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  • Without Love

    Contributed by Donald Carpenter on Jan 18, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    It is possible to be a soulwinner, a deep Christian, or a sacrificial giver, and yet miss out on the blessings of God because you lack the most important thing, love.

    Without Love I Corinthians 13:1-3 Preached Sunday, January 19, 2003 – AM Service Introduction: True agape love cannot be manufactured. It is the outward evidence of inward surrender to the convicting and leading of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. All too often we try to evaluate our more

  • The Gift Of God

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Feb 6, 2023

    We do not deserve any good thing from God, but He is a giver. Indeed, it is “by grace (we) have been saved through faith, and that not of (ourselves); it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."

    Alba 2-6-2023 THE GIFT OF GOD Ephesians 2:8-10 A tired stay-at-home mom opened the front door of her home to find the preacher from the church, who said, "I’m collecting donations for the new children’s home we’re building. Just asking you to give what you can." "Absolutely," more

  • Learning To Be A Cheerful Giver

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Nov 20, 2021

    This was a topical message on giving.

    Title: “Learning to Be A Cheerful Giver” Scripture: II Cor. 9:7 Type: Expository Where: GNBC 11-21-21 Intro: When I was in HS one of my best friend’s mother was driving their new car. A warning light came on the dash board: CHECK ENGINE. Now my friend’s mother was a brilliant woman. Professor more

  • Living As Life-Givers Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Mar 26, 2014

    Who we are meant to be as shown by the book of Ephesians.

    Living As Life-Givers Series: Becoming Who We Are (Engaging Ephesians) Brad Bailey - February 23, 2014 Intro Many of us have been watching the Olympics. Along with the remarkable skills... there have bee some special moments that transcend the competition. • First Winter Olympic athlete more

  • How To Be A Grace-Giver

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Dec 27, 2011

    Using texts from 1 Corintians 3:1-6, and 2 Corinthians 9:8-11, this message contrasts graceless behavior with that of a "Grace-giver."

    How to be a Grace-Giver 1 Cor.3:1-6, 2 Cor. 9:8-11 Intro: “Grace moments”, if we think hard enough we can remember some of them. These are the times when we either received grace from some gracious person, known or unknown, or times when we extended grace to others. I remember a more

  • The Heart Of A Cheerful Giver Series

    Contributed by Jay Tigner on Nov 14, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Examining the heart of a cheerful giver

    A CHEERFUL GIVER. Our theme verse for this series is 2 CORINTHIANS 9:7 which says that God loves [delights in and is honored by] a cheerful giver. Therefore this series is not only to learn what God’s Word teaches us about what to give but in how to give as well. My prayer is that as more

  • Being A Grace Giver Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Nov 15, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    Verses 25-29 give practical examples of our duties in the new life.

    Introduction Last week we considered what Scripture has to say about our dress code. We are to put off the old self which belongs to our former manner of life; we are to be renewed in the spirit of our minds; and we are to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true more

  • Reminders To Christian Givers

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 6, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    The New Testament does not teach Tithing! If you are a tither, you are following the teachings of the Old Testament.

    REMINDERS TO CHRISTIAN GIVERS 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 INTRO: The New Testament does not teach Tithing! If you are a tither, you are following the teachings of the Old Testament. If you are not tithing, you are not even up to the standards of the Jews. As Christians we are not commanded to tithe! READ more

  • The Giver And The Gifts (Thanksgiving)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 22, 2022

    Life is filled with many decisions. Some of these decisions are difficult to make. Some of these are small decisions and some are large, but every day we make many decisions.

    Illus: A group of friends went deer hunting and paired off in twos for the day. That night, one of the hunters returned alone, staggering under the weight of an eight-point buck. • Immediately someone said, "Where's Fred?" • The very tired hunter said, "Well, Fred had a stroke more

  • Be A Messenger And Giver Of Hope! Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Aug 1, 2015

    Mark sets the scene of Jesus in a strange place, in a strange situation with a couple of strange outcomes. The result is that Jesus shows he is open to all people.

    Hope found in Jesus. Ever been the stranger in a situation, maybe the people you are visiting know you are coming, but still you are the stranger. Maybe there’s something you want, maybe there’s something you’re expected to provide. There could be uncertainty, there could be a more

  • Jesus Is The Life Giver Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Nov 28, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Today, we will explore the biblical truth of Jesus as the Life-Giver and how this truth can transform our lives.

    John 10:10, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." In a world filled with darkness, despair, and death, Jesus Christ stands out as the Life-Giver. He is the one who brings light, hope, and eternal life to all more

  • Death To The Life Giver Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 17, 2014

    Jesus raises Lazarus - part 2

    Death to the Life Giver Remember how Mary and Martha greeted Jesus - “Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Isn't that how we view things. If God was on the ball, really in charge, if He had things under control, “If God was really paying attention - then more

  • Regularly Remember The Rest-Giver

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Jun 19, 2003
    based on 58 ratings

    Coming to hear God’s Word brings us joy when we remember that through his Word Jesus, the Rest-giver, has rescued us from sin’s slavery and he refreshes. He gives the rest and peace of forgiveness.

    Regularly Remember the Rest-Giver Do I Have to Go to Church? Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. The Word of God through which the Holy Spirit guides our hearts and minds today is recorded in Deuteronomy 5:12-15: Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the more

  • A Perfect Gift From A Perfect Giver

    Contributed by Paul Johnson on Nov 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon encourages the listener to value eternal gifts like love more than temporary gifts like material things or bad gifts that like pride and lust that lead us astray.

    This is an exciting phase of my life! In about three weeks I will be marrying the woman whom I love – Selena. As you might image our engagement has been both exciting and at times stressful with all of the details that go into wedding preparation. One of the details was selecting gifts for the more

  • God The Moral Law-Giver, Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Miles Mc Pherson on Dec 12, 2013

    Limited objects fulfill their purpose by following absolute rules provided to them by their designer.

    Let’s turn to Genesis 2, Genesis 2, Genesis 2. Yes we’re gonna continue from last week. Too bad for our, too bad for our San Diego State basketball team. They lost. They had a great run but they lost. I still love em. Yep-yep-yep-yes. Let’s pray. Chargers lost too. Lord more

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