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  • A Good Listener

    Contributed by Sunitha Justin on Sep 27, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    We live in a world where we have more ‘speak-ers’ than ‘listen-ers’. Everyone wants to be heard. Give opinions. Suggest an idea. Give counsel. Make recommendations. But no one wants to listen.

    We live in a world where we have more ‘speak-ers’ than ‘listen-ers’. Everyone wants to be heard. Give opinions. Suggest an idea. Give counsel. Make recommendations. But no one wants to listen. How many times you’ve desperately wanted to blurt your heart out to someone, but there was no willing more

  • Listen To The Lord!

    Contributed by Jonathan Kruschel on Aug 28, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Are you a good listener? Not listening many times means you’re going to miss something important. How about listening to the Lord? Are you a good listener? Samuel is a good example for us to follow when it comes to listening to the Lord. How does the Lord speak to us? Why should we listen?

    Are you a good listener? Maybe instead of asking you, I should ask your spouse, or your children, or your parents. Are you a good listener? There are certainly some people that are better listeners than others and you’ve probably experienced that in your life. A person who is a sympathetic ear, more

  • A Good Evangelist Always Listens Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 16, 2023

    He was convinced of the truth of the Gospel, and felt alright recruiting people to Christ despite what he did not know about His teaching.

    Saturday of the 6th Week in Easter 2023 There are Christians who sincerely believe that the early Church existed only in local congregations who typically met in the homes of members. In other words, that shortly after Jesus returned to the right hand of the Father, after He had told His apostles more

  • Good Learning Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Jul 13, 2012

    Those who succeed, i.e. succeed in living life wisely, are those who have learned to listen well under all manner of instruction – pleasant instruction and that not so pleasing.

    Introduction When I became the principal of a small high school, I thought about the question of what links the different academic classes together? What common discipline is being taught in English, Science, History, and Mathematics? Besides covering very different fields of knowledge, they more

  • Shaping The Family Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Mar 15, 2024

    The Lord very clearly gives us directions for shaping our family

    Relationship series #2 Shaping the Family Good morning everyone, glad to have you join us as we continue in our series “Relationships” Really the Bible is far from silent on how we connect and the plan God has laid out for us being in a relationship and how we connect not only to others but also more

  • Hearing But Not Listening

    Contributed by Leo Launio on Oct 15, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    Good communication is important not only between a husband and a wife, parents and children, but most of all, between us and God.

    October 12, 2002 I. Introduction: A. Review of some Biblical principles on friendship 1. Friendly 2. Frank 3. Forgiving 4. Faithful B. Tonight’s topic is entitled “Hearing But Not Listening." 1. Focuses on one of the most important elements of friendship—communication 2. This is not just talking more

  • Listen And Follow

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Apr 25, 2012

    What does it mean to listen to and follow the voice of the Good Shepherd?

    Thursday chapel PASTORS DAY John 10: "My sheep listen to my voice. I know them, and they follow me." Do you remember that image you saw on Monday, of all of those sheep following behind the shepherd? The shepherd would make a noise, and the sheep would recognize that noise, and they would follow more

  • Look And Listen Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jun 29, 2017

    If you’re going to pass the tests of life and come out on the other side of your trials a better person, look to the God who is always good, and listen to Him.

    We all know that duct tape and bailing wire will fix almost anything. Well, not quite. A man in Alaska less than a month ago (June 8, 2017) attempted to cross a channel near Juneau on a homemade, inflatable raft made with duct tape. He put the raft into the water with a paddle and his dog, but no more

  • Jesus And Peter! Series

    Contributed by Larry Vollink on Feb 26, 2021

    How can a man like Peter be changed completely turned around for the good? Listen!

    What a life-changing friendship between Jesus and Peter! He was the son of Jonas, and the brother to Andrew and made fishing his career. They named him Simon, just like a lot of other people with the same name. When his life begins in the gospels, he and Anfrew are listening to the preaching of more

  • The Good Shepherd Series

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Aug 18, 2024

    Jesus said 'I am the Good Shepherd.' This is one of Jesus' most famous descriptions of himself. It gives us a lot of encouragement. But there are some things he calls us to do: follow, listen and flee.

    INTRODUCTION A couple of weeks ago, we started a new series for the afternoon services, looking at WHO JESUS IS. In the Bible, God the Father and Jesus have many titles and descriptions. They tell us something about God the Father or Jesus. When Jesus was crucified, Pilate had a notice prepared more

  • Good For Us To Be Here

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Feb 6, 2013

    Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday, Year C 2013

    Luke 9: 28 – 36 Good For Us To Be Here Intro: Back in the 80’s there was a toy that was really popular with boys and girls alike. Transformers. They were the most fascinating toys, even for adults. In 2007 the first of the Transformer movies was released. In 2009 another, more

  • Show And Listen Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on May 18, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    When we put together the word meaning ‘good news,’ AND the commandment of the Lord Jesus to ‘go and tell,’ how do we end up feeling like this work is something to be avoided?

    Show and Listen (credit to Len Sweet, whose published work helped this pastor immensely in the preparation of this sermon!) Evangelism - # 1 “Hello.” “Hello, may I speak with Jerry Scott?” “This is Jerry.” “Hello, Jerry. Bank of New York has selected you for a no fee.....” “I don’t more

  • Learning To Listen Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 22, 2021

    Listening to God's Word brings us into the kingdom, and it is by listening to it that we grow and become sanctified. That is why Jesus says to the churches in Revelation over and over, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit has to say to the churches."

    Benjamin Franklin decided to take stock of him self one New Years, and try to figure out why he seemed to alienate people, and why he lost friends so easily. He discovered that one of his major flaws was that he was not willing to listen to others. He had all of the answers and was arrogant. more

  • Good Reception

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Sep 21, 2023

    How focused are you on listening for Jesus' voice amidst the clamor of the world?

    Have any of you ever watched Joan of Arcadia? For those of you who aren’t familiar with the show, it was about a teenage girl who talks to God. Joan never knows when he is going to appear. He can show up looking like a substitute teacher or a garbage man or a cheerleader or a toddler at a day care more

  • Wisdom Is Calling. Are We Listening? Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Mar 6, 2015
    based on 68 ratings

    Our text reveals much about wisdom; what it is and from where it comes. 1- Wisdom calls from along life’s way 2- Wisdom speaks trustworthy things 3- Wisdom fears the Lord 4- Wisdom produces good fruit

    INTRO.- Normally we think that wisdom comes with age, but not always. Sometimes it comes from the mouths of children. · Patrick, age 10, said, “Never trust a dog to watch your food.” · Michael, 14, said, “When your dad is mad and asks you, "Do I look stupid?" don’t answer more