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  • The Sin Offering (Leviticus 4)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Sep 26, 2024

    What does the sin offering foreshadow about Jesus? Let's look at Leviticus 4.

    What kinds of sin do we all commit that are unintentional? Why is the sacrifice for a priest and the whole congregation’s sins greater than a community leader and an individual common person’s sins? Why are these last two offerings mandatory and not voluntary like the first three? Let’s begin with more

  • The Grain Offering (Leviticus 2)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Sep 24, 2024

    Do the various ingredients of the grain offering picture different aspects of Jesus' sacrifice? Let's look at Leviticus 2.

    Is the grain or meal offering somehow related to communion? Could unleavened bread symbolize our sinless Savior? What could the oil and frankincense picture? Let's look at Leviticus 2. Could the grain-offering be burnt? Because the Levites had no inheritance in the land, and did not grow their more

  • Lord Of Second Chances

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Sep 9, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Throughout the Bible, God offers person after person a second chance. He’s offering you a second chance. Use it faithfully.

    As people came into the sanctuary they were asked to take a stone from pails of stones. Immediately following the sermon, they were invited to come forward to place the stone representing their sin at the foot of the cross. I also took 8-1/2 by 11 sheets with a name for each Biblical person, taped more

  • Jesus Offers Real Rest

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jul 29, 2012

    Jesus Offers Real Rest 1) To hardworking disciples; 2) To clueless crowds

    A favorite topic of conversation at this time of year is vacation plans. I think I can tell you what most of my friends from the gym are doing for their summer holidays. One is going to Hawaii. Another ran a mountain race over the Crow’s Nest Pass. Another drove twenty plus hours to the B.C. more

  • #52 Scribes And The Widow’s Offering

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Oct 4, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Which are you more like: the scribes or the widow who gave God her last two coins?

    #52 Scribes and the Widow’s Offering Series: Mark Chuck Sligh August 29, 2021 TEXT: Mark 12:38-44 – "And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces, 39 And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the more

  • How God Turns Our Offering Into A Supernatural Blessing- Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Kiruba Stephen on Mar 28, 2022

    How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing

    Welcome to Part 3 of the message entitled 'How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing.' God can very well take anything He wants anytime. Isn’t that true? But, He comes to us as either directly, explicitly as He did with Abraham, or through the Holy Spirit working more

  • "dear God, Please Give Me..."

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jul 31, 2023

    If God offered to give you whatever you wanted, what would you ask for? Solomon teaches us how to ask for true riches.

    I found a website that published letters children addressed to God. As you can imagine, the letters are quite humorous. One girl wrote: “Dear God. Are you really invisible or it that just a trick?” Another child observed: “Dear God, I bet it is very hard for you to love all of everybody in the more

  • Christ Offering Of Himself To The World And Us!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on May 1, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Christ Offering of Himself To the World and Us! We want to look at 7 offerings of Himself to the world that God so loves. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but hav

    Christ Offering of Himself To the World and Us! We want to look at 7 offerings of Himself to the world that God so loves. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Billy Sunday once more

  • Peace

    Contributed by Gerry Pratt on Mar 9, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    Many seek peace from areas that cannot provide it and ignore the peace which God offers.

    Psalm 85:8 - 8 I listen carefully to what God the LORD is saying, for he speaks peace to his people, his faithful ones. But let them not return to their foolish ways. John 14:27 - 27“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world more

  • For His Abundance, We Offer Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Nov 14, 2006
    based on 28 ratings

    A thanksgiving sermon that focuses on the many blessings God has given to us, how we have received them, and about our getting it right.

    We come together in the house of the Lord this morning to offer praise to our God. But to praise Him properly, we must be willing to sacrifice something very near and dear to us. What would that be? I think the one thing that would be a proper sacrifice for Him this morning, is if we would more

  • " The Peace Christ Offers Through The Resurrection"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Apr 9, 2015

    The resurrection give peace to the believer, between God and disciples, brings peace between all, brings peace to our souls, and brings peace to the world.

    John 20:19-23 Peace Christ offers us through the Resurrection • Take note Jesus uses the words peace be with you twice . On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and more

  • More Offering Instructions (Leviticus 7)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 2, 2024

    What can we learn about the various offerings and how they apply to Jesus? Let's look at Leviticus 7.

    Are there more instructions expanding the various offerings? Is a fuller understanding often found in various passages scattered throughout the Bible? Let’s look at Leviticus 7. Guilt Offering What are further priestly instructions about the trespass, reparation or guilt offering? Likewise this more

  • The Greatest Wonder Of The World

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Jan 24, 2015

    As a young boy, growing up one of the first verses in the Bible that I memorized was one of the most recognizable verses in the Bible John 3:16 and most quoted verse.

    The Greatest Wonder of the World John 3:16 Monte T. Brown July 8, 2012 Sunday Morning Stapp Zoe Baptist Prelude As a young boy, growing up one of the first verses in the Bible that I memorized was one of the most recognizable verses in the Bible John 3:16 and most quoted more

  • How God Turns Our Offering Into A Supernatural Blessing- Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Kiruba Stephen on Mar 28, 2022

    How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing.

    Praise the Lord. Here is the conclusion of ‘How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing.’ That is the point, which God will come and move us to see, there is something I can give unto the Lord. I thought I had given up everything. But there is something I can give as an more

  • The Rewards Of Giving To The Work Of God

    Contributed by Margaret Olubiyi on Sep 11, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Understanding the benefits of giving to God and the kingdom

    Nowhere does it show throughout biblical history that those who willingly and joyously served the Lord with their resources did not receive blessings from God. I do not recall reading such, and so I am confident they were all blessed. The people of God were rewarded one way or the other for being more

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