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  • Going Through The Fire

    Contributed by Dennis Jones on Feb 16, 2003
    based on 91 ratings

    Sometimes we feel like we are going through a lot of unnecessary hard times. Some people like to say they are going through the fire.

    Sometimes we feel like we are going through a lot of unnecessary hard times. Some people like to say they are going through the fire. My bible tells me that God will be there for me any time any place. Even in the middle of the fire like He was for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. Open with more

  • A Smooth Sea Never Made A Skilled Sailor.

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Jul 25, 2020

    These trials or test, this virus, these riots are taking a toll on us.

    Sermon Title: A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. Scripture Text: John 16:33 As we consider all these trials or test, this virus, and these riots that are taking a toll on us. Let us push God to the forefront of our lives. John 16:33 (NLT) 33 I have told you all this so that you may have more

  • Of Snakes And Crosses

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Apr 2, 2003
    based on 284 ratings

    Lent 4: The Lord has prescribed the method whereby we must be saved. It might seem odd - maybe crazy - like gazing at a snake on a pole... or a Savior on a Cross.

    Folks were fussing and griping. They were angry and upset and - as is almost always the case under these circumstances - they began to criticize. Soon the words became heated. The harshness of the comments spoken was only thinly veiled. The angry words spoken were like painful, barbed darts – more

  • His Presence Brings Perspective

    Contributed by Hiram Claudio on Mar 2, 2006
    based on 44 ratings

    Even in the fire, the presence of God was more overwheleming than a fire that had already killed 2 guards.

    His Presence Brings Perspective (Daniel 3 – NKJV) This chapter opens with: • The king making an image of gold (90 feet tall and 9 feet wide) • King sent word, when the music is heard, everyone is to bow to it • Not just bow to it … “fall down and worship” – verse 5 • If you don’t – right to the more

  • Don't Let Your Guard Down

    Contributed by William Davis on Nov 26, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    This lets the people know even though the road may get tough don't give up. Don't let down the guard you have because the battle isn't over yet

    Looking verse 10 it is telling us that by us being human our powers compare nothing to God’s, and we need the strength of God’s might that God gives us through prayer because it tells us that in verse 18. People wonder why us people of the flesh don’t have the same powers as God more

  • Perspectives On Fire

    Contributed by Reylourd Reyes on Jan 21, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    A Sermon on Daniel.

    Reylourd P. Reyes OTST 571 The Book of Daniel 1st Sermon on the Book of Daniel Perspectives on Fire Daniel 3:1-30 INTRODUCTION "Perspective" Defined “The appearance of objects in depth as perceived by normal binocular vision” “A way of regarding situations, facts, etc., and more

  • How To Deal With Difficult People

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 22, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    The more we identify with Christ and His ministries the more we will share in His empowerment, purposes, and processes.

    How to Deal With Difficult People Romans 12:18-12:21 Many people struggle to overcome the temptation to take vengeance into their own hands. However, Paul once wrote, "As far as it is possible, be at peace with all men. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it more

  • The Difference Between The Good Gal And The Bad Guy Series

    Contributed by Donald Carpenter on May 7, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    . In Esther chapter 5, God has preserved for us a look at the contrast between the bad guy, Haman, and the good gal, Esther. As we discover these character qualities, or the lack thereof, examine your own life to see what you need to work on.

    The Differences Between The Good Gal And The Bad Guy Esther 5:1-14 Preached Wednesday May 7, 2003 Introduction: One of the fascinating things about the book of Esther is its rich character development. There is much to learn about the people in this story. So far we have seen how God’s more

  • We'd Climb Mountains...

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Feb 15, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    Epiphany 6: What great sacrifice have we thought we’d need to endure for the faith? We may be inclined to climb mountains... but no need, Christ already climbed Golgatha.

    Through the Old Testament lesson today, we are offered a wonderful insight to help us understand what God requires of us. This insight is wrapped in a most interesting story about a soldier named Naaman. He was a valiant warrior who had won many battles for his King. But Naaman had a terrible more

  • Amazing Grace

    Contributed by Nathan Cooper on Feb 26, 2008

    Grace cannot exist until we come to the realization that we are helpless. When we submit to this fact then and only then can the grace of God work.

    AMAZING GRACE: ROMANS 5:6-10 If I was to poll this room to the percentage of the 10 commandments each of us have broken, we would find that each of us have broken most of them. This classifies us as sinners, and as sinners, a price must be paid for that sin. That price is the penalty of death. more

  • Wasted: What Do You Burn For?

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Apr 4, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Every man gives his life for what he believes… One life is all we have, we live it and it’s gone. What do you burn for?

    WASTED: WHAT DO YOU BURN FOR? THE BIG IDEA: Every man gives his life for what he believes…sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and yet they give their lives to that little or nothing. One life is all we have, we live it and it’s gone. What do you burn for? (Joan of Arc, Voice of the more

  • Why Are You Afraid?

    Contributed by Thomas Clawser on Jul 5, 2017

    Do you feel God’s presence and love in the midst of the storms in your life?

    Storm-tossed waters are a frequently used metaphor for the turmoil of living. In 1975, the SS Edmund Fitzgerald went down, and songwriter Gordon Lightfoot recorded a haunting ballad in honor of and as a tribute to the ship and the men who lost their lives. He called it “The Wreck of the Edmund more

  • Our Good, Good Father Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 2, 2018

    Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that God is generously, lovingly giving to us.

    1. When Linda, Laura, and I were living in Huntsville, Alabama we went out to eat one Saturday at a popular BBQ restaurant. We saw a wealthy couple from our congregation come in and be seated. We exchanged pleasantries and went on with our meal. When it came time to pay we found that our church more

  • I Will Clothe You

    Contributed by Kent Lenard on Mar 10, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    This sermon discuses how we put on the righteousness of Christ, changing our standing and appearance before God, through the sacrafice made by Christ on the cross.

    I Will Clothe You John 19:23 - 24, 1 Pet 5:5, Psa 109:18, John 5:19, 30, 1 Pet 2:24, Gal 3:13, 26-27, March 3, 2003 I. I am going to steal a story from Max Lucado and it is one that I have never experienced. But it is important to understanding what I am going to be talking about more

  • Psalm 90 Series

    Contributed by David Fox on Nov 13, 2001
    based on 117 ratings

    Preachng through the Psalms

    Psalm 90 I. Introduction Before I read the passage let me remind you a little bit about Moses. Moses he had a unique perspective to offer on life when he wrote this psalm. -He was raised in the household of a king in Egypt. -He killed a man and had to run away to live more

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