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  • Forgive While Praying

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Oct 18, 2013

    To prove that we can pray and forgive.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you pray and forgive? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that we can pray and forgive. IV. TEXT: Mark 11:25 (Amplified Bible) 11:25 And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), more

  • Finding Strength In Forgiveness

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Apr 16, 2021

    The purpose of confession is to find forgiveness in Jesus.

    4.18.21 1 John 1:8–2:2 8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar, and his Word more

  • Faith, Forgiveness And Healing

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Mar 12, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus' authority to forgive sins.

    FAITH, FORGIVENESS AND HEALING. Matthew 9:1-8. The place referred to as “His own city” (Matthew 9:1) appears to be Capernaum (cf. Mark 2:1). This is all the more tragic because of the ‘woe’ which Jesus would later pronounce against that city (Matthew 11:23-24). It would be a tragedy to have more

  • Forgiven People Forgive

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Oct 8, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    A message about relationships, forgiveness and the gospel

    Title: “forgiven people forgive” October 3, 2021 Text: Matt 18:21-35 Subject: Why do we forgive? Complement: because we too are forgiven. Big idea: Forgiven people forgive. 21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? more

  • I Will Be A Forgiving Person Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Mar 10, 2007
    based on 86 ratings

    Forgiving people when they wrong you is sometimes easier said than done, but we need to forgive and let go of bitterness.

    “I Will Be A Forgiving Person” Introduction: Have any of you ever been wronged or hurt by someone? If you have you know first hand how easy it could be to stay angry and to grow bitter to a person. God definitely understands what it is like to be hurt and wronged. We through our sins we commit more

  • The Way To Forgiveness Of Sin

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Dec 20, 2022

    Jesus bought forgiveness and mercy into a world that desperately needed it. Today we need to practice Jesus' methods of forgiveness.

    The Way to Forgiveness of Sin John 8:1-8 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz John 8:1 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 Early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people were coming to Him; and he sat down and began to teach them. 3 The scribes and the Pharisees *brought a more

  • Father Forgive Them Series

    Contributed by David Swensen on Mar 5, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Why are Christ’s last words on forgiveness so crucial for us today? Learn more about forgiveness in today’s message.

    INTRODUCTION “On the day that Karl Marx died, his housekeeper came to him and said, ‘Tell me your last words, and I’ll write them down.’ Marx replied, ‘Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!’” He was wrong as last words can be very revealing and important. P.T. Barnum more

  • Beaten But Still Forgiving

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 5, 2001
    based on 20 ratings

    Stephen’s example of forgiveness amidst persecution

    Stephen’s Example of Forgiveness – Acts 7:34-60 Illustration:Karl Menninger, the famed psychiatrist, once said that if he could convince the patients in psychiatric hospitals that their sins were forgiven, 75 percent of them could walk out the next day! Today in the Word, March 1989, p. 8. more

  • Sermon On The Mount: Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Oct 20, 2011

    Message from the Sermon on the Mount about Forgiveness

    Title: Measure of Forgiveness Theme: Text: Matthew 6:12,14-15 Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive more

  • Forgive? Who Me?

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Jan 31, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    We desire, and expect God’s forgiveness when we ask. But it is so hard to offer that forgiveness to others when they sin against us.

    Forgive? Who Me? Matthew 18:21-35 I remember this story about a famous person in American history, and for the life of me, I can’t remember who it was. Anyway, this person was asked one Sunday afternoon about the worship service he attended that morning. “What did the preacher preach about?” more

  • Power Up Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Feb 24, 2023

    There’s not a one of us that hasn’t had to exercise the power of forgiveness on a regular basis. We are humans surrounded by humans, there is a lot to forgive.

    Introduction There’s not a one of us that hasn’t had to exercise the power of forgiveness on a regular basis. We are humans surrounded by humans, there is a lot to forgive. Sometimes it feels a little harder to forgive. Peter once asked, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I more

  • Forfeiting Our Forgiveness

    Contributed by Scott Burr on Dec 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Is it possible to forfeit the forgiveness shown to us by Jesus Christ? The answer may surprise you! Time and again Scripture ties God's forgiveness to our willingness to forgive and by withholding from others what God so graciously extended to us, we are

    “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” more

  • Do You Charge To Forgive?

    Contributed by Debra Klein on Jun 5, 2006
    based on 19 ratings

    This sermon talks about the importance of forgiving others and the dangers of not forgiving.

    Do You Charge to Forgive? Colossians 3:12-13 & Matthew 6:14-15 There was a time in Arizona that I had been feeling really uncomfortable about something, but I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was. For about a month I was irritated with everything and everybody around me. Then one morning I woke more

  • Total Forgiveness- Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Don Meyer on Sep 22, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    In our continuing examination of the doctrine of Forgiveness, we learn of the benefits for us personally to Forgive the way God Forgives us.

    “Total Forgiveness- Part 3” Text: Luke 6:27-36 9-21-03 Grace, Mercy, and peace be unto you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. There was once a Pastor who arrived at his new Church and his first Sunday in the pulpit he delivered a powerful sermon that really hit more

  • Findind God's Love In Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jul 31, 2018

    Forgiveness will set yo free, not give the guilty a free pass.God's forgiveness is life changing.Un-forgiveness is life challenging

    Love Worth Finding Series Finding God’s love in forgiveness Introduction- Every one of us has a story to tell…what is your story? What are you telling others not only with words, but by your actions? People are watching you at the grocery store, your work place, sporting events you attend and more

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