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  • Facing Future With Confidence Series

    Contributed by Robert Fa’atoia-Collins on Jan 20, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    When you think life is getting dark and you feel lonely, here is assurance from our Lord and Saviour.

    Are you and your church members just a little anxious about the events leading up to the end of time? I am not. Let me tell you why. All the predicted “last-day events” meet their climax in the seven last plagues. These are the final events that usher in Jesus’ second coming and more

  • Past, Present, And Future

    Contributed by Jimmy Stewart on Nov 13, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    Everyone has a past, we live in the present, and we’ll all have a certain future.

    PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE Phillipians 3 This is undoubtedly Paul’s happiest letter he has written, for he is rejoicing in the great blessings both he and the Phillipian believers had experienced. He encourages them to rejoice in the Lord always, for his bounty, glory, and provisions. He wants them more

  • Preparing For An Uncertain Future

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Dec 9, 2003
    based on 6 ratings

    How to prepare for the threat of future events (written before Y2K)

    “Preparing for an Uncertain Future” Intro: Let’s talk for a little about preparing for an uncertain future. Let’s look in 2 Kings 18. In this chapter, we see a godly king of Judah. His name is Hezekiah. In verse 5 we see he is a godly king. Hezekiah trusted in the LORD, the God of Israel. more

  • Jesus Foretells The Future! Series

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Nov 9, 2020

    Matthew 24 looks into the near future and the distant future.

    Full manuscript follows outline... 1. Jesus is on the Mt of Olives Across The Valley From The Temple. • Jesus will ascend from the Mt of Olives (Acts 1:10-12) • Jesus will return on the Mt. of Olives. (Zech 14:4) 2. Jesus Gives A Prophesy of The Temple’s Demise: v. 2, 15-21 • AD 66, riots broke more

  • God's Future Society Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Aug 30, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    Civil & political leaders who will truly surrender themselves to follow God open the way for God to wondrously bless those they govern.

    ISAIAH 32: 1-8 GOD’S FUTURE SOCIETY God’s people were turning to Egypt, to the way of the world, for help during their hard times. Thus their society and economy would go from bad to worst. Yet in the worst of times, God continues to promise a way of salvation for more

  • "Hope For The Future” Simeon

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Dec 22, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    How did Simeon hear the voice of God? How can we recognize the voice of God speaking to us? Some thoughts from "Jesus Speaks" by Leonard Sweet & Frank Viola

    “Hope For the Future” What a joy it is to hold a newborn baby. I was working on our family history album and found a photo of Colleen holding in her arms our first grandchild. There are many more photos of grandparents holding our grandchildren in our arms. Everyone of them has the more

  • The Promise Of Hope For The Future

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Dec 12, 2023

    Lamentation does more than ask the question, how? Lamentations gives of the profound answer.

    I hope that you had a good year. We can say that not everyone had a good year. Some lost a loved one. Others were touched by the tragic consequences of war. Many lost jobs and went into financial ruin. Many have come through this last year asking, what hope is there for me? If that is your more

  • Unseen Preparations For The Future Series

    Contributed by Thomas Black on Feb 2, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Even in some of the most obscure passages of the scriptures God’s plans become evident if we’ll just look.

    Back in Chapter 11 we were introduced to Abraham and His family. Abram was one of three brothers. The other two were Nahor and Haran. The growth and direction of this family is what the entire Old testament records. First we discovered that Haran had a son named Lot. Lot came along with Abram more

  • Our Future Hope Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Apr 4, 2022

    The resurrection of Jesus is our hope for eternity. All Scripture references (except where noted) is from the NASB.

    The resurrection of Jesus is our hope for eternity. A week ago last Friday, Mr. Merle (a prominent man in our congregation) went to be with Lord. We buried his earthy remains last Thursday. There was hope in that funeral service because Jesus said: John 14:19b … because I live, you will live more

  • Israels Family Tree Joseph

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Oct 5, 2012

    Do you ever wonder why bad things happen to good people? It takes real faith to trust God when your world is crashing down around you but that is exactly what Joseph did.Maybe like Joseph God is using you as an example to the rest of your family to show

    Israels family tree - Joseph The Story of Joseph Genesis 37 Genesis 24-49 The story of Joseph is one that reminds us just how dysfunctional a family can get. Jacob (Israel) is the grandson of Abraham and he has inherited the blessing of the Living God the same blessing that was first made to more

  • Transforming The Present Future

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Oct 13, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    5th in series of 6 on the 237 church. Based on Acts 2:47. The Internally Strong - Externally Focused Church

    Transforming the Present Future Acts 2:43-47 47 They praised God and were liked by all the people. Every day the Lord added those who were being saved to the group of believers. Last Spring I read a book by Reggie McNeal called "The Present Future". The title caught my eye. As I read the book more

  • Pentecost: Different Future Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jun 17, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    We continue in our series ‘Dare to be Different’ and our focus this month is on ‘Different future’. Pentecost Sunday is a day of celebration, a day when we remember how the Holy Spirit came and transformed the lives and the future of the first disciples.

    We continue in our series ‘Dare to be Different’ and our focus this month is on ‘Different future’. Today is Pentecost Sunday, it is a day of celebration, a day when we remember how the Holy Spirit came and transformed the lives and the future of the first disciples. In many ways, Pentecost is more

  • Preparing For Your Future Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Dec 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Our preparation for the future must be based on God’s loving presence and the good plan He has for our lives.

    Preparing for Your Future Acts 21:1-15 Intro: We live in a world where the future seems less and less certain with each crisis and tragedy that happens. We have people all around us reminding us of the things that could go wrong. Gas prices could soar even higher. The economy could collapse. The more

  • Writing Off The Future

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jun 15, 2014

    Teaching Christian values without bringing our children to faith in the Risen Son of God, condemns them to eternal death. The Pharisees stand as a beacon warning Christians not to succumb to the lure of presenting Christian values.

    “Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people’s more

  • The Once And Future King

    Contributed by Scott Lefebvre on Oct 12, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    A call to pursue your destiny in God by leaving your past, looking beyond the present, & living for the future. (Props to James Emery White from whom I shamelessly stole the three levels of living.

    THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING Have you ever had one of those days where you wanted so bad for it to just be over? Because you knew that tomorrow had to be better. Because there’s just no way that any two days could ever be this bad. Last summer my dad and I flew back to Wisconsin to hook up more

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