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Sermons on gods kingdom on earth:

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  • The Ever Rising Kingdom Of God (August 15, 2017).

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 14, 2020

    In Matthew 13:33, Jesus mentioned the transforming power that takes place as the Kingdom Of God expands likened to yeast that has been mixed with bread dough. This parable describes a mixture, a reaction and a result.

    THE EVER RISING KINGDOM OF GOD Text: Matthew 13:33 The first time that my mother ever tried to make homemade bread, she mixed some yeast with the dough. But what did not expect was the reaction that took place. My parents were getting ready to go downtown, after my mother had formed more

  • What On Earth Is The Kingdom Series

    Contributed by Simon Fullylove on Feb 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    An attempt to define what the kingdom of God is and is about!

    Introduction We’re looking at the message of Jesus, I don’t think we have really go Jesus sussed out. A Bucket of surprises p.91 – Joke. We’ve seen jesus came declaring God’s revolution has arrived, it’s time to change the way you’re living and believe it’s true. But it was a very different type more

  • Heaven On Earth

    Contributed by Pastor Renji George on Jun 1, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    If we are not identified to be a part of this spiritual Kingdom of God, we cannot enter the physical Kingdom of Heaven when we die. Our self-life is the main enemy of the life of Christ. The Bible calls this ‘flesh’.

    Mathew 11:12 “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force”. We notice through the scriptures, there are phrases like Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven. God says everyone doesn’t get into heaven but only the violent more

  • The Kingdom Of God Comes To Earth Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on May 30, 2015

    Eventually a literal kingdom is set up in the New Jerusalem. Christ's people literally reign over a literal planet with a literal King, Jesus. We stress "literal" because of so many who love to "spiritualize" texts.

    5 . THE KINGDOM COMES TO EARTH A. The day of the Lord! No less than fifteen Bible characters speak of a unique day that is to come at the end of this present age. All of their descriptions point to a time that has not begun as yet! They speak of an unrepeatable time, as exceptionally more

  • God's Glorious Kingdom On Earth Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jun 7, 2015

    Ask yourself these important questions: Am I currently a citizen of the Kingdom? Is my household ruled by love? Is grace the first thing I demonstrate to those around me by example? If the answer is no, we must reevaluate what we call "Lord".

    God’s Glorious Kingdom on Earth Grace Sermon Series, Part 2 Matthew 6:9-10 Introduction - The word translated "grace" in the New Testament comes from the Greek: -- It is the word “charis”, which means “favor, blessing, or kindness” - When grace is used in more

  • Last Day On Earth

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Mar 14, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    This sermon is about making each day count for something, because our days are numbered.

    LAST DAY ON EARTH Text: Revelation 21:1-6 I remember the days of writing term papers in school on the type writer. Yes, you could cut and paste, but you had to literally cut and paste. You had to use white out. You had to learn to try to make as few mistakes as possible when your correction more

  • Understanding The Kingdom

    Contributed by Chidi Ejeagba on Jan 23, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    Understanding the kingdom of God is our key to representing it. you cannot represent a kingdom you do not understand.

    If you asked me the question “What is the Kingdom of God and what does it mean to be a kingdom person?” I probably would have answered, “Well, I guess that it’s where we all go as Christians when we die – it’s heaven.” And I think that a lot of Christians still think that way. We really don’t know more

  • On Earth As It Is In Heaven

    Contributed by Darryl Ward on May 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about the realisation of God's kingdom.

    A short novel I would recommend to anyone who is interested in pondering the mysteries of theology and spirituality is Flatland by Edwin A. Abbot, an English schoolteacher, theologian, and priest, which was first published in 1884. Flatland is set in a two-dimensional universe, where everyone and more

  • Heaven & Earth 1: In The Beginning Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Jan 7, 2008

    The first sermon in a series on "bringing heaven, (God’s rule, the Kingdom of God) on earth". Adam and Eve, humankind, were placed on this earth with a missional purpose right from the start.

    Heaven & Earth 1- "In the beginning" 1 "In the beginning" 1.1 Adam & Eve had commission right from the start 1.2 Perfect world when humans placed? yes- "it was v good!" Gen 1 hints Gen 1 ’darkness’ ’the deep’ chaos. Ps 29. Leviathan Is 27:1 1:28 "fill & subdue" clear in Gen 2, 3 serpent Eden is more

  • Christ Returns To Earth Series

    Contributed by Bill Burress on Oct 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    When Christ returns to take control

    “Christ Returns To Earth” Acts 1:6-11 Ever since that day people have been discussing the Second Coming, the day in which Jesus once again sets foot on the earth. And notice how Jesus left; bodily, physically, and visibly. In the 14th chapter of Zechariah the prophet more

  • Heaven On Earth Series

    Contributed by Colin Mcgeer on May 5, 2023

    Your Kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Heaven is my throne. earth is my footstool. God will be seen on earth through man. Earth one with heaven, where Jesus is Lord of all men.

    Years ago, a friend of mine told us about the Sitar, a very popular Indian musical instrument. Although it can have up to 21 strings, the sitar player only plays one set of strings. The “playable” set has five to seven played strings. The other set contains about 13 to 15 sympathetic strings of more

  • Heaven On Earth Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on May 16, 2011

    The early converts created a community of faith that reflected what they believed was life in the kingdom of God.

    Acts 2:42-47 “Heaven on Earth” INTRODUCTION Psalm 23 is the most well known and one of the most comforting Psalms. Countless people have found comfort, strength and hope in its verses. During times of grief and struggle individuals imagine the Lord making them rest in green more

  • The Kingdom Of God And The Kingdom Of Heaven

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Mar 16, 2013

    Although God took Adam to Eden which was heaven on earth, he was placed there for training so that he could fulfill his earthly prophetic purpose. God told Adam that the whole earth was his to control. But Adam was not ready for this mandate. God walked w

    The Kingdom Of God And The Kingdom Of Heaven Adam’s purpose God spoke prophetically over Adam and explained his purpose which included man’s purpose for the earth. Genesis 1:28 - Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; more

  • Kingdom Representatives

    Contributed by Chidi Ejeagba on Feb 2, 2021

    You need to go back to your local territory and be an ambassador of your kingdom, in your home, office, community, school, any where you find your self and you need to influence that area with your kingdom's will and purposes.

    Today there are over 1.8 billion people on earth, different languages, different colors, different cultures but all of them are made in Gods Image. And God made each human being for the express purpose of revealing his nature in the earth. He is very clear about how he created them. One of the more

  • When Will The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth Be Established?

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Dec 13, 2022

    When will the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth be Established?

    When will the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth be Established? Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz Mark 8:1-10 Mark 8:1 In those days, when there was again a large crowd and they had nothing to eat, Jesus called His disciples and said to them, 2 “I feel compassion for the people because they have remained more