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  • Ps Nt Ramuhuyu Faith Can Move Mountains On 23 March 2014 Sunday

    Contributed by Rev Samuel Mametsa on Apr 21, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The problem with Christians is that when we are faced with problems we look at the size of the problem, we don’t trust God or the power of God. The spies saw giants in Canaan, they could no longer see the promises of God about the Promised Land.

    23 March 2014, Sunday Service “Faith can remove mountains” Pastor N.T. Ramuhuyu When the Egyptians were faced with the Red Sea they had a serious dilemma: and they realised that going backwards meant going back to slavery. The way forward was blocked by the Red Sea. They wanted to more

  • …the Good Hand Of His God Upon Him

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Dec 9, 2021

    Today in this sermon, we want to turn our attention to a very special man. His name is Ezra. He is one of those fellows you do not hear a great deal about, but yet he was a giant among men in the spiritual world.

    Ezra was a priest, but he was not able to serve in the temple because the temple had been destroyed. This could be why we do not hear a lot about Ezra. He was not a temple priest. Ezra is noted for other things, such as: • He studied the Word of God. In Ezra 7:6, we read that he was, “A ready more

  • How To Overcome In A Crisis Situation Through Trusting In The Lord.

    Contributed by Patrick Usifo on May 23, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    When a crisis struck, what do we do? Do we look at the problems as a giant and ourselves as grasshoppers? Or do we look unto our God as the great and mighty one able to do above what we know and believe?

    All over the world the story is the same as people are facing hard times. The coronavirus outbreak has caused untold pains to many families, not only of the loved ones lost but economic difficulties as well. In that situation you might ask what to do to beat the odds? Or how do I cope with the more

  • Clay People

    Contributed by Curtis Kittrell on Jun 18, 2003
    based on 31 ratings

    Ever felt like a grasshopper? Unimportant, inferior, low-down? Israel felt that way when Moses’ spies reported back from their excursion into the Promised Land. They said, "And there we saw the giants, . . . and we were in our own sight as grasshoppe

    CLAY PEOPLE SCRIPTURE: Genesis 3:19; Jeremiah 18:1-6; 2 Corinthians 4:7 Introduction Ever felt like a grasshopper? Unimportant, inferior, low-down? Israel felt that way when Moses’ spies reported back from their excursion into the Promised Land. They said, "And there we saw the giants, . . . more

  • Christingle: Jesus Is The Light Of The World

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Dec 23, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    A short but challenging all-age talk using a giant home-made ’Christingle’ (an orange with a red ribbon wrapped around, four sticks with fruit & sweets on & a white candle - all symbolism). God loves the world and sent Jesus as the Light of the World.

    In November I spent two weeks in Rwanda; a small country in Africa. It is a most beautiful country. There are countless rolling green hills, many of them filled with banana trees. Fields are teeming with rice plantations and there are rows and rows of tea plants. Lake Kivu in the North is stunning. more

  • Dare To Believe In The Faithfulness Of God

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Aug 6, 2024

    Numbers 13 is about a report brought back by the Israelite spies about the land of Canaan, where they compared themselves to the giants in the land and felt like grasshoppers in their sight, showcasing the crippling effect of fear and lack of faith in pursuing God's promises

    Subject: Dare to Believe in the Faithfulness of God Scripture Lesson: Numbers 13:26-33 “to Moses, Aaron, and the whole community of Israel at Kadesh in the wilderness of Paran. They reported to the whole community what they had seen and showed them the fruit they had taken from the land. This was more

  • Five Smooth Stones Series

    Contributed by Dave Rajoon on Jan 19, 2007
    based on 40 ratings

    On his way to face the giant Goliath, David picked up five smooth stones from a brook. But David stood up to Goliath with more than just simple weapons; he defeated Golliath with F-A-I-T-H and trust in God.

    Introduction: Daisy Cutters, Bunker Buster, Smart Bombs…maybe you have heard about them! These are some of the modern weapons technology that US armed forces have used in the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Today’s battles are fought with a dizzying array of weaponry that was more

  • All That You Need Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    God can use what you already have to help you overcome challenges, just like David used five smooth stones to defeat Goliath. By understanding David's approach, we can learn how to conquer the giants in our own lives.

    Today, we're diving into the epic showdown between David and Goliath. We're gonna focus on those five smooth stones David used to take down Goliath and see how God can use what we've got. Object Lesson: Bring out a sling and five smooth stones. Demonstrate how David might have used them. [Read 1 more

  • Rejection Series

    Contributed by Richard White on May 19, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    part 2 of series Facing Your Giants, the credit for the idea comes from Max Lucado’s book by the same title. This deals with how God uses those whom we see as unusable. David was the runt of the litter, God used him for great things.

    Rejection: 1972 was a bittersweet year for me. I graduated from High School (YAY), I had a good part in the school musical (YAY). I remember these times with great fondness, there were also the bad times. I had tried out for a semi-pro theatre group, I thought I had a great audition and really more

  • Caleb Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Jan 21, 2020

    Such a small word … just three letters … b-u-t. A small word that we use a hundred times or more a day. “But” … it’s a word that can have dire consequences. Imagine getting hard labor for 40 years for one word … “but” … “b-u-t” … and not just for you but for your whole family too.

    When I was growing up in upstate New York, in the summer we would go to swim in an icy glacial lake called “Green Lake.” Deep … almost 200 feet deep … and crystal clear. You could drop a quarter in it and tell if were heads or tails when it hit the bottom. And cold!! They had two diving more

  • Obeying God's Commands

    Contributed by Bishop Johnathan Hester on Aug 28, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    God’s people were about to enter the promised land. They were less than one month away from the death of Moses, and the leadership of Joshua where, in a few more weeks, he would lead them to cross the Jordan river. There were giants in the land. There wer

    Obeying God’s Commands Deuteronomy 6:1-6:23 OPEN: I once read the true story of woman who had been just learning to golf. She had been at it for about a month or so when her father-in-law invited her to go golfing with him. After teeing off on one of the holes, her father-in-law was intent more

  • David: A Legacy Of Courage Series

    Contributed by Mike Quinn on Jan 18, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    The story of David and Goliath, asking the question, "How do I deal with my fears when facing the giants of my life?" I listen to who God says I am, I celebrate what God has done in the past, and I remember the battle belongs to God.

    Legacy David: A legacy of Courage 1 Samuel 17 Part Three Intro: Geographic and historic setting… 1 Sam 17:1-11 Now the Philistines gathered their forces for war and assembled at Socoh in Judah. They pitched camp at Ephes Dammim, between Socoh and Azekah. 2 Saul and the Israelites assembled and more

  • God's Greatness In Grandparents

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Nov 16, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    If you’re a Grandparent and a Christian then you need to know that God has put greatness within you to be lavished on your Grandchildren. You just might be sharing ice cream with one of the giants of our faith who just hasn’t grown up yet.

    Gods Greatness in Grandparents 2 Timothy 1:1-14 If you’re a Grandparent and a Christian then you need to know that God has put greatness within you to be lavished on your Grandchildren. At a round-table discussion, various religious leaders tried to answer the question "When does life more

  • The Best Focus For Our Future

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 22, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Many thanks to Leland Crawford for giving me permission to use his excellent outline. 1. Don't focus on the giants; focus on the grapes. 2. Don't focus on yourself; focus on your Savior. 3. Don't focus on your past; focus on the promises of God.

    The Best Focus for Our Future Numbers 13:25-14:9 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Jan. 11, 2015 *Many thanks to Leland Crawford for giving me permission to use his excellent outline. BACKGROUND: *About 3,400 years ago, God sent Moses to deliver the Children of Israel from slavery more

  • The Atmosphere Of Faith

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Aug 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Many Christians believe they are "faith people" when in reality they are living in more unbelief than they are faith. This message looks at the one thing causes us to be "faith people" or people who are living in unbelief.

    You are the blessed of the Lord and I want to say something on the frontend for you to remember as we go through the message. You often hear “God does extraordinary things through ordinary people.” How many of you have heard that? It’s not true. You see, we are born ordinary. We are born with a more

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