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  • Bildad’s Answer - Get Back In Line Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jul 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Bildad believes that the way to respond to difficulties is to recognise that we have stepped out of line and that God is getting us as a result. Bildad’s answer is that we get back in line. What does the Scripture say?

    You can listen to the full message here:- Message Job 3:1-25:6 “The Answer of Bildad:- Get Back In Line” When it comes to crowd control and keeping people in line there are many different theories on how to achieve more

  • Delayed, Yet Definite

    Contributed by Richard Deem on Jul 3, 2008
    based on 26 ratings

    Have you ever had to pray and wait? I suppose this is one of life’s most difficult tasks

    TEXT: Daniel 10:10-13, 18 (Read later) INTRO: Have you ever had to pray and wait? I suppose this is one of life’s most difficult tasks. You see, we live in an "instant society". We have: Instant Cameras; Instant Potatoes; Instant Credit We come QUICKLY to the drive up window, wanting QUICK more

  • Part 2 -- Finding Our Way To The Watchtower Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Nov 2, 2009

    Last week we were introduced to the prophet Habakkuk and his first of two questions for God regarding the state of Judah. From this we developed some simple truth. First, God is in control. Second, Just because God has not answered, does not mean He ha

    FINDING OUR WAY TO THE WATCHTOWER HABAKKUK 1:12-2:1 Habakkuk 1:12-2:1 O Lord, are you not from everlasting? My God, my Holy One, we will not die. O Lord, you have appointed them to execute judgment; O Rock, you have ordained them to punish. 13 Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot more

  • How Do I Wait On The Lord

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Apr 14, 2009
    based on 45 ratings

    I am going to give you some understanding and help in our struggle to wait upon the Lord.

    How Do I Wait on the Lord Wed. Night March 25th 2009 Psalm 37:7 Introduction How do you feel about having to wait? If you are like me, you don’t like to wait. I don’t enjoy standing in long lines at Wal Mart. If you have ever been to an amusement park in the summer time? Talk about having to more

  • Ten Biblical Promises To Claim For Powerful Prayer

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Nov 5, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Many Christians don't know specific verses to claim in their prayers. Here are ten good ones.

    WHY IS HAVING A VERSE IMPORTANT? Having a Bible promise helps move us from wishing to confidence. - Romans 4:21; Romans 8:31-32; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Hebrews 4:16. TEN BIBLICAL PROMISES TO CLAIM FOR POWERFUL PRAYER: 1. God will fulfill His promises. - 2 Corinthians 1:20. 2. I can trust God more

  • Giving Thanks To The Father

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jun 30, 2013

    To show that we need to be thankful for all we have and all we are, because it all came from GOD.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you give thanks to GOD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that we need to be thankful for all we have and all we are, because it all came from GOD. IV. TEXT: Colossians 1:12 (Amplified Bible) Giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified and made us more

  • Sour Grapes...or Not?

    Contributed by Neal Gracey on Aug 15, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    God will answer, one way or the other! Repent.

    Happy "Repentance" Saturday, Everyone! Wow, my title this morning gets right to the point, don't you think? Ezekiel chapter 18 doesn't pull any punches when it comes to sin. The word of the Lord came to Ezekiel with a huge laundry list of transgressions that people commit. Having false idols, more

  • Jabez Asked, "Jabez Got What He Asked For"

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Jun 7, 2012
    based on 39 ratings

    Jabez’s name stood out from all the rest, why? He wasn’t a great preacher, like Billy Graham, He wasn’t known for his wisdom like Solomon. He was not a famous warrior on the battlefield like David. He was a different kind of warrior! He was

    Jabez asked, "Jabez got what he asked for" 1st Chronicles 4:9-10 MSG. 9. Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.”  10. And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me more

  • Surprise! Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Mar 23, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    If you’ve lost all hope, trust Jesus with your life, and don’t be surprised by His delays, His devotion, and His deliverance when it finally does come. It will be far greater than anything you’ve ever asked for: a resurrection instead of a healing.

    John Ortberg, pastor of the Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in California, talks about a friend of his, who used to work as a denominational official in Minnesota. One of his jobs was to travel to little rural communities where they didn't have churches to do funerals. He would go out with a funeral more

  • The Lord Helped Him

    Contributed by Jerry Smith on May 21, 2012

    King Jehosphaphat cried out to God for help and the Lord answered him. We cry out to God in prayer and desire for the Lord to answer our prayers as well.

    I found another wonderful story of life changing prayer this morning. The story is found in two Old Testament passages – I Kings 22:32 and 2 Chronicles 18:31. It is interesting to me that the wording of both passages is almost the same which might indicate they used a common resource. What is more

  • Don't Wait To Long To Answer

    Contributed by Clint Shrum on Jun 16, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    The cost of waiting to long to answer the call of the Holy Spirit

    DON’T WAIT TO LONG TO ANSWER Solomon’s Song 5:1-8 Intro: In Solomon’s Song there are three major characters. Solomon, the Shulamite and the shepherd lover. Now in this encounter you have to pay close attention to the scriptures to realize the shepherd lover a mysterious type person. He more

  • Ask Until Your Joy Is Full

    Contributed by Bola Folakemi Praise on Mar 16, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    As sweet as these promises are, they do not come to pass at our own timing but according to God’s timing. God is not a God of “promise and fail.”

    TEXT: JOHN 16: 24 “Until now, you have asked nothing in my name. Ask and you will receive that your joy may be full.”(John 16:24). The scripture tells us that whatever we ask in the name of Jesus shall be given to us (John 14:14). Matthew 7: 7 also promised that we should ask and it shall be more

  • God's Promises...wisdom Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Oct 27, 2015

    God promises wisdom when we are seeking Him for answers.

    God Promises… Wisdom James 1:5 Introduction- Last week we started a series called God’s Promises. We looked at God’s faithfulness and then our faithfulness back to Him. God promises to be faithful, you can take that to the bank. He promises that you can trust Him to do the more

  • The A-B-C Steps To Get Your Prayers Answered By God

    Contributed by David Gualin on Apr 4, 2001
    based on 56 ratings

    Presents an easy to remember Biblical guidelines in praying through the exegesis of the Parable of the Persistent Widow in Luke 18:1-8

    THE A-B-C STEPS TO GET YOUR PRAYERS ANSWERED BY GOD What are the top three things you have been asking God to do for you? Think about that for a moment. What are the contents of your prayers? What are the things you wish God would just answer as soon as possible? Ponder for a minute. Ask more

  • What Will It Take To Sincerely Pray To God And Receive An Answer Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Dec 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This message focuses on how we choose to communicate with God.

    What Will It Take? What Will It Take For Me To Sincerely Pray To God & Receive An Answer? Scriptures: Psalm. 76:4; 51:2-4a; Colossians 1:9; 1 Corinthians 14:14; Luke 2:25-32 Introduction In my message last week I asked you “What will it take for us to give God thanks with a sincere more

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