Sermon Series
  • 1. The Kingdom Of God, Introduction And Old Testament View Of The Kingdom

    Contributed on May 26, 2015

    We begin a survey of the Bible searching for the Kingdom of God. First, background is laid in the Old Testament.

    1 . LAYING THE GROUNDWORK A. Why such a study? Psalm 45:1 is my verse now: "My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King (and His Kingdom); my tongue is the pen of a ready writer!" When was the last time you prayed “Thy kingdom come”? What more

  • 2. The Kingdom Of God: Messiah

    Contributed on May 27, 2015

    In Jesus the fullness of the Kingdom of God is realized. A study of Kingdom ideas in the four Gospels.

    3. THE MESSIAH: THE KINGDOM IS HERE A. The Kingdom is at hand Gabriel’s message to Mary (Matthew 1:33) in the first chapter of the New Testament, is that the Kingdom of Her Son will know no end! The first words recorded of John the Baptist, only two chapters later: “Repent, the more

  • 3. The Kingdom Of God, And The Church

    Contributed on May 29, 2015

    What's the connection between church and Kingdom? The New Testament is explicit.

    4. THE CHURCH: OPENING THE DOORS TO THE KINGDOM A. Acts. What the Church said and did(2:30).The very first Christian sermon, by the Spirit of God, points to the kingdom, as Peter declares that Psalm 16 is a clear reference to the reign of Jesus on the throne of David! Already, says Peter, His more

  • 4. The Kingdom Of God Comes To Earth

    Contributed on May 30, 2015

    Eventually a literal kingdom is set up in the New Jerusalem. Christ's people literally reign over a literal planet with a literal King, Jesus. We stress "literal" because of so many who love to "spiritualize" texts.

    5 . THE KINGDOM COMES TO EARTH A. The day of the Lord! No less than fifteen Bible characters speak of a unique day that is to come at the end of this present age. All of their descriptions point to a time that has not begun as yet! They speak of an unrepeatable time, as exceptionally more