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  • No Gospel At All Series

    Contributed by Jim Heidebrecht on Jun 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon 2 in the Galatians series. We are justified by faith alone, in Christ alone, by the Grace of God alone.

    If I say the word “Gospel”, what do you think about? Or if I were to ask you “What is the Gospel?” What would you say? Do you think of: Finished work of Christ on the cross, His sacrificial and atoning death – the price paid for our sins His burial, His resurrection Do you think of Faith more

  • The Gospel: For All Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Sep 3, 2015

    Paul has expressed astonishment that churches of Galatia have turned from faith alone to faith plus law. He says what they have really done is moved from the true gospel to no gospel at all.

    Is the Gospel really for everybody? You have probably heard someone tell the humorous one liner; you can’t get there from here. That is what the Judaizers were telling the churches in Galatia about coming to Christ only they weren’t trying to be funny. There were a group of people more

  • The Gospel Is All That Matters Series

    Contributed by Kamal Weerakoon on May 24, 2003
    based on 174 ratings

    Why do we have so little impact on our world? Why are we so much like the world, and so un-like our heavenly Father? The second half of Philippians ch 1 challenges us to get our priorities right - the Gospel is all that matters!

    Introduction Imagine this. You’ve become a missionary. You’ve gone to a foreign country that hasn’t heard the Gospel. You try not to be a foreigner, you try and fit in with them. You take on their customs and habits. You wear their clothes, eat their food, learn their language. You love more

  • Preach The Gospel To All

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Apr 29, 2019

    We are all called to a task in the Kingdom of God. Do your task and complete it

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: *PREACH THE GOSPEL TO ALL* Romans 15:17-22 King James Version (KJV) 17 I have therefore whereof I may glory through Jesus Christ in those things which pertain to God. 18 For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which more

  • Give The Gospel To All!

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Apr 11, 2024

    If Jesus gave the gospel commission to Tell it, the Apostles were commanded to Give It to anyone who would receive it.

    -Into Our Hands!- GIVE IT! Acts 3:1-11 Note, I also have a previous and different sermon on this text from a few years ago here: Introduction We spent the first three months of this year making more

  • The Gospel Is For All People Groups Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Nov 7, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Acts 10:1-11:18 shows us that the gospel is intended for all people groups.

    Introduction According to the Joshua Project, there are 17,259 people groups in the world today (see The Joshua Project defines a people group as follows: A significantly large group of individuals who perceive themselves to have a common affinity for one another more

  • The Pentecost Effect – The Gospel Is For All

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jun 25, 2024

    Now the movement spreads into the Gentile arena. Did Jesus really mean take the gospel to the ends of the earth? Is it really for everybody? Including the porkchop eating, uncircumcised Gentiles? The invading Romans? Everybody? All means all.

    Sermon -The Pentecost Effect – The Gospel is For All Scripture - Acts 11:1-18 “Soon the news reached the apostles and other believers in Judea that the Gentiles had received the word of God. But when Peter arrived back in Jerusalem, the Jewish believers criticized him. “You entered the home of more

  • The Gospel

    Contributed by Dr. Ronnie Grizzle on Jun 15, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Presents the gospel message as good news today for America and that the gospel is for ALL.

    The Gospel Acts 10:34-44 September 14, 2003 Parkersburg Baptist Church In America today the good news of the Gospel has become sad news—let me give you some examples: Only 13% of Americans believe in the Ten Commandments. There are only 12 churches in the US for every 10,000 Americans. The more

  • Making The Gospel My Gospel Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Nov 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Unless the gospel is my gospel it is really no gospel at all.

    Unless the gospel is my gospel it is really no gospel at all That is the theme of the passage from Romans that we’ll be studying together this morning. So obviously the question that all of us must answer as we’re confronted with that truth is whether or not the gospel is personally more

  • The Universal Gospel

    Contributed by Larry Finley on Sep 15, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    While the Gospel is for all men it will not be Received by all men.

    THE UNIVERSAL GOSPEL 9/14/08 Romans 5:12-21 1. TEACHES A UNIVERSAL GUILT A. Reason 1. Disobedience of One Man – Adam a. sinner by nature b. born spiritually dead c. Genesis 2:16-17 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: 17 more

  • What's This Gospel Talk All About?

    Contributed by Joshua Hamilton on Sep 12, 2001
    based on 49 ratings

    A simple guide to the Gospel.

    What’s This Gospel Talk All About? 1. I Corinthians 15:1-4 2. Introduction: Have you ever been around a know it all? You know someone that thinks they know everything, but everything that comes out of their mouth makes no sense. Christa thinks that she is married to one of those annoying know more

  • The Gospel Is For All (Church Expansion In Antioch) Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on May 26, 2023

    This text shows what can happen when believers follow the Holy Spirit, recognizes the value in all people, and use their gifts, strength and influence to carry out God’s plan. The Gospel is for whosoever will believe!

    Sermon: The Gospel is For All (Church Expansion In Antioch) Scripture: Acts 11:19-30 “Meanwhile, the believers who had been scattered during the persecution after Stephen’s death traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch of Syria. They preached the word of God, but only to Jews. 20 However, more

  • 66 Gospels | Genesis Series

    Contributed by Michael Monica on Dec 18, 2015

    The Gospel in all of Scripture.

    66 Gospels | Genesis Genesis 3:1-21 Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees more

  • Getting Life Right: Romans 10:1-17

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Jul 30, 2020

    Righteousness: Right STANDING, Right RELATIONSHIP, Right BEHAVIOR, through Christ. Not by birth, religion, goodness. Evangelistic (Romans 10:9-10) and missional focus.

    GETTING LIFE RIGHT—Romans 10:1-17 When I say the word “righteousness,” what pops into your head? Is it an image of a self-righteous person, who delights in being better than everyone else? Do you get defensive, because you know you’re not perfectly righteous? Do you have a more

  • The Goal Of The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The goal of the gospel is that all nations might believe and obey Him.

    The Goal of the Gospel Romans 16:17-27 Rev. Brian Bill 4/17/11 I asked Dave Schappaugh to do some research for me this week. I was looking for some examples of false teaching found on the Internet and in other places. Here’s some of what he found. See if you can spot the more

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