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  • Wise Men Still Seek Him

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Dec 26, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    A message to encourage seekers to continue their pursuit of God.

    "Wise Men Still Seek Him" Matthew 2:1-12 Matthew 2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to more

  • Wise Men Still Seek Him

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jan 7, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Worship is about who, not what. It is about giving, not getting. It is about encounter, not ritual.

    Listen to what the Scriptures say. Wise men from the East came seeking for Jesus. • Through the study of the stars and the revelation of the Holy Spirit, they were enlightened to know that the Messiah, King of the Jews was born, in Israel. • They came seeking and inquiring, and was told to go to more

  • Seeking To Live Godly In A Spiritual World Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Nov 25, 2012

    Sold Out, two of the most powerful words that can describe our life in Christ. It means we are no longer available to be bought by anything. We are not our own.

    Intro: Some of the most terrible words that shoppers can hear on black Friday or any day in this shopping season “Sold Out.” What does that mean? It means it is no longer available to be purchased and unavailable to another buyer. That is exactly what Paul is telling his 1 Corinthians more

  • Seek The Lord As My Food And Drink

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Dec 23, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    To show that JESUS is compared to our food and drink because He is, without Him even the choicest food and drink can't satisfy us, but with Him even the most simplest as bowl of soup can fully satisfy us.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you always crave for food and drink? Why? Always crave for JESUS like food and drink. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that JESUS is compared to our food and drink because He is, without Him even the choicest food and drink can't satisfy us, but with more

  • He Came To Seek And Save The Lost

    Contributed by William Baeta on Oct 31, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    “Today salvation has come to this house...for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” Luke 19:10.

    Lk. 19:1-10 Theme: He came to seek and to save the lost Text: Is. 1:10-18; 2 Thess. 1:1-12; Luke 19:1-10 Thirty first of October was Reformation Day. On that day in 1517 Martin Luther rediscovered the truth of Scripture that salvation is by grace and not by works. This truth is clearly visible more

  • Seek The Lord With All Your Heart Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This Psalm teaches us that we should seek the Lord with all our hearts.

    Summer Psalms #9 - Seek the Lord with All Your Heart Psalm 91:1-16 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - July 29, 2009 *In studying this Psalm, James Hastings was moved by the way God responds to people who seek the Lord. Hastings called this the Psalm of “God’s inner more

  • Wise Men Still Seek Him

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 7, 2013
    based on 9 ratings

    The wise men inquired concerning Christ, and listened to God.

    WISE MEN STILL SEEK HIM. Matthew 2:1-12. The second chapter of Matthew’s Gospel begins with a basic fact: “Jesus was born in Bethlehem.” Outside the context of Scripture it would be no more remarkable than saying, “Fred was born in Birmingham,” or “Shirley was born in Cape Town.” However, the more

  • Seek His Presence, Not His Presents

    Contributed by Joel Jacob on May 14, 2019

    Why do we seek God? Is it the presence of the Almighty or the little presents he gives us? Are our priorities straight?

    Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a boy named Francis. His birthday was approaching, and his father called him aside and asked him, You’re birthday is approaching and what if I threw a birthday party and just cut one cake and everyone went home? How many of your friends do you more

  • From Inward Seeking To Outward Serving

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Feb 22, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The very best place to be is in a church that is unified and handling well the threats to unity. The very worst is a church that is splintered, full of cliques and getting worse each year.

    Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and more

  • Seeking The Lord: A Journey Of Continual Pursuit Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jun 6, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Psalm 105:4 calls us to seek the Lord with unwavering dedication. As we delve into this passage, we will discover what it means to seek His presence continually and how this pursuit transforms our lives.

    Seeking the Lord: A Journey of Continual Pursuit Introduction: Today, we will explore the profound depths of Psalm 105:4, a verse that calls us to seek the Lord with unwavering dedication. As we delve into this passage, we will discover what it means to seek His presence continually and how this more

  • Sermon # 4 - Seek To Please God Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Aug 30, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Often we miss out on God’s call for our lives when we disobey the Lord or choose to please people over God. As a church may we not shun our responsibility to proclaim Christ, but stand up boldly to proclaim Christ and the good news of the Gospel.

    We read in Jonah 1:4, “Then the LORD sent a great wind over the sea, and a severe storm broke out. It seemed as if the ship were about to break up.” (ISV) As we continue these studies on the life of Jonah, we will be pleasantly surprised to know that there is a lot that we as a church can learn more

  • Asking, Seeking, Knocking (Luke 11)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 1, 2024

    What is the importance of asking, seeking and knocking in prayer? Let's look at Luke 11.

    What does prayer have to do with asking, seeking and knocking? Do we gather with Jesus or scatter? What woes can religious leaders face? Let’s look at Luke 11. What are the important topics to pray about that Jesus addressed? It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, when He more

  • Seeking The Things Of Christ: Look Up! PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 12, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To encourage believers to focus their hearts and minds on spiritual matters, rather than earthly distractions.

    Good morning, church. Today, we're going to focus on a message that's as relevant today as it was when it was first written to early Christians in Colossae. It's about setting our hearts on things above, tuning out the clamor of the world, and focusing on the thoughts of Jesus. In the words of more

  • Prepared Not Your Heart To Seek God

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jul 23, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Solomon's son Rehoboam, despite all his advantages, did not "prepare his heart to seek the Lord." How do you prepare your heart to seek God? What are the benefits of preparing your heart?

    PREPARED NOT YOUR HEART TO SEEK GOD 2 Chron. 12:1-14 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. PSYCHOLOGY 101. In a class on abnormal psychology, the instructor was about to introduce the subject of manic depression. She posed this question to her students: "How would you diagnose a patient who walks back more

  • Wise Men Still Seek Him

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 21, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Christmas Magi

    WISE MEN STILL SEEK HIM (MATTHEW 2:1-18) The media and the malls like nothing more than freezing Christ out of Christmas. It is a culture war, a liberal bias and a left-wing agenda no one likes to admit. How did the magi or wise men celebrate Christmas? What do the wise today need to know about more

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