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  • Created For God's Purpose Series

    Contributed by James Dunn on Oct 11, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Adapted from Rick Warren’s 40 Days of Purpose: God created each of us with a need to be loved as well as the need to share that love. One of the avenues in which we receive His love is through the family.

    Adapted from Rick Warren’s 40 Days of Purpose Intro: We’re continuing in our series on 40 Days of Purpose. Recently, Adelina Dominguez died in San Diego. Now, what made her death noteworthy is that according to the Guinness Book of Records, she was the oldest living American. At 114 years of more

  • The Reality Of Hell Pt. 1

    Contributed by James Stewart Jr. on Dec 17, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    This Sermon deals with Eternity for those who chose not to believe in Christ. This is a two part sermon.

    Intro; This morning I want to preach on a subject that does not get a whole lot of preaching time. The Reality of Hell- Sheol or Hades The word “Sheol” means a “hollow subterranean place, “therefore “Hades” is a place of hollow emptiness and torment. It has “gates,” for Jesus said that the “Gates more

  • Going For More In 2004

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Dec 30, 2003
    based on 33 ratings

    This sermon addresses the costs and potential of investing more in the Kingdom for the new year. It is not year specific and addresses basic costs of powerful investment.

    Going For More in 2004 Colossians 1: 1-14 Let me ask you a question. How many of you believe today that Hughesville Friends Church has maxed out. We are just doing everything that can be done to fulfill the great commission of Christ. We have accomplished our mission and vision ¡V and now it¡¦s more

  • Love

    Contributed by Todd Kornahrens on Oct 20, 2005
    based on 70 ratings

    As the Church,it is high time that we stopped being distractedby things that really do not matter that have no bearing upon salvation and that Jesus Christ never even mentioned And start focusing in on that commandment on that emotion that Christ to

    I was driving up to Pittsburgh the other day for a meeting with Pastor Bish When all of the sudden the car in front of me, the car that I had been following for about 10 to 15 miles dropped to about 15 mph slower than they were going Not only that, but the car started to weave from side to side more

  • How To Be Blessed By God

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Jun 30, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    Testing God by obedient living allows us to find God’s blessings no matter our life’s situations

    What is the difference between those like Billy Graham, Mother Theresa, Robert Schuler, Dietrich Bonhoffer, C.S. Lewis & most of those who tell pollsters that they’re Christians? Let me suggest that one key difference is in how they have believed what God has promised them in verses like those here more

  • The Waiting Room Series

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Aug 30, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    This is the fourth in a series of sermons that look at the life of Joseph and how dreams come true. This message deals with the problems and posibilities of waiting for God.

    Joseph¡¦s Journey How Dreams Come True Pt 4 ¡V The Waiting Room This morning though I want to talk to you about the most dreaded place in American society ¡V The Waiting Room. You know when you walk in that your in trouble ¡V anyplace you go for an appointment where there are couches, magazines, more

  • God's Family Unit

    Contributed by Dan Borchert on Aug 29, 2002
    based on 8 ratings

    In housing plans we talk about family units, in churches we no longer want to add people we want to add family units. God has a plan and purpose for His family unit

    1 John 3:1-10 God’s Family Unit Introduction A. We love to Talk about the family Units. That is a big word in politics, real estate and so on B. The Lighthouse is building 6 family units of housing this summer (in August if you can clear your schedules) C. The Question is what does a Family more

  • Don't Give God Any Exuses

    Contributed by Dan Borchert on Aug 29, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    We love to think of different reasons why we dont follow God’s command. However they are just all excuses.

    I John 2:3-11 Don’t Give God Any Excuses! Introduction A. One of the more enjoyable part about Kid’s Klub is the excuses B. I hear them all C. It wasn’t me, then why did I see you do it D. I didn’t take it, then why is it in your hand E. He told me to, did he do it? F. My mom said I could, can I more

  • Is Hoss's Doing Our Job

    Contributed by Dan Borchert on Aug 29, 2002
    based on 8 ratings

    The Restaraunt Hoss’s has a comercial were they say Hoss’s is Hospitality. We as a church a commanded to offer Hospitality. The question then is Hoss doing our job?

    3 John 5-8 Is Hoss’s Doing Our Job? Introduction A. I am sure that most of you have seen the Commercial for Hoss’s right? a. In these commercials the Restaurant tells us they are working hard at trying to offer warm friendly service b. They want you to feel comfortable during your visit c. They more

  • "An Anointed Experience..."

    Contributed by E.t. Cummings on Sep 18, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    In this sermon, God designed purpose is to get the believer to understand his purpose in ministry and his plan to accomplish his planned tasks.

    As we discover the church of today, the church really doesn’t know how to experience the anointing because many sermons have been preached, many stories have been told, and many books have been written, but to give you the true meaning of anoiting, many people can’t tell you because they have the more

  • Dare To Dream

    Contributed by Paul Durbin on Feb 17, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Just as Amos envisioned that he could do more with his life, young people can do the same as they pursue God’s plan for their life.

     I. Trinity shirt: Dare to DREAM A. Joke: man dreamed of winning a pun contest - no pun in ten did B. Ice-cream diet C. Bill Lee-Warner, told of a “back-woodsy” sort of guy in the Bible who dared to dream, and was blessed by God more

  • The Joyful Sound

    Contributed by James May on Mar 2, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    To the Child of God, every sound of God’s Word and of the Gospel is a Joyful Sound.

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many more

  • Let's Get Real

    Contributed by Jay Patton on Jul 7, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    A sermon about being truthful with God.

    Introduction: Rabbit Misunderstanding Read Scripture/Pray Background: David finds himself in the midst of persecution Purpose Statement: Because Dark Days Do Come... I. Admit Where You’re At (vs. 1-2) A. David feels abandoned by God 1. He’s been suffering for a long time, crying out to God 2. Dr. more

  • Ghostbusters

    Contributed by Steve Steve on Mar 8, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    I used this at new year to remind us of our ever present comforter, as we began this new year. Some very good material dealing with the Holy Spirit.

    Ghostbusters How many of you have seen the movie Ghostbusters? The premise of the movie is that there are these four guys. They are a mixture of a smart person, a witty person, the muscle-person, and the comic-person. If you’ve seen the movie then you cannot forget Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd more

  • Turn Or Burn Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 25, 2002
    based on 69 ratings

    The significance of repentance is particularly important when we consider how we usually handle our weaknesses

    OPEN: “Johnnie,” asked the kindergarten teacher, “is the world round?” “No, ma’am,” was the reply. “It isn’t!” Exclaimed the teacher. “Then I suppose it’s flat?” “No, ma’am.” “Well,” said the teacher with a smile, “if the world isn’t round and it isn’t flat, then what is it?” “My dad says it’s more

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