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  • God’s Design For The Home Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Sep 8, 2014

    God’s design: Men who love by serving like Christ and women who love by submitting like the Church

    Mary and I have come to find that raising grandchildren sure is a lot easier than raising children. And as I look back over the years when our children were in our home, I recognize that there were certainly times when I sure didn’t fulfill my responsibilities as a father very well and more

  • God’s Design For The Church Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Sep 8, 2014

    God's design: Men who mobilize men and women for ministry.

    One of the dangers of topical preaching, like the series that we’re in the midst of right now, is that for me as a pastor, it’s easy to focus on topics that I’m comfortable with and to ignore others that may not be quite as comfortable for me or for you. The other danger is that more

  • God’s Design For The Community Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Sep 8, 2014

    God's design: singleness is a blessing, not a curse.

    Today, we’ll wrap up our series on Biblical manhood and womanhood. I know that for the past four weeks, I’ve encouraged those of you who are single and who might be tempted to think that much of what we’ve learned over the past four weeks really isn’t relevant to you to more

  • The Life You’re Designed To Live Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jul 25, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Rom. 7 describes a struggle; but Rom. 8 sets forth the path of victory for the believer. This message identifies three keys for living in that victory.

    2/22/15 Rom. 8:1-17 We take our text this morning from Romans 8:1-17. I am reading from the New International Version.i 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and more

  • God’s Designed Destruction-4

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 20, 2018

    4 of 4. All on the ark escaped the destruction of the Flood. Divinely designed destruction can be escaped/avoided. But how? Escaping God’s designed destruction requires...

    Series: SUPPLANTING The LEGACY Of WICKEDNESS—Genesis 6:9—10:32 A—GOD’s REMOVAL STRATEGY—Genesis 6:9-22 Toward Removing the Legacy of Wickedness B—GOD’s DESIGNED DESTRUCTION-IV—Genesis 7:1-24 C—SALVATION(Waiting for Normal)—Genesis 8:1-19 D—EXPERIENCING The VICTORY/Response—Genesis more

  • God’s Designed Destruction-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Feb 13, 2018

    2 of 4. All on the ark escaped the destruction of the Flood. Divinely designed destruction can be escaped/avoided. But how? Escaping God’s designed destruction requires...

    Series: SUPPLANTING The LEGACY Of WICKEDNESS—Genesis 6:9—10:32 A—GOD’s REMOVAL STRATEGY—Genesis 6:9-22 Toward Removing the Legacy of Wickedness B—GOD’s DESIGNED DESTRUCTION-II—Genesis 7:1-24 C—SALVATION(Waiting for Normal)—Genesis 8:1-19 D—EXPERIENCING The VICTORY/Response—Genesis more

  • God’s Designed Destruction-3

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Feb 27, 2018

    3 of 4. All on the ark escaped the destruction of the Flood. Divinely designed destruction can be escaped/avoided. But how? Escaping God’s designed destruction requires...

    Series: SUPPLANTING The LEGACY Of WICKEDNESS—Genesis 6:9—10:32 A—GOD’s REMOVAL STRATEGY—Genesis 6:9-22 Toward Removing the Legacy of Wickedness B—GOD’s DESIGNED DESTRUCTION-III—Genesis 7:1-24 C—SALVATION(Waiting for Normal)—Genesis 8:1-19 D—EXPERIENCING The VICTORY/Response—Genesis more

  • Embracing God's Design For Husbands And Wives Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jun 1, 2015

    In this sermon, we focus primarily on God's commands in Ephesians 5. I have leaned heavily on material from David Platt's book Counter Culture, chapter 6, and also three sermons from John Piper on marital roles.

    Introduction: A. One day a little girl and a little boy were playing in the yard. 1. The girl asked the boy, “Hey Billy, do you want to play house?” 2. Little Billy said, “Sure! What role do you want me to play? Do you want me to be the husband, the son, or the brother?” more

  • Christmas Eve "Intelligent Designer Discovered”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Dec 19, 2023

    “Intelligent Designer Discovered” In the Cradle & On the Cross

    In Jesus Holy Name December 24, 2023 Christmas Eve–Luke 2:9a,10-12 Redeemer “Intelligent Designer Discovered” In the Cradle & On the Cross On this Christmas Eve we celebrate the birth of the “Intelligent Designer”, the “Logos” of the Universe. more

  • Jephthah: The Dangers Of Designer Dog Faith Series

    Contributed by James Jackson on Jun 26, 2021

    The tragic, awful story of Jephthah shows us what happens when we try to piece together our own version of what it means to follow God.

    Jephthah: The Danger of Designer Dog Faith Judges 10-12 Please open your Bibles to Judges 10. Happy Father’s day. The stereotype with going to church on mothers day and fathers day s that on mother’s day, mothers get built up, and on fathers day, fathers get beat up. But today, I guarantee more

  • God's Meticulous Designs

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Jul 28, 2024

    This sermon looks the meticulous deigns of the world, universe, and you. How with love and care God crafted all of this so that we could have a life and live it in abundance.

    Here I am again with you, my family in Christ. It is a privilege for me to be allowed by God to present the word for today. As in each Sunday I hope to say something that will engage your hearts and minds to a fuller relationship with God the Father, Christ Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And I more

  • God’s Design For His Assemblies

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Sep 4, 2024

    As the Apostle Paul is touching upon questions which the church at Corinth requested clarification, we see a situation which further caused division among the assembly; women assuming or usurping the man’s place.

    As the Apostle Paul is touching upon questions which the church at Corinth requested clarification, we see a situation which further caused division among the assembly; women assuming or usurping the man’s place. This changing of places God assigned was apparently with those who were “under more

  • God's Design For Marriage Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jan 29, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon we'll explore what God wants from marriage.

    As Christians, we often wonder what God's plan is for marriage. The Bible provides a wealth of information on this topic, and in this sermon we'll explore what God wants from marriage. A Union Between Two People In Genesis 2:24, we read: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and more

  • Dios Quiere Que Sueñes En Grande

    Contributed by Raquel Martinez on Sep 21, 2011
    based on 10 ratings

    No hay necesidad de conformarnos con poco, cuando tenemos un Dios todopoderoso.

    Dios quiere que sueñes en grande Isaias. 54:1-3 Introduccion: Las dificultades que sufrimos y las estrecheces por las cuales tenemos que pasar, pueden hacer que nos creamos que esa es nuestra suerte en la vida y que no tenemos mas remedio que conformarnos con lo que tenemos. Pero Dios quiere que more

  • Babylonian Curve Ball - God's Grand Slam

    Contributed by Kyle Blanton on May 3, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Discusses Daniel's Consistent Faithfullness to God and God's Faithfullness to Daniel.

    We are going to wrap up our Babylonian Curveball series this morning as we look at Daniel 6. We might say that the bases are loaded and God enters the game as pinch hitter and hits a grand slam. Let’s start reading at v. 1. 1 Darius decided to appoint 120 satraps over the kingdom, more

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