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  • "Becoming Fully Committed" Series

    Contributed by Jason Hill on Jul 8, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    God requires that all who follow Him, follow Him completely with all that they are and have.

    “Making A Difference” – Pt. 2 “Becoming Fully Committed” It is often times a funny thing being a follower of Christ. When you are fully committed to God and fully committed to His leadership in your life things sometimes happen that are beyond your control. But it is through these leadings of more

  • All Or Nothing PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 18, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the essence of Christianity through understanding the greatest commandment, the cost of discipleship, and the reward of commitment, emphasizing that true faith requires obedience and living out our beliefs daily.

    Good morning, family! Today we’re exploring The Greatest Commandment, The Cost of Discipleship, and The Reward of Commitment. The words of A.W. Tozer ring true when he says, "True faith commits us to obedience." It's not just about saying we believe, it's about living it out, every single day. Now more

  • Fully Committed To Him - Part I Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Jun 7, 2005
    based on 65 ratings

    This sermon is part one in a series challenging God’s people to deeper committment in their relationship with Him.

    “Fully Committed to Him” Sermon – 8 August 2004 We have just come out of a six week series of sermons entitled “Breaking Down Barriers & Building Up The Wall”. One of the points that we touched on a couple of times throughout that series was the matter of being committed to the Lord. In more

  • Fully Committed To Him (Pt.2) Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Jun 7, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Sermon two in a series calling God’s people to a deeper committment to their God.

    “Fully Committed to Him (Pt.2)” Sermon – 15 August 2004 Last week I began a new sermon series entitled “Fully Committed To Him”. In that sermon we looked at the Life of King Asa – a King of Judah who was noted for being fully committed to God but in the end turned from the Lord in several more

  • Fully Committed To Him (Pt.3) Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Jun 7, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    This is part three in a series of sermons challenging God’s people to a deeper level of committment to the Lord.

    “Fully Committed to Him (Pt.3)” Sermon – 22 August 2004 We have been in a series entitled “Fully Committed to Him”, and in this series we have been looking at the life of King Asa. King Asa was a very interesting character for we can see in his life some of the paradoxes of a life of service to more

  • Fully Committed To Him (Pt Iv) Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Jun 7, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Part four in a series of sermons encouraging God’s people to have a deeper level of committment to the Lord.

    “Fully Committed to Him (Pt.3)” Sermon – 29 August 2004 (From sermons 2 and 3) 1. He Sought The Lord – 2 Chron 14:7 7 "Let us build up these towns," he said to Judah, "and put walls around them, with towers, gates and bars. The land is still ours, because we have sought the LORD our God; we sought more

  • Commit To God

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Oct 13, 2014

    How we are to fully commit to God, Church and Community based on 1 Samuel 7

    Title: Time to Commit to God Subject: It is time that we see a real commitment to God, church and community. Introduction: Israel ignored God for years, God raised up judges and priest to lead them. There were sporadic times of Revival for them but they were continuously oppressed because they more

  • Fully Convinced

    Contributed by Kevin Jones on Jul 18, 2009

    Everyone is given a measure of faith and it is up to us to use it correctly

    Fully Convinced There is something powerful about being convinced… I mean fully convinced. I was thinking about my life and how it has evolved as it has and I realized I have done what I have done, and I do what I do because I am fully convinced without a doubt that God has a plan for my life. I more

  • Called, Commanded, And Commissioned By God Series

    Contributed by Pastor Ricky A. Rohrig Sr. on Sep 9, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Expository sermon from the gospel of Mark

    The Ministry, Message, and Messiah in the Book of Mark Week 11: "Called, Commanded, and Commissioned by God" (Mark 6:7-13) June 7, 2015 Crossroads Community Church Rev. Ricky A. Rohrig Sr., Founding Pastor All of us are uniquely, distinctively, and purposely made by our Heavenly Father. He knows more

  • Called To Commitment Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Mar 9, 2016
    based on 6 ratings

    True discipleship involves our deep commitment to our Lord and Saviour, allowing His life to infuse our own, so that we become more like Him. Are you fully committed to following the commands and precepts of our Lord and Saviour?

    Our theme for 2016 is Dynamic Disciples and this morning I want us to consider our commitment to being a disciple of Christ. In the New Testament the word Disciple is used to describe the people who are committed to following Jesus Christ. To be a true disciple of Jesus requires real more

  • When You Really Need God To Show Up

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Jun 5, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The story is Elijah's proposed show-down between God and Baal at Mount Carmel. God doesn't want just part of us. He wants all of us, and he will tolerate no substitute, because he knows nothing else will satisfy in his place.

    1 Kings 18:20-39 When You Really Need God to Show Up Today’s story might be called, “The Great Show-down at Mount Carmel.” It is an ultimate, winner-takes-all kind of challenge, Yahweh God vs. Baal. Which one is real? Which one will come through for his people? But why all the more

  • Who Is On The Lord's Side? Series

    Contributed by Manny Salva Cruz on Aug 2, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Many times, we are not even aware that we have slipped into the enemy's side because of our disobedience and ignorance but this message will remind us to be reflective, to be more assured and to be more committed in the side of God.

    WHO IS ON THE LORD'S SIDE? Scripture reading: Exodus 32:22-26 "22 “Do not be angry, my lord,” Aaron answered. “You know how prone these people are to evil. 23 They said to me, ‘Make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we more

  • The Commitment To Follow Series

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Jan 28, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    To fully follow God requires commitment that is rooted in God’s Grace and Power.

    The story is told of visitor from another part of what once was the Soviet Union to the Moscow Circus. As part of the circus performance a beautiful lion tamer would have a lion come to her and then put his paws around her and muzzle her with affection. The visitor exclaimed, “What so great about more

  • How Then Shall We Live

    Contributed by Tyranne Mcmillan on May 4, 2002
    based on 4 ratings

    A commited christian who lives a commited christian life will find favor with God who will then be fully commited to your life.

    Living holy is not easy. How do we live Godly? According to Mathew 5:20, to live Godly is to exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees. When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are His servants and representatives in this world. Not only are we obligated, but we are commanded more

  • Disciples Or Dabblers?

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jun 15, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon was a four-part podcast at which asked: Are we fully committed to Jesus or just dabbling in Christianity?

    Intro – Part 1 1. Jesus came into the world to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). In doing so, he changed people from being the disciples of Satan to become His disciples. Jesus did what Rabbis do, they make disciples. 2. To be a disciple, one must follow the precepts and instructions of the more

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