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  • Why Can't I See God? Lesson 2 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 24, 2017

    People can’t see God because they are not looking for Him

    A. WHY PEOPLE WANT TO SEE GOD People can’t see God because they are not looking for Him. The same reason why a crook doesn’t look for a policeman. 1. Information, they would not recognize God if they saw Him. 2. Curiosity, desire for knowledge they don’t have. 3. Personal fulfillment, more

  • God's Invisable Hand Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Richards on Mar 14, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    God’s hand was unseen most of Joseph’s life but it was there at work nonetheless. What Joseph’s brothers meant for evil, God meant for good.

    God¡¦s Invisible Hand The Life of Joseph Because the story of Joseph covers over 18 chapters in the Bible I will not read this entire text today. I do want to paraphrase his life for you and then we will look at some specifics together. Joseph was favored by Jacob his father. He was the child more

  • The Invisible Explained Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Jan 3, 2015

    John 1:18 clearly defines Jesus as God the Son who reveals God the Father.

    “The Invisible One Explained” John 1: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was more

  • The Invisible Hand Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Mar 30, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    The "invisible hand" of a sovereign God guides Paul (and us!).

    “The Invisible Hand” Acts 22:22-23:11 July 27, 2008 From Wikipedia: “The invisible hand is a metaphor coined by the economist Adam Smith. In The Wealth of Nations and other writings, Smith demonstrated that, in a free market, an individual pursuing his own self-interest tends to also more

  • Matthew Series

    Contributed by Rik Wadge on Sep 26, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Matthew: God’s "Invisible Man"

    The 12 Apostles Week 8 – Matthew Dr. Rik B. Wadge, Ph.D. "God’s Invisible Man" (Nicole Johnson "the invisible woman" VIDEO CLIP #1) Have you ever been lonely or maybe felt like you were invisible? In the first century there were a small group of individual’s who were funded by high ranking, more

  • The Invisible Hand

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Jul 11, 2002
    based on 60 ratings

    A sermon on the providence of God as seen in the life of Joseph.

    Providence. The word comes from the Latin, providentia. Pro means “before” or “ahead of time”; videntia is from videre, meaning “to see,” from which we get our word “video.” Put them together, and you have “seeing ahead of time,” which is what God does. He sees the events of life ahead of more

  • Understanding The Invisible

    Contributed by Stuart Blount on Jun 16, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    To receive the impossible we need to believe in the invisible! Our invisible God always works in the visible!

    To receive the impossible we need to believe in the invisible! The Invisible World – Much of our world today believes in an invisible realm. One we cannot see or touch in a material sense. Apart from the fact that the majority of the world’s population believes in one form of deity or another we more

  • God's Invisible Providence Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jun 24, 2013

    An introduction to a sermon series on the story of Esther. In this sermon we investigate how God works providentially in Esther's life and in ours. The series is based on Charles Swindoll"s book on Esther from his great Bible character series.

    Introduction: A. The story is told about 9 people who were hanging from a rope that came down from a helicopter. 1. The group of 9 people hanging from that rope was made up of 8 men and 1 woman. 2. All 9 people agreed that that one person should get off the rope, because if they didn't, the rope more

  • Connecting The The Invisible

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Feb 5, 2005
    based on 35 ratings

    How does one connect to the Invisible God? Peter tells us how, in this sermon.

    2 Peter 1:16-19 CONNECTING TO THE INVISIBLE Last Sunday, the big thing in the news was that the people of Iraq voted. What gave them the confidence to vote? Up until that day, they were told by some of their fellow countrymen that if they voted, they would be blown up. They were being more

  • The Invisible Nails Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Apr 4, 2001
    based on 196 ratings

    The metal nails were not strong enough hold Jesus to the cross. Instead, the invisible nails of His love, the invisible nails of His loyalty, and the invisible nails of our sin held Jesus on the cross.

    Sermon.967 From the pulpit of Bayview Baptist Church, Columbia, SC "The Invisible Nails" Jesus’ greatest work wasn’t the work He did in His carpenter shop. His greatest work wasn’t even when He performed great miracles of healing. His greatest work was accomplished in just a few hours on more

  • Invisible Fence

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Mar 20, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    This is a message about breaking through boundaries, that we need to break through, and submitting to those that we need to submit to.

    Invisible Fence Psalms 32:8,9 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. The only thing more

  • Seeing The Invisible

    Contributed by Antonio Torrence on Mar 28, 2002
    based on 69 ratings

    This sermon is about worshipping an invisible God because of his grace, truth, and glory.

    "Seeing the Invisible" by Reverend A.LaMar Torrence, Cross of Life Lutheran Church Scripture:John 1:14-18 Down through out the ages, through the chronicles of time, humanity has built up images of God from within the corners of our minds. We have created idols of silver, brass, wood, and gold more

  • Invisible Armies

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Nov 4, 2003
    based on 66 ratings

    Spiritual blindness, its cure, and a challenge for modern Christians.

    Invisible Armies II Kings 6:15-17 INTRO.: after the division of the kingdom of Israel into Judah and Israel, the prophet Elisha ministered in the northern kingdom of Israel. Syria, also known as Aram, was a relentless enemy of Israel and conducted raids into Israeli territory. The king of Syria, at more

  • Grasping The Invisible

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 12, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Some were content just to see Jesus, others just to hear His voice, but for one woman, the only thing that would satisfy her need within was to actually make physical contact with Him -- she MUST TOUCH HIM! Are you content with less?

    GRASPING THE INVISIBLE Mark 5:24-34 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR – Loyalty Tested 1. The instructor from a dog training workshop in Salt Lake City noted that a dog’s loyalty can be tested by the owner. 2. If the owner will fall down and pretend to be hurt, a dog with a bad temper will tend to bite more

  • The Invisible War

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Jun 9, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This is a sermon about the World and the Word, being Conformed or Transformed, and having one influences or many influences.

    THE INVISIBLE WAR We are created for God, but given free will, which gives us ability to make choices and decisions. Those choices or decisions effect our lives. Salvation is simple: Believe in Jesus Christ, Repent from our sin, Accept Him as Saviour. But the process is complicated, there is a war more

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