how it's played

    Matthew 6 – Part 9 – TRYING TO PLAY A SYMPHONY ON AN OLD PIANO I don’t have any paid employment at present. Moving to Sydney has been a step of faith. We have limited resources for the future. Our possessions fit into a garage. Somewhere under all those boxes is a piano that we more

  • AplicaciÓn Incorrecta De La Palabra De Dios

    Contributed by James Dina on Mar 24, 2021

    La Palabra de Dios es lo más grande de toda la vida, y cuando está correctamente dividida, nos da la verdadera voluntad de Dios. Las palabras mal apretadas no son desagradables y pueden ser peligrosas.

    APLICACIÓN INCORRECTA DE LA PALABRA DE DIOS "Las visiones de vuestros profetas eran falsas y no valían nada; no expusieron tu pecado para protegerte de tu cautiverio. Las profecías que te dieron eran falsas y engañosas". (Lamentaciones 2:14) Niv Las palabras mal more

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