  • Jeremy Long

    Contributing sermons since Jun 10, 2017
Jeremy's church


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  • Words And Their Consequences

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2024

    How many of you know that our words have consequences? That what comes out of our mouth has eternal significance? Learn today that our spoken WORDS can have eternal significance and consequence. Which words will you be allowing to proceed out of your mouth??

    Words and their consequences. I may be on track to get cancelled today. We need to talk about something that is probably going to rub someone the wrong way. And to that I will say………..Deal with it! Because I dealt with it first and it came down on me first and it was not pretty!! Did I just more

  • You Can't Get To The Mountain Top By Standing At The Bottom!

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2024

    Have you been in the valley lately? Have you come through the valley only to face the mountain. The climb may be long, and it may be difficult, but we can't get to the mountain top by standing at the bottom!

    You won’t get to the mountaintop by standing at the bottom! I want to start out today by asking……. Anyone been in the valley lately? You don’t have to show hands, but from here I can see a lot of faces and the look on those faces answers that question with a resounding YES. If you all have known more

  • Time For The Church To Get Back To The Word!

    Contributed on Jul 30, 2023

    The church is losing the battle of truth. It’s time we as Christians get back in the word, spend time with the word, and speak the truth of the word!

    THE WORD! A couple of weeks ago, we had vacation bible school here at the church.  If you were here, you know how hungry these kids were for the Word of God.  For those of you who weren’t here, about 3 of those nights I spent time under a barrage of fire from every question imaginable. more

  • Psalm 40- A Righteous Response To Hurt And Hardship

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2023

    Man will hurt us, but God will heal us. David gives us a roadmap to making sure we stay focused on God and His purpose through even the toughest times.

    Psalm 40:11-17 11 Do not withhold Your tender mercies from me, O Lord; Let Your lovingkindness and Your truth continually preserve me. 12 For innumerable evils have surrounded me; My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up; They are more than the hairs of my head; more

  • The Devil Fights The Hardest When God Is Moving Most!

    Contributed on Aug 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The devil can sense the move of the Holy Spirit. He can see the "unseen" world where the move of God is manifesting itself and making changes. Take heart when these attacks come against you,.....GOD IS MOVING!!!

    THE DEVIL FIGHTS HARDEST WHEN GOD IS MOVING MOST! Have you ever noticed that when you feel like God is moving and changes are happening, that the devil seems to get to work trying to make the biggest mess of it he can??? Times in my life when I really felt like something GOOD, something BIG, more