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  • A Graveyard Of Bones

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on May 28, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    God is able to restore dead and dried up bones. He is also able to give hope to the hopeless. He is the giver of life.

    A graveyard of dry bones Ezekiel chapter 37:1-14 Introduction- Turn to Ezekiel chapter 37:1-14. Old Testament between Lamentations and Daniel. I want to talk to you about the dry bones of Israel. Before you think you know where I am going with this, I more

  • Repentance

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Dec 27, 2020

    Repentance isn’t a one-time change of heart, but it should be an integral part of our spiritual growth. It’s been said that the essential quality of a saint is to have a repentant heart. That requires a sensitive conscience and a teachable spirit.

    “Repentance” Matthew 3:1-12 [Read Mt. 3:1-12] I was once asked to preach a revival at a neighboring church, and when I accepted the host pastor told me, “Don’t hold back. The harder the preaching, the more they like it.” That statement took me by surprise. I’m still not sure if that was true more

  • Honor Our Veterans

    Contributed by Steve Woods (Pastor Woody) on Nov 13, 2019

    We worship and give thanks to God every day for all the blessings that we have received. One time each year, we take the time to also give thanks to our veterans... those that have served and those that still serve.

    This morning we gather, once again, to give thanks for all that God has provided us. We thank Him for all that we have and all we are yet to be given. We thank Him for our family; our friends; our livelihood and all our possessions. Today, along with our thanks to God, we give our gratitude to all more

  • Overturning Status Quo

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 11, 2023

    We might think Jesus is the "go along to get along" Savior, but He is not. He challenges us to overturn the sins of our lives and nation.

    1. Praying Away the Grasshoppers John Maxwell, Partners in Prayer In the summer of 1876, grasshoppers nearly destroyed the crops in Minnesota. So in the spring of 1877, farmers were worried that the dreadful plague would again visit them and destroy the rich wheat crop, ruining thousands of more

  • The Fear Of God

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Aug 11, 2022

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” as the Book of Proverbs stresses repeatedly. May we seek to live as God-fearing people who humble our hearts in reverence of His glory and live in faithfulness to His will.

    The year was 1845. A man named Carl Steinman was fascinated by volcanoes, and going against the advice of his guide, he ventured to the edge of a dormant volcano while visiting Mount Hecla in Iceland. Although it had last erupted over fifty years earlier, the guide noticed there had been more

  • A Child Is Born Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Oct 29, 2022

    Isaiah tells us of the greatness of this child, with the best that can be done given the restraint of human understanding. This passage is the theme for Handel’s Messiah.

    My friend wrote about the birth of Jesus and put it in a way to look like a birth announcement for Jesus. It was designed to look like it was clipped from a newspaper. Birth Announcement The Nazareth Daily News in the year 1 A.D. Joseph and Mary from Nazareth are pleased to announce the birth more

  • Thanks Mom Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 3, 2001
    based on 261 ratings

    Thanks mom for all the hard work you do, we thank you and so does the Lord!

    Thanks Mom! Thesis: Thanks mom for all the hard work you do, we thank you and so does the Lord! Opening Illustration: Mother in the Storm One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small boy into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a more

  • One Nation Under___?

    Contributed by Larry Thompson on Jun 29, 2002
    based on 556 ratings

    This timely message examines the historical and biblical perspective of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision to make the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional because of the reference to being a nation "under God."

    ONE NATION UNDER? Prov. 14:34; Psalm 33:12 June 30, 2002 • Dr. Larry L. Thompson (2002) Proverbs 14:34 “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.” more

  • Transforming You

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Oct 18, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    6th of 6 based on Acts 2:47 Small things done with great love change the world. You can change the world by changing you from being a taker to being a giver.

    Transforming You 2:47 – 24/7 Now is the time for change January 31, 1829 To President Jackson: The canal system of this country is being threatened by the spread of a new form of transportation known as "railroads.’ The federal government must preserve the canals for the following reasons: more

  • Striving, Living, Thriving, Giving Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Sep 7, 2001
    based on 19 ratings

    Our vision (Striving to see the Living Christ in a thriving church of giving people) did not originate with us, but with God.

    Striving, Living, Thriving, Giving Hosea 14 Pastor Jim Luthy At the top of our invitation cards, on our information brochure, and on our web site, you will find a vision statement for our church: Striving to see the Living Christ in a thriving church of giving people. Striving. Living. more

  • A Woman's Words

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on May 14, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    The influence of Christian wives and mothers is immeasurable and irreplaceable. One area of great influence that a woman has is through her words.

    A WOMAN’S WORDS PROVERBS 31:26 INTRODUCTION: Proverbs 31 gives us one of the most beautiful descriptions of Christian womanhood. Verses ten through thirty-one provide a list of virtues and characteristics that exemplify the Christian wife and mother. Someone has said, "The hand that rocks the more

  • Friends Don’t Let Friends Die Lost

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Sep 26, 2007
    based on 121 ratings

    If you would take the car keys away from a drunk then you should witness to a friend. Going - Weeping - Sowing - Reaping. Deathbed quotes illustrate how real hell is. Link included to formatted text, audio, and PowerPoint Pres.

    Friends Don’t Let Friends Die Lost Ps. 126:5, 6; II Cor. 4:3 Would you pull out your garden hose to help save your neighbor from a fire? If you were a doctor, would you be able to tell someone if they had a terminal disease? How about if you had more

  • Joy The Three Letter Word

    Contributed by Steven Haguewood on Nov 18, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Joy is a three letter word that spells contentment. It is a state of mind not an emotion. When we get life in the proper perspective we find real joy>

    THE SEARCH FOR JOY Text: 1 John 4:7-14 INTRODUCTION 1. The one thing all people search for in their lives is happiness or joy 2. In this lesson we will dispel all doubts and demolish all rumors as to how to attain true happiness a. There are those who say that happiness is a state of mind b. Some more

  • Preaching The Good New

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jan 22, 2013

    Change happens whether we like it or not. God works to get us out of our comfort zone and into our dependence on him.

    1. On the birthday of a 100 year old man in Maine a reporter interviewed the man and said, “100 years! Wow, you have seen a lot of changes.” The man replied, “Yes, and I have been agin’ every one of ‘em!” 2. Changes Come, Ready or Not • 90%t of all the more

  • The Pursuit Of Happiness

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Feb 16, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    Our world wants so deperately to be happy. Here, in the first, psalm, God gives us the recipe: choose your friends carefully, devote yourself to his word, and allow him to plant you into spiritual maturity so that all you do will bring about kingdom success.

    The Pursuit of Happiness Psalm 1:1-6 [Please contact me at for sermon outline in Word.] A while back there was a movie called, “The Pursuit of Happyness,” and it was a good movie. Yet, the title is also an accurate description of our society today. America is on a pursuit more

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