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  • God’s Promise

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Feb 28, 2019

    Promises are sure for God cannot lie.

    GOD’S PROMISE Introduction: Mankind: Promises, promises. Promises are made to be broken. Put no trust in the promises of the man who is running for office. He is forced to make a promise to every man who solicits it, and they soon grow beyond the limit of redemption. W. A. more

  • Vigilance Of God Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on May 21, 2018

    God keeps vigil on us and we are to honor Him!

    In our study of the Book of Exodus, we are now at the point when the Israelites are actually being allowed to leave Egypt as free people. Before we read our passage this morning, let us remind ourselves in general of what had happened so far. How did the Israelites end up in Egypt?? Because Joseph more

  • In God’s Time

    Contributed by Mason Davis on Mar 15, 2024

    In life we're always waiting for something such as waiting for a dream to come true, waiting to meet the right person, or waiting for an answer to a life’s issue.

    IN GOD’S TIME By: C. Mason Davis A man was speaking to God, and he asked him, "God is it true that to you a thousand years is a minute?" "That's true," God replied. "And is it true that to you $1,000,000 is like a penny?" "That's true," God said. more

  • Discovering God’s Will

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Jul 9, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Knowing God’s will is sometimes difficult. People want God to tell them specifically what to do - where to work, where to live, whom to marry, etc. God rarely gives people information that direct and specific. God allows us to make choices regarding those

    Opening illustration: A young man facing the future and unsure of what the next year would bring, concluded, “Nobody knows what God’s will is.” Is he right? Does a lack of certainty about the future translate into not knowing God’s will? The concept of knowing God’s will is often limited to more

  • God Forsaking God

    Contributed by David Scudder on Apr 7, 2012

    What this fourth saying from the cross does is to give us a glimpse into the hellish pain and agony that Jesus suffered because of His separation from His Father. This agonizing question from the cross does have an answer and we find that answer in the P

    Purpose: To explore the agony of Christ's suffering. Aim: I want the listener to worship Christ because He became a curse for them. INTRODUCTION: While the scorching heat of the Palestinian sun beat down on Christ as He hung on the Cross He spoke three different times between 9 am to 12 noon. more

  • Is God A Just God? Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jan 25, 2020

    : If God isn't just then he's not loving.

    IS GOD A JUST GOD? Text: Rom. 3:1-8 INTRODUCTION 1. Illustration: "A god who is all love, all grace, all mercy, no sovereignty, no justice, no holiness and no wrath is an idol." (R.C.Sproul) 2. Many people want to know the answer to the question: is God just? 3. Romans chapter 3 is a more

  • God’s Testimony Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Oct 20, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    God is mindful of all our ways and therefore it is crucial that we live in such a way that we receive a good testimony from God. The bible records these attestations of God, about those who walked in total obedience to Him.

    We read in Psalm 91:15, “He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him.” (AFV) For our study today we will only focus on the first part of this verse, “He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;” These are the words of the more

  • God Wants Everyone To Know His Great Love Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jan 31, 2024

    God wants everyone to know: 1. How His love was given (vs. 14). 2. How His love can be received (vs. 15-16). 3. How His love can be perfected in us (vs. 17-19). 4. How to prove that His love is in us (vs. 20-21).

    God Wants Everyone to Know His Great Love 1 John 4:14-21 Sermon by Rick Crandall Series: The First Epistle of John (Prepared January 31, 2024) MESSAGE: *The other day an old Gaither song came to mind. Part of the lyrics say, "Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought more

  • The Will Of God Series

    Contributed by Allen Hern on Feb 10, 2004
    based on 59 ratings

    When people talk about the "will of God", they need to look at the Lord Jesus whose life was totally devoted to carrying out the will of God.

     200407.ser “The Will of God” CLBC February 8, 2004 a.m. Subject: The Sovereignty of God Theme: The Will of God Passage: John 6: 28 - 65 I said last Sunday that the passage more

  • Directions From God For Our Daily Living.

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Dec 30, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    God has directions for all of our lives. He does not want you to wander around not knowing where you are going or what you are doing. This message is to help us see the path that God has laid out for us all. He has given us a map. It is His Word and His W

    Directions from God for our daily living. God has directions for all of our lives. He does not want you to wander around not knowing where you are going or what you are doing. This message is to help us see the path that God has laid out for us all. He has given us a map. It is His Word and His more

  • 'tis The Season To Be Abundant Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Dec 22, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    One of the greatest Christmas promises given to us is the promise of a full or abundant life. What hinders and what helps us be abundant? You'll have to unwrap this message and find out!

    : A woman was doing her last-minute Christmas shopping at a crowded mall. She was tired of fighting the crowds. She was tired of standing in lines. She was tired of fighting her way down long aisles looking for a gift that had sold out days before. Her arms were full of bulky packages when an more

  • Friendship With God

    Contributed by Clarence Clough on Dec 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    "God’s love is all around us all the time-- if we make room, He will surely come in." ______The Blessings of Receiving God’s Love, a publication of THE ALLIANCE FOR CHRISTIAN FELLOW-

    FRIENDSHIP WITH GOD Text: John 15:14, "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." Intro: Believers need the wonderful companionship with the Lord. It is necessary that we are connected to Him in a personal and loving manner. Will this more

  • Be Reconciled To God!

    Contributed by Sterling Franklin on Sep 4, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    God urges us to be reconciled through Jesus Christ! We can only be brought to peace with God through His Son Jesus. Let's commit our lives to Him and be brought to peace with God.

    2 Corinthians 5:14-21 14 For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 16 So from now on we regard no one from more

  • The Will Of God

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Jun 17, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Are you in His will?

    The Will of God We have made the will of God into something mystical and foggy. Therefore we are always looking for it, guessing about it, worrying that we missed, etc. I believe that we miss the specific will of God in our lives because we are ignorant or disobedient to His general will. If more

  • The Revelation And The Revealing Of God’s Church

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 10, 2022

    Paul told these Ephesians what the church was.

    He told the Ephesian church they were as: • A NATION • A FAMILY • A BUILDING • AN ORGANISM • A CHURCH But as we move to chapter 3, he shows us the Lord’s church as a “Mystery”. WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THAT? When Paul is speaking of a “mystery”, he is speaking of something that had not been revealed more

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