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Sermons on gods divine presence:

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  • Dealing With Divine Disappointment

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on May 6, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    I’d like to give a few perspectives that will help us deal with divine disappointment. When we are less than thrilled about how or when God is working (or seemingly not working), what are we to think and do? Let’s take a look.

    Dealing with Divine Disappointment Luke 7:18-23 18 Then the disciples of John reported to him concerning all these things. 19 And John, calling two of his disciples to him, sent them to Jesus, saying, "Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?" 20 When the men had come to Him, they more

  • Face To Face With Divine Generosity Series

    Contributed by Larry Thompson on Mar 19, 2015

    The greatest defining moment in life is when you make a commitment to receive the gift of eternal life.

    DEFINING MOMENTS – PART FIVE FACE TO FACE WITH DIVINE GENEROSITY JOHN 3:16-18 (PAGE 752 - DR. LARRY L. THOMPSON (2015) Introduction: Today we are focusing on the most important defining moment in life; when you, as a person created by God, understand the amazing, sacrificial generosity of more

  • The Divine Foundation For Human Existence Series

    Contributed by Harold Jenkerson on Feb 20, 2016

    The trinitarian nature of the triune God is the pattern for the creation of the individual. This triunitarian nature is the foundation for developing a systematic theology and psychology of the individual, especially the believer.

    The Divine Foundation for Human Existence Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-14 Theme: The foundation of the Christian life. Focus: The triune God as revealed in the passage. Point: Knowing the role of the ministries of the triune God enables more

  • The Gospel Message And Motivation Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Mar 6, 2014

    Open Doors The Gospel Message and Motivation

    Open Doors The Gospel Message and Motivation Acts 18:5-11 November 10, 2013 We started this series in Colossians, where Paul tells us to walk in wisdom toward those who do not know Christ by making the best use of our time. So Paul asked the Colossian church to pray that God would open a door to more

  • God Is Not Far Away.

    Contributed by Derrick Thompson, Sr. on Oct 28, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    God is not far away, He is nearer than you think, just reach out and touch Him as He passes by. He is never too busy to hear you when you call, so just call out to Him, He is ready to help you.

    First Church of God in Harvey Sunday Morning – February 19th, 2012 Let us pray Welcome…… Today is the third Sunday of Black History Month, and I believe we all can say we have been blessed. Have you been blessed? Has God been good to you? Can you praise God despite how more

  • God Promises To Be With Us Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Jun 26, 2014

    The Incarnation Tells Us: God Promises to be With Us

    The Incarnation Tells Us: God Promises to be With Us Matthew 1:18-25 We are in the third week of a four week series on the “What the incarnation tells us.” The first week we saw that the incarnation tells us that God is on a mission: God is radically committed to winning people to more

  • "God's Rescue Plan"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Apr 20, 2013

    A sermon about being part of God's salvation.

    "The Great Rescue" Revelation 7:9-17 As everyone knows, Monday afternoon we had another tragedy as bombs went off at the Boston Marathon. Among those killed was a little 8 year old boy. Other folks lost limbs, and were seriously injured. They will have to learn to live with the results of more

  • Experiencing God In Revival

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Sep 27, 2022

    We need revival and it has to begin in the house of the Lord with God's people.

    Experiencing God in revival 2 Chronicles 15 Introduction- Good morning everyone- Glad that you have joined us. If you have your Bible or Bible app please turn to 2 Chronicles 15 and we will read the text in just a moment. I try to be careful how I use words because I have been known to more

  • Where Is The God Of Elijah? Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jan 15, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Elijah is gone, God remains. Don't look for Elijah, look for the God of Elijah. God's presence and His power remains. Can God count on us to continue His work and proclaim His Word?

    2 Kings 2:1-25 WHERE IS THE GOD OF ELIJAH What happens when the prophet of God leaves? • When Israel has been hearing the Word of God from this prophet, and seeing many miraculous deeds of God performed through him? • What happens when he leaves? This is the question this chapter raises, and more

  • A Reminder To The People Of God PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 2, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages embracing life's challenges as opportunities to deepen our faith and reliance on God, who promises to be with us in all circumstances.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. I am so grateful that you are here today, that you have chosen to gather in this holy place and to be in fellowship with one another. We are united in our shared faith, bound by the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it is in His name that we come together more

  • A Lesson In Divine Providence Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Jul 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The early church was on fire for God, but it did have its share of problems and opposition. It was how they handled those problems that made them attractive to a lost and dying world.

    A Lesson in Divine Providence Acts 5:12-42 Introduction There was never a dull moment around First Church of Jerusalem! Pentecost came in a blaze of glory. Healings occurred around the city. There were lessons on hypocrisy. The wave of power was building within the Church to a great more

  • The Family Is Divine In Origin. Series

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on May 2, 2013
    based on 14 ratings

    For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let no man separate.” (Matthew 19:1-6).

    The Bible teaches that the institution of family is of divine origin and purpose. It also provides guidelines for good relations within the family. A commitment to the divine principles provides today’s best hope for the recovery of family life. Marriage is a divine institution, ordained and more

  • The Holy Spirit: God’s Presence In Us Every Day Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Dec 4, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    Many of us might feel that the Holy Spirit is the least understood person of the Trinity. We know about God the Father and God the Son, but God the Holy Spirit can seem mysterious. Yet, the Holy Spirit is vital to our daily walk with God. He is our Advocate, Comforter, and Guide.

    The Holy Spirit: God’s Presence in Us Every Day Theme: The Holy Spirit is God Himself, living in and empowering believers to experience and reflect His presence daily. Key Verse: John 14:16-17 – “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the more

  • The Divine Call To Holiness

    Contributed by Frederick Baker Ii on Feb 16, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    An other sermon on Holiness. God has been helping me preach about this subject for the last few weeks. The outline comes from Rev. Fred J. Hawk

    “The Divine Call To Holiness” Text: I Thessalonians 4:7 “For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.” Introduction: The Lord calls the sinners to repentance,saints to the marriage feast, the lost to judgment, and the believer to holiness. The Lord in His mercy sought out our more

  • The Humanity And Divinity Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Dec 16, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever wondered why God chose to send Jesus to the earth the way He did? His humanity and divinity have been misunderstood and debated for centuries.

    The Humanity and Divinity of Christ December 20, 2020 • Have you ever wondered why God chose to send Jesus to the earth the way He did? • His humanity and divinity have been misunderstood and debated for centuries. His humanity was only an illusion. Jesus was part God and part human. Jesus was more

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