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  • Dios Odia A Los Malvados

    Contributed by James Dina on Aug 5, 2020

    DIOS vio que la maldad del hombre era grande en la tierra, y que toda imaginación de los pensamientos de su corazón era sólo maldad continuamente (Génesis 6:5). Las palabras de su boca son maldad y engaño.

    DIOS ODIA A LOS MALVADOS "El Señor prueba al justo, pero su alma odia al malvado y al que ama la violencia" (Salmo 11:5) Los siguientes versos fueron extraídos de las Santas Escrituras (NKJV): DIOS vio que la maldad del hombre more

  • Love Or Hate?

    Contributed by Matthew Davaughn Cox on Mar 5, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs. Proverbs 10:12 (NIV)

    I. Today's message will be one talking about Love or Hate. a. By the end of the message you will have been done reflected on love and also hate. b. Theses two small words actually go hand and hand in today's society. c. You can love some people and hate others, but is that what God would have us to more

  • Hating In The Name Of God

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Sep 10, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This message focuses on how we choose to hate and justify it by thinking God approves of it.

    Hating In The Name Of God Scriptures: Matthew 5:43-44; 22:37-40; 1 John 2:9-11; 3:14-16; 4:7-21 Introduction: Ten years ago on this day I left my home early in the morning to drive to Wichita, KS. When I came through Emporia, I called a friend at her job to chat. When she was not at work, I more

  • God's Hate List

    Contributed by Paul Robinson on Oct 4, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    There are probably some things you really hate, but did you know that God also has some things He hates? We should hate what He hates.

    There are some things in life I really hate. I hate traffic (mainly because I hate waiting). I hate the dentist. I hate going to the doctor for a physical. I hate the government and their agenda to take away our freedom. Did you know that God also has a hate list? Text: Proverbs 6:16-19. 1. A more

  • What The Lord Hates PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 2, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages self-examination and seeking wisdom to understand and avoid the sins that God detests, thereby deepening our relationship with Him.

    Welcome, beloved family of God, to this sacred gathering where we seek to grow in our understanding and deepen our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Today, we find ourselves standing on the threshold of a profound truth, a truth that has the power to transform our lives, our relationships, and more

  • Divorce & Remarriage Pt. 1 Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Oct 14, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    God hates divorce . . . but He doesn’t hate the divorce’.

    Malachi Series Divorce & Remarriage Pt.1 July 14, 2013 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Pastor Introduction: A God hates divorce . . . but He doesn’t hate the divorce’. 1 Divorce, at least in certain churches/circles, disqualifies people from ministry (typically being a more

  • Godly Love And Hate

    Contributed by Jon Lipka on Mar 4, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Our love of God, if deep and true, must needs exclude--and therefore hate--all things that draw us away

    “Love, love, love, love. Christian hear this is your call. Love your neighbor as yourself, for God loves us all.” Christians hear a lot about love. Today’s New Testament and Gospel readings are the standard texts on love, maybe throw in John 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 13, and more

  • Love And Hate

    Contributed by David Flowers on Feb 2, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    On the weekend we observe the 9th anniversary of 9/11, and the 8th birthday of Wildwind Church, we take a moment to reflect on the fear and hatred that are mounting in our society today, and contrast it with God's clear call to love.

    Love. And Hate. Wildwind Community Church David Flowers September 12, 2010 September 12, 2010. Yesterday of course was the 9th anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks in American history. We were all there. We all remember exactly where we were, and what we were doing, when we first heard more

  • Pies Que Corren Veloces Hacia El Mal

    Contributed by James Dina on Aug 24, 2020

    Malditos sean los malhechores, porque serán llamados hijos del diablo. Meditad el camino de vuestros pies; entonces todos vuestros caminos estarán seguros. Confía en el Señor y Él dirigirá tu camino.

    Pies que corren veloces hacia el mal “Estas seis cosas que el Señor odia, sí, siete son una abominación para Él: Una mirada orgullosa, una lengua mentirosa, unas manos que derraman sangre inocente, un corazón que maquina planes malvados, unos pies que corren more

  • Propitiation Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Mar 24, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God hates sin, but He loves to show mercy.

    To receive free sermons by email each week, contact View Jonathan’s blog - Men, have any of you ever forgotten your anniversary? (I won’t ask for a raise of hands.) It’s one of the biggest mistakes a husband can make. Forgetting your more

  • Building Stronger Families - Sanctity Of Human Life Sunday

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Mar 3, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    God hates abortion because He loves family.

    Introduction Today is celebrated by us and many other Bible believing Churches as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Today many churches unite around the common cause of publicly addressing what is without exception the greatest ailment to our national soul and blemish upon our national character. more

  • Want Cheese With Your Whine?

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Sep 12, 2016

    We must remember that God hates grumbling and complaining.

    Want Cheese with your Whine? September 11, 2016 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must remember that God hates grumbling and complaining. Focus Passage: Numbers 11:1-6 Introduction: I’ll never forget the time, when I came in the sanctuary, more

  • Part 5 - Hate Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Mar 24, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    Part 5 of our series examines how fear can grow into anger, and anger into hate and how if we do not deal with our behaviors, they can destroy us.

    They Must be Giants 5 – Hate Pastor Bruce A. Shields House of Faith Ministries WELCOME INTRODUCTION Most of us are all familiar with the story of David & Goliath. 1 Samuel 17 We are continuing our series entitled “They Must be Giants!” We have spoken on; † David & more

  • God's Illogical Demand Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 13, 2016
    based on 11 ratings

    I thought God hated child sacrifice? What is God doing asking Abraham to sacrifice his only son?

    OPEN: I read the true story of a woman who told of the time she was teaching the toddler-age Sunday school class. Part of the reason she taught there was that her daughter was in that class. During one lesson on creation she was trying to make the concept as understandable as possible, so she more

  • You Need More Hate In Your Life - Part 1

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Jan 15, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    There are some things the Bible says we should hate. They’re the same things that God hates.

    PSALM 97:10 “YOU NEED MORE HATE IN YOUR LIFE – PART 1” A) One of the favorite sayings of compromisers is that we don’t have any love! * They say, “What you folk need is more love.” * I want to turn that around today. * They say we need more love ... Today I’m preaching “You Need More Hate In Your more

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