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  • Jesus' Grand Finale

    Contributed by Jim Nicodem on Jul 22, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    An eight-point message on the importance and relevance of Jesus’ ascension.

    INTRO: An American tourist was visiting England on his summer vacation. -As the 4th of July approached, he wondered how the British would celebrate America’s Independence Day. -So, he asked one of his tour guides: Does England have a 4th of July? (2X) -You can imagine the tour guide’s sarcastic more

  • God's Final Call

    Contributed by James May on Nov 7, 2010
    based on 37 ratings

    God is making his final call to his people, "Repent and prepare to meet your God". Too many of God's people live in a false sense of security, believing in lying words. Let's make our salvation sure and fully commit to serving the Lord!

    God’s Final Call Sunday, November 07, 2010 – AM By Pastor James May Jeremiah was probably the most humble prophet of the Old Testament. His heart was broken because of the condition of Israel, and on more than one occasion he wept openly for his people. He was one of very few more

  • Failure Is Never Final

    Contributed by Paul Wallace on Mar 27, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Failure is a part of life for successful people.

    Failure is never Final Luke 5 Have you ever blown it? Have you ever failed a test in life or in the classroom? And then we feel like we are a failure. If others don’t get down on us, we get down on our selves, right? Saying things, “I’m so stupid, I can’t believe I did more

  • The Final Cry & Confession Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 24, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The Word has established him, strengthen him & transformed him, but he is still in need of more of God, more of God's enabling & more of God's Word.The final meditation is from one who knows what it is like to to go astray & be brought back home again.

    PSALM 119: 169–176 [The Ministry of The Word Series] THE FINAL CRY AND CONFESSION The Psalmist has now come to his last stanza. Letter by letter he has sung and sobbed his way through the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Again and again tears have become rainbows as he turn his eyes more

  • A Final Personification Of Wisdom

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 15, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Wisdom is compared to the virtuous woman in this closing poem of the book of Proverbs: the very personification of Christ, and of all that we all should be in Him.

    A FINAL PERSONIFICATION OF WISDOM. Proverbs 31:10-31. The book of Proverbs closes with an acrostic poem which commends the virtues of a certain (literally) “strong woman” (Proverbs 31:10). If we have been reading through the book up to this point, we will find that we have met her already. This more

  • Your Final Destiny Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Aug 31, 2015

    Our faithfulness in the Christian life determines our reward when we rule and reign with Jesus in His Kingdom.

    Your Final Destiny In the book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey gives a very important principles for a successful life. Principle #2 is "Begin with the End in Mind." That’s very good advice for Christians who desire to please the Lord. We will one day give an account more

  • Death - The Final Frontier? Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Dec 9, 2013

    Our viewpoint of death is a stark contrast to God's viewpoint.

    Since I have retired I have developed a new hobby. It is called sleeping. I love to sleep. After 34 years of averaging 6 hours sleep a night it is nice to now get 8 or more. In fact I have to set the alarm or I would probably sleep the entire day away. There is an old saying “I fell dead more

  • Paul's Final Instructions Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on May 20, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In today's lesson we learn various instructions regarding living the Christian life.

    Scripture We continue our study in The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians in a series I am calling Challenges Christians Face. One of the challenges that Christians face is the issue of Christian living. The Apostle Paul addressed a number of issues regarding Christian living as he concluded more

  • Grace And The Final Evaluation Series

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Jun 27, 2011

    All individuals are destined to undergo a final evaluation by God.

    Romans 16:1-27 Introduction: A. History has recorded many ideas about the final evaluation and final state of humans beyond death. B. I had a recent discussion with a cousin concerning ghosts. 1. We were discussing various events that would appear to conclude that ghosts exist. 2. I have my more

  • Y Al Final... Series

    Contributed by Kelly Cabrera on Nov 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Aprenderemos principios espirituales sacados del cantico de David que fortalecerán nuestra vida. Este pasaje David lo escribió en el tiempo que tomaría su lugar en el trono de Israel. En el resume lo vivido desde su llamado hasta este momento y el mover d

    Y AL FINAL… 2 Samuel 22:1 1 Habló David a Jehová las palabras de este cántico, el día que Jehová le había librado de la mano de todos sus enemigos, y de la mano de Saúl. I. UBICÁNDONOS EN EL TIEMPO David escribe este Salmo poco antes de ser nombrado rey de Israel, en momentos que ya había more

  • God's Final Word

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 4, 2013

    The Israelites were never left without a word from God. But it wouldn't be enough. God spoke, but He never said all that he needed to say. There was something lacking.

    24 October 2005 God's Final Word Hebrews 1:1-1:4 (NLT) 1 Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. 2 But now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he more

  • Abraham's Final Test Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Feb 1, 2013

    God asked Abraham to sacrifice it all. Would he?

    Show the video “What defines you?” In the video we just watched this statement was made. “What you love most will define who you are, what you become, and what you do with your life.” Paul is quoted in the video as declaring, “I once thought these things were more

  • Final Appeals & Greetings Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 25, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    Romans was a letter Paul found very difficult to end. There is always more that needs to be said. So before Paul ends he makes a final appeal for his readers to keep away from evil influences.

    ROMANS 16: 17-24-27 FINAL APPEALS AND GREETINGS [Acts 20: 28- 32] Romans was a letter Paul found very difficult to end. There is always more that needs to be said. So before Paul ends he makes a final appeal for his readers to keep away from evil influences (CIT). In this appeal he more

  • My Final Sermon

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Aug 5, 2013

    This is the outline of my final sermon as pastor of Calvary Assembly of God

    Text: Romans 16 Title: My final sermon Introduction: This is my last sermon as pastor of Calvary Assembly of God. I would like to finish the same way Paul finishes the Book of Romans; by thanking those God used to help me. In Romans chapter 16 Paul thanks 37 people by name. So Paul was not some more

  • Nehemiah's Final Instructions Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on May 2, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Renewal and reform are constant in the life of faith. Yet … we always lend towards compromise, failure, and disobedience. It is important that keep vigilant not only of what we've been taught, but of one another as well.

    Nehemiah’s Final Instructions Nehemiah 12:44 – 13:31 Introduction - This week we finish this exciting journey into one of God’s greatest leaders -- But more than that, one of God’s servants whose example we can follow - Nehemiah is a great study of leadership; shows more

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