The Kingdom Of God
Contributed by Bob Faulkner on May 26, 2015 (message contributor)
1. The Kingdom Of God, Introduction And Old Testament View Of The Kingdom
Contributed on May 26, 2015
We begin a survey of the Bible searching for the Kingdom of God. First, background is laid in the Old Testament.
1 . LAYING THE GROUNDWORK A. Why such a study? Psalm 45:1 is my verse now: "My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King (and His Kingdom); my tongue is the pen of a ready writer!" When was the last time you prayed “Thy kingdom come”? What ...read more
2. The Kingdom Of God: Messiah
Contributed on May 27, 2015
In Jesus the fullness of the Kingdom of God is realized. A study of Kingdom ideas in the four Gospels.
3. THE MESSIAH: THE KINGDOM IS HERE A. The Kingdom is at hand Gabriel’s message to Mary (Matthew 1:33) in the first chapter of the New Testament, is that the Kingdom of Her Son will know no end! The first words recorded of John the Baptist, only two chapters later: “Repent, the ...read more
3. The Kingdom Of God, And The Church
Contributed on May 29, 2015
What's the connection between church and Kingdom? The New Testament is explicit.
4. THE CHURCH: OPENING THE DOORS TO THE KINGDOM A. Acts. What the Church said and did(2:30).The very first Christian sermon, by the Spirit of God, points to the kingdom, as Peter declares that Psalm 16 is a clear reference to the reign of Jesus on the throne of David! Already, says Peter, His ...read more
4. The Kingdom Of God Comes To Earth
Contributed on May 30, 2015
Eventually a literal kingdom is set up in the New Jerusalem. Christ's people literally reign over a literal planet with a literal King, Jesus. We stress "literal" because of so many who love to "spiritualize" texts.
5 . THE KINGDOM COMES TO EARTH A. The day of the Lord! No less than fifteen Bible characters speak of a unique day that is to come at the end of this present age. All of their descriptions point to a time that has not begun as yet! They speak of an unrepeatable time, as exceptionally ...read more