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  • How To Respond To Hardship

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 3, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    When we look at life from an eternal perspectives it alleviates stress and helps us focus on God’s perspectives rather than our own limited-selfish view-point.

    How to Respond to Hardship (John 15:20) Illustration: All the Ethiopian teenager had to do was tell the men who were beating her that she no longer believed in God, and they would have stopped. Yezeshewall was being detained and beaten because of her faith in Christ. But she told her tormentors, more

  • Joseph: The Beginning Of Hardship Series

    Contributed by Paul Basehore on Jan 5, 2016

    Even through bad situations God is in control, and will turn them for His glory

    Vitor Belfort is a Brazilian mixed martial artist and UFC fighter. Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Vitor is currently ranked #5 in the Middleweight class, and is the only fighter to beat current champion Luke Rockhold in 2015. Vitor is, by many accounts, a very successful man. Vitor was in a little more

  • How To Handle Hardship Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Jul 18, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    God works His good through our trials when we pray and when we stay.

    How to Handle Hardship James 1:2-5 Rev. Brian Bill 7/18/10 I came across this response from a man who was asked for additional information from an insurance company. In blank #3 of the accident form, I put “trying to do the job alone” as the cause of my accident. You said in your more

  • Is Life Lived In Hardships A Waste?

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Feb 16, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Do you ever wonder what God is doing in your life?

    Is Life Lived in Hardships a Waste? Job 10 PROPOSITION: Because Christ used suffering to bring spiritual victory, rest in Him to properly use suffering in your life for spiritual victory. I. Submit to God’s working in your life. 9:1-13 II. Submit to God’s will for your more

  • Persevere Under Hardship Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on May 30, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    Are you going through tough times? It could be that God is making you into a wonderul tool - to use in furthering His kingdom. Find out how Paul encouraged Timothy to stay with it under pressure.

    Paul has just gotten finished telling Timothy that despite the fact that he was abandoned in Rome – that there were a few – like Onesiphorus, who were a great comfort during hard times. Now he takes it one step further – be strong yourself, and look for people you can trust – then pass on good more

  • Turning Hardship To Joy

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 24, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    Sometimes God allows things to get difficult so He can produce greater joy in and through and with us. Jesus knew that His Father often used tragedy to cause people to look to heaven for solutions to their problems.

    John 15:11-16 Illustration: A cynic asked an elderly believer who had endured great physical pain for 20 years, "What do you think of your God now?" The godly sufferer replied, "I think of Him more than ever." Sorrow can be the means of bringing us heart-to-heart with God. When repeated strokes more

  • Why Does God Allow Hardship In Our Lives

    Contributed by Ray Carver on Dec 13, 2003
    based on 48 ratings

    Have you ever look around at your life and simply asked: WHY? Have hardships and trials ever come into your life for seemingly no reason? Hear are a few possible reasons why.

    WHY DOES GOD ALLOW HARDSHIP IN OUR LIVES? Text: Psalm 73:1-2 Intro: Have you ever look around at you life and simply asked: WHY? Have hardships and trials ever come into your life for seemingly no reason? I want to share a few things from my own personal experience, only to illustrate the more

  • Humility In Hardship And Community Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 13, 2014

    Living as a Church in a Foreign Land Humility In Hardship and Community

    Living as a Church in a Foreign Land Humility In Hardship and Community 1 Peter 5:5-7 David Taylor We are in our last mini-series in 1 Peter, “Living as a Church in a Foreign Land,” where Peter describes a life of discipleship together as a church in the midst of suffering and more

  • Hardships For Heaven's Sake Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Sep 27, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Need strength to face difficulty as a Christian? Paul supplies us with purpose and focus in this fourth chapter of 2 Corinthians.

    Chapter 4 of 2 Corinthians finishes what he starts in chapter 3 and begins what he discusses in chapter 5. The chapter and verse divisions of your Bible were not put in there by God. In fact, Stephen Langton first divided the Bible into chapters in 1228. The Old Testament was first divided by more

  • Hardships Can Be Opportunity.

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Jul 5, 2020

    The prophecy of the 70 Weeks can be seen from that time to our present day. The Anointed one is here.

    Sermon Title: Hardships can be opportunity. Scripture Text: Ezra 2: 64-69 Daniel 9 In the Bible, the Prophecy of Seventy Weeks is a prophecy given to Daniel by the angel Gabriel in response to Daniel's prayer for God to act on behalf of his people and Jerusalem. The angel informs him that more

  • How To Endure Hardship

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Jul 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The apostle Paul charges Timothy to endure hardship like a 1) Good Soldier 2) Striving Athlete & 3) Hard-working Farmer. And at the end of it all there will be a crown and a harvest if we do not give up.

    How to Endure Hardship 2 Timothy 2:3-6 Introduction: Ill. The story is told of a king in Africa who had a close friend with whom he grew up. The friend had a habit of looking at every situation that ever occurred in his life (positive or negative) and remarking, "This is good!" One day the king more

  • Navigating Through The Sea Of Hardship

    Contributed by David Darst on Feb 22, 2021

    This is a expositional sermon series through the 27th Chapter of Acts. The Unusual account of The Apostle Paul's journey to Rome, and the practical applications of how it can help assist believers navigate through the storms of life.

    How to Navigate through the SHIP….in the Seas of HardSHIP. In the Storm, you must stay with the Ship to Survive! Acts 27:9-44 I find it extremely interesting why Luke dedicates an entire chapter to Paul’s experience of this voyage on his way to Rome. I think it holds substantial spiritual and more

  • In His Hands Is A Good Place To Be PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 20, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the importance of entrusting our lives to God, navigating life's hardships with faith, and surrendering to His divine guidance and love.

    Welcome, friends and family of faith, to this sacred space where we gather in fellowship to seek solace, strength, and spiritual sustenance in the presence of our Lord. Today, we find ourselves drawn together once again by the divine tapestry of God's word, a living testament of His love, His more

  • How Hardships Work For Good

    Contributed by Greg Nance on May 25, 2013

    Acts 5 gives us two cases where the church faced hardship. One was internal and the other was external. Both were used by God for the good of the church. How can that happen for us today?

    (Read Acts 5 with slides) What does it take to ruin a church? What does it take to stop God? Acts 5 gives us two stories about threats to the church, one from the inside and the other from the outside. First. The threat from the inside produced two deaths and great fear upon the whole more

  • Psalm 40- A Righteous Response To Hurt And Hardship

    Contributed by Jeremy Long on Feb 18, 2023

    Man will hurt us, but God will heal us. David gives us a roadmap to making sure we stay focused on God and His purpose through even the toughest times.

    Psalm 40:11-17 11 Do not withhold Your tender mercies from me, O Lord; Let Your lovingkindness and Your truth continually preserve me. 12 For innumerable evils have surrounded me; My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up; They are more than the hairs of my head; more