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  • Understanding The Times

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jan 11, 2001
    based on 151 ratings

    The line has been drawn, & the battle is on. But do we realize it? Are we people who understand the times & know what should be done? You see, there are four areas in which this battle is being fought.

    MELVIN NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (Updated & Revised: 2022) TEXT: 1 Chronicles 12:30-32 Acts 17:22-34 A. Tomorrow is officially designated as a holiday celebrated in many communities by a variety of solemn observances. All across the U.S. people will gather in parks more

  • God Answers To Job

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Mar 8, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    La mort d’un jeune ami chrétien, Fabrice, nous a fait réflèchir sur la mort, comment Dieu parle

    Dieu réponds à Job Lecture « L’Eternel répondit à Job du milieu de la tempête et dit:… » Job 38/1. « L’Eternel répondit à Job du milieu de la tempête et dit:… » Job 40/6 Mais pendant 34 chapitres, un certain temps Dieu ne parlera pas… Par contre, tout commence dans le ciel chapitre 1 et 2, il y a more

  • Narnia: Feeling The Icy Brip Of Evil Series

    Contributed by Glenn Teal on Dec 10, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    Today we look at how C.S. Lewis used the symbols of evil -- Turkish Delight and the White Witch to remind us that evil is indeed real...

    Feeling the Icy Grip of Evil CrossRoads Community Church Glenn H. Teal, Lead Pastor Sunday December 11, 2005 Why would anyone write a classic children’s fantasy tale and set the story in a lovely place called Narnia but then go and spoil it all by making it always winter there and never more

  • Holding Our Ground In The Faith,

    Contributed by William Yates on Mar 24, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    We in America and in the church are in the midst of a great cultural war. How do we respond when we hear of gay marriages and gay pastors being ordained? We can learn from 1 Chronicles 11 that we need to not retreat, but rather hold the high ground.

    Holding Our Ground in the Faith Note: I am a United Methodist pastor who wrote this sermon in response to a recent ruling to allow a gay pastor to retain her ministry in the church. Though this message exhorts United Methodists to take a stand against a few radical elements within our fold, I more

  • Still Sufficient And Supreme

    Contributed by Michael Bird on Feb 8, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Deals with the text of Col 1:15-20 by expositing its rich Christological significance.

    Col 1: 15-20 - Still Sufficient and Supreme (full text) In our survey of Col 1:15-20 we are now up to course five of this amazing Christological feast of the person and work of Christ. Course Five: Christ the Pope v.18a In 1376 John Wycliffe, a lecturer at Oxford University, wrote a more

  • Blueprint For A Godly Kid Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 23, 2004
    based on 94 ratings

    There are several myths that cripple our potential to raise Godly kids. Do you know what they are?

    OPEN: A man once wrote about the fact that when he was a teenager, he had a drug problem. I was “drug” to Church on Sunday Morning. I was “drug” to Church on Sunday night. I was “drug” to Church on Wednesday night. I was “drug” to Sunday School every week. I was “drug” to Vacation Bible more

  • A Nation At War - Spiritual Warfare Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on May 8, 2009

    (PowerPoint Slides freely available by emailing We have been at war but not in a war. Understanding the critical fight we are engaged in, and the stakes we are fighting for.

    A Nation at War Ephesians 6:10-12 There’s more to life and living in this world than meets the eye. The Bible tells us that we are in a war zone where unseen spiritual forces battle constantly. As Christians we are part of this war. While the Bible assures us of victory, the tragic reality is that more

  • The Financial Crisis And The Bible

    Contributed by Michael Russell on Jan 12, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    The application of some of the Old Testament law to the financial crisis - in particular, debt-related slavery and the prohibition on charging interest.

    The financial crisis and the bible This year, you could barely read the news without a mention of the financial crisis. Some of the jokes summed it up well: With the current market turmoil, what’s the easiest way to make a small fortune? Start off with a large one. How do you define optimism? more

  • What Of Pastors And Elders Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Sep 13, 2009

    Should we even have pastors and elders? Don’t we all walk in relationship with God and if so why would we need spiritual leadership?

    Dakota Community Church July 12, 2009 The Field & the Force 4 What of Pastors and Elders? So far we have looked at: 1. When the Church is the field When the church is the field it is seen as the place people come to do the work of God. 2. When the Church is the (labor) force When the church more

  • Songs Of Our Faith Part 7a Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Oct 12, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    This message focuses on the song "His Grace Is Greater" by Larnelle Harris.

    Songs Of Our Faith Part 7A His Grace Is Greater By: Larnelle Harris Scripture: John 14:27; Phil. 4:7; 4:19; Rev. 21:4; Jer. 29:11 Introduction This morning I will review a song that is very personal to me. This song functions as a reminder of a time in my life when I thought I had my more

  • Our Spiritual Warfare

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jan 4, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Ephesians 6:10-12 teaches us that every Christian is engaged in a great spiritual battle.

    Scripture Today we begin a new sermon series in Ephesians 6:10-24 that I am calling, “The Whole Armor of God.” Commentators note that Paul’s letter to the Ephesians may be divided into two major divisions: Ephesians 1-3 are doctrinal and Ephesians 4-6 describe our duty. However, some commentators more

  • Finish The Job Series

    Contributed by Mark Pritchard on Jan 20, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    An exposition of Judges 1:1-2:5. The story of Israel's incomplete obedience and the disaster it brings.

    Church At The Gates: Missoula, MT Church Judges 1-2:5 | Week 1 | Finish the Job The Lists in our Lives You have a list. Everyone has a list. Maybe it’s a “honey-do” list or a list of assignments from Professor No-Fun or a list of New Year’s Resolutions you’ve just barely started or you’re almost more

  • Wake-Up Call

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Aug 1, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Every believer has three enemies - the world system, the flesh, and the Devil. If we don't wake-up, heed and act on Biblical warnings, we will not only be spent but also taken down. God's truth is the best protection against Satan's lies.

    Opening illustration: As we moved to our new home in the Middle-East after the government transferred Maureena and me to a previous location in the mountains, we never expected the place to be hiding scorpions which would show up regularly in our bathrooms and poisonous snakes that would appear in more

  • Jesus' Kingdom

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Oct 7, 2013

    In his exchange with Pilate Jesus revealed some important aspects regarding the nature of His kingdom.

    JESUS’ KINGDOM John 18:28-40 1) Jesus’ kingdom is one of integrity (28-32). Vs. 28-‘by now it was early morning’. Think of the fact that this had been going on all night. Some of you may have pulled ‘all-nighters’ before. At this point Jesus has already been up more

  • Speak Out With Boldness

    Contributed by Lee Houston on Apr 11, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    We are to fight against the evils of our time with truth, righteousness, faith and we are to proclaim the Gospel boldly.

    Title: Speak Out with Boldness Central idea: We are to fight against the evils of our time with truth, righteousness, faith and we are to proclaim the Gospel boldly. Specific purpose: to persuade the congregation not to set idly by but to fight for God by speaking boldly for Christ. Delivery more

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