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  • Do We Look Like We Have Been With Jesus?

    Contributed by Bryan Beverly on Aug 18, 2014
    based on 2 ratings

    This message tells us that we can change our lives and be better people by embracing the creeds and deeds of Christ.

    While Peter and John were speaking to the people, the priests, the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees came to them, 2much annoyed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming that in Jesus there is the resurrection of the dead. 3So they arrested them and put them in custody until the more

  • Prophecy

    Contributed by Sumeet Mj on Mar 10, 2015

    God's Word is spoken with Prophetic Power. It is better to trust in His Word than to trust any other Assurance that is offered in this World. Learn more about how God's Word in its Power can transform your life.

    Genesis 2:19 Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man (Adam) to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. I sometimes wonder at the authority that Man had before his more

  • Taking The Test Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Feb 13, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    What happens after you hear the words of Jesus? Is your life different? Today as we study Mark's gospel we see how the Lord gives the disciples an opportunity to test how much the words of Jesus became life in them.

    When I was 15 I took a course at high school in how to drive a car. Drivers Education featured movies, texts, and lectures. At no time during this course did we set foot inside of an actual vehicle. Later, I took driver’s training where we tried out our skills behind the wheel. All this was more

  • Insignificant? Not To God.

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Dec 4, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    At Christmas we remember the birth of Jesus our Saviour in the 'little town of Bethlehem', an insignificant little town in the middle east, but nothing and no one is insignificant to God, who loves every human being and sent His only-begotten Son to die o

    Micah 5 v. 2 Nothing is ‘insignificant’ to God ‘O little town of Bethlehem ……………..’ The first time that Bethlehem appears in the scriptures is in Genesis 35. We can read how Jacob, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham loved Rachel and more

  • The Hero's Authority Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Dec 19, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Wanting to do something and actually being able to do it are two entirely different things. Jesus may have been introduced as the ultimate action hero but without action it's just a good sound bite. In this study the hero demonstrates His authority and ab

    It is one thing to claim you can do something and it’s quite another to actually accomplish it. When I was four years old, like a lot of kids my age, I was enamored with Mighty Mouse. One day I remember grabbing a blanket and running around the neighborhood with it wrapped around my neck like more

  • Right Bait Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on May 13, 2020

    We are commanded to be fishers of men. Have you caught anything lately? If not, why? We must learn how to fish so that we can fill the boat! We can't wait "There is a lot on the line!"

    Pt. 2 - Right Bait I. Introduction Here fishy, fishy! Man, it is frustrating to know you are fishing in the right water, but still can't seem to catch any fish. The water is important like we talked about last week. However, there is another essential factor that determines whether or not you more

  • "ordinary People For An Extraordinary Calling" Series

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Dec 31, 2020

    Jesus rarely calls the famous, the powerful, the influential, or the religious groups to preach the Gospel. He works best with those who feel that that have nothing to offer Him but follow and obey Him anyway.

    The message of Jesus has not changed in over two thousand years. He still tells those with ears to hear to repent and believe in the Gospel. In His early ministry, He preached in His hometown synagogue and nearly got Himself killed as a result (Luke 4:16-30). Wherever Jesus went, He either more

  • God Equips Us Series

    Contributed by John Bright on Dec 9, 2019

    Working through the book of Exodus using consecutive expository preaching. Exodus 4:1-4:17. Teaching Sheet for the bulletin included at end of text.

    Sermon Series “Exodus” 4:1-4:17 “God Equips Us” Exodus 4 “16 So he shall be your spokesman to the people. And he himself shall be as a mouth for you, and you shall be to him as God. 17 And you shall take this rod in your hand, with which you shall do the signs.” Back in 1983, a man, Timothy more

  • "A Story About Seeds”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jun 9, 2021

    "There is nothing that we do that God could not accomplish Himself." (Unseen Realm-Michael Heiser) But we are to sow the seeds of the Gospel, tell the story of Jesus.. it is a partnership with the Holy Spirit.

    In Jesus Holy Name June 21, 2021 Text: Mark 4:31 Pentecost III Redeemer “A Story About Seeds” We have a garden. Many of you probably have gardens as well. Some of you may even start your plants in a hot house. But most of us more

  • Empowered

    Contributed by Steve Pearman on Aug 6, 2020

    Without being empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are followers. But once we are empowered, we are ambassadors.

    EMPOWERED Today I’m going to help you feel empowered! You might say, Woah! Me? Empowered? I don’t think so. That’s not me . . . But please stay with me on this and don’t drift off. Our series is “The Wellbeing of my soul” – This is not about achieving great things for yourself This is not about more

  • What Is Faith? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jun 29, 2021

    What is faith and how does one live by faith?

    About 17 years ago I shared a message to a group of Filipino-American Christians who prayed and had a vision of starting a new church! God answered their prayers and Fil-Am Bible Church which became All Nations Bible Church became a reality! Although today is the last Public Worship Service for more

  • Fishers Of Men

    Contributed by Chanon Mullens on Oct 22, 2005
    based on 5 ratings


    Fisher’s Of Men Matthew 4:18-19 1. Jesus’ Message • Jesus’ message was simple: REPENT • Jesus had just returned from the temptation of Satan • Matthew 9:13 “But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to more

  • The Bound-Tos And The Kaint Hep Its Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 24, 2010

    We don't have to be experts in order to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    St. Anne & Joachim July 26, 2010 You Will Be My Witnesses A few years ago, a U.S. President was facing his last term and began to wonder about his “legacy.” In other words, what would he be remembered for? Jeshua ben Sira, whom we know as Sirach, wrote the answer about a hundred more

  • Follow Me Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus calls ordinary people to follow Him and spread His message. We are all invited to be part of His mission, and our role is to extend this invitation to others.

    Today, we're diving into the lives of Jesus' first followers, His original squad. You know what's cool? They were just regular dudes, like you and me. They weren't superstar preachers or smooth talkers. They were fishermen, working hard and getting their hands dirty. Picture this: Jesus walks up to more

  • The Inaugural Message Of Jesus

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Jan 16, 2005
    based on 50 ratings

    We need to repent because: 1. We have a problem. 2. Something better has come. 3. The Kingdom is here.

    One of my favorite cartoon strips is “Frank and Earnest.” Frank is in the courtroom standing before the judge who says to him, “It’s ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty.’ You can’t plead ‘I gotta be me.’” The cartoon is humorous because it touches a reality in our culture which places the need for more

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