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  • The Bleakest Of The Bleak Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 20, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    The Work Christ accomplished on the Cross is more than we can know, but we can at least understand a few of the most important accomplishments. The events surrounding the crucifixion picture the theology behind this monumental climax of history.

    The Bleakest of the Bleak (Matt. 27:45-55, John 19:30, Luke 23:47-48) Intro 1. I am into spot removing and solvents---at least a little bit. 2. Here are some common spot or stain treatments: (show removers, bleach, ammonia, etc.) 3. Some solvents will remove only some stains 4. Sometimes two more

  • Why Do We Take Communion Each Week? Series

    Contributed by Brent Baker on Sep 20, 2005
    based on 77 ratings

    Every Sunday, we take a few minutes to partake of the Lord’s Supper and some don’t even know why. Why do we take the cracker and drink grape juice every Sunday.

    Date Preached __________ Where Preached __________ Why Do We Do What We Do? Why Do We Take Communion Each Week? 1 Corinthians 11:17 -34 A little girl asked her mother one Sunday morning as she was preparing lunch, “Mommy, why do you cut off the ends of the ham before you cook it?” The girl’s more

  • Duty Consciousness

    Contributed by William Baeta on Nov 13, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” Matt. 25:23

    Theme: Duty consciousness Text: Zeph. 1:7, 12-18; 1 Thess. 5:1-11; Matt. 25:14-30 Today’s Scripture reading from the gospel of Matthew belongs to what is referred to as the Olivet discourse as it was delivered as Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives. Addressed to His disciples it was intended to give more

  • Where Are The Nine?

    Contributed by Dr. C. David White on Nov 20, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    This passage demonstrates the principle of the church in the church. That is, there are only a few (remnant) who are grateful enough to show it. Some people call this the pareto principle - 20% or less do 80% or more of all ministry.

    Where are the other nine? LUK 17:11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. LUK 17:12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance LUK 17:13 and called out in a loud voice, "Jesus, Master, have pity on more

  • Who Will Fight This Philistine ? Series

    Contributed by Ervin Kimrey on Aug 10, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    God is looking for a few good men to fight against the Philistine’s of our day. Someone who will trust God, stad firm and throw The Rock at the enemy. Who Will Fight this Philistine ? What about you ?

    WHO WILL FIGHT THIS PHILISTINE #2 Philistines? Text: 1 Sam. 17: 10-11 I. Where are the Philistines? A. originally Aegean sea people (between Greece & Turkey) ie. Thessalonica, Smyrna, Ephesus B. Over 600 mi they came and settled in Cannan C. When they came they brought more

  • The Lord's Prayer Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Apr 18, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    The Lord’s prayer is our starting point in learning how to pray effectively. Many points are included in these few verses to help us see our prayers answered and our life protected from sin.

    April, 2007 The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:9-15 INTRODUCTION: Every Sunday a part of our worship includes praying, “The Lord’s Prayer.” We would feel that there was something missing in the prayer time if this part were omitted; but do we know what we are praying or are we merely repeating words more

  • How To Hear The Call Of God

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Feb 19, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    What does it mean to be called by God? Is it for everybody or just a few people? How do we know it when it comes? How do I hear God calling? These are some of the questions we will look at.

    How to Hear the Call of God 1 Samuel 3:1-11 November 11, 2001 Mark Eberly I love the story about the cowboy who was riding along and came upon an Indian lying flat on the ground with his ear pressed to the earth. The Indian said, “Wait. Wagon. Two miles off. Drawn by two horses. One black. The more

  • Moving From Survival Through Success To Significance

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 18, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    Rick Warren recently told Charlie Rose in an interview on Public Broadcasting Television. "Most of the world struggles to survive. The majority of Americans are striving for success. Yet, few people ever achieve a deep sense of significance.

    Moving From Survival Through Success to Significance (Acts 1:8-18) Rick Warren recently told Charlie Rose in an interview on Public Broadcasting Television. "Most of the world struggles to survive. The majority of Americans are striving for success. Yet, few people ever achieve a deep sense of more

  • The Making Of A Man Of God Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    My goal here is to lay a foundation for our understanding of who Joshua is, by pointing out a few references to him prior to his assuming the leadership of the nation and the events or situations that led to his spiritual development

    The making of a man of God Exodus 17:8-14 Surprised to see an empty seat at the Super Bowl stadium, a diehard fan asked the woman sitting next to him who’s it was. “It was my husband’s,” the woman explained, “But he died.” “I’m very sorry,” said the man. “You know, more

  • The Spirit And His Gifts 1

    Contributed by John Gaston on Aug 10, 2015

    Tonight we’re going to examine the Spiritual Gifts. We're going to take a few minutes and give a brief overview of these gifts, their differences, and their importance. We're especially looking at the Revelation Gifts.

    THE SPIRIT & HIS GIFTS 1 Cor. 12:8-11 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: WHAT’S A MIRACLE? 1. A devout cowboy lost his favorite Bible while he was mending fences out on the range. Three weeks later a cow walked up to him carrying the Bible in its mouth. 2. The cowboy couldn't believe his eyes. He took more

  • The Spirit Of Jezebel- Confusion Series

    Contributed by Ryan Napalo on Apr 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    We all know the story of Jezebel and over the next few weeks we are going to address some pretty serious topics concerning the Spirit of Jezebel. * Confusion * Dissatisfaction * Perfectionism * Fear * Anxiety * Gossip * Legalis

    1 Kings 17:1 And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word. We all know the story of Jezebel and over the next few weeks we are going to more

  • The Spirit Of Jezebel- Dissatisfaction & Perfectionism Series

    Contributed by Ryan Napalo on Apr 5, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    We all know the story of Jezebel and over the next few weeks we are going to address some pretty serious topics concerning the Spirit of Jezebel. * Confusion * Dissatisfaction * Perfectionism * Fear * Anxiety * Gossip * Leg

    I am convinced that murmuring is fueled by Satan. Murmuring reveals chronic dissatisfaction and anger with God. Satan targets our disappointments and then begins to whisper in our ears many lies concerning God. In fact, the word murmur is linked to the Hebrew word nirgan, which translates as more

  • The End Of Another Year

    Contributed by Patrick Nix on Jan 5, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    What if I viewed the end of this year like the end of my life? The sweet memories, the regrets, the lessons learned, the highs and lows. Here a few thoughts of personal inventory guided by Philippians 3:7-15.

    I recently watched a helpful helpful video comparing the end of a year to the end of life. It got me to thinking personally. What if I did the same. The sweet memories, the regrets, the lessons learned, the highs and lows. Here a few thoughts of personal inventory guided by Philippians more

  • The Staff Series

    Contributed by Rev. Richard Norman on Jan 10, 2012

    Paul wrote the book of Ephesians to encourage the church and to define the purpose of the church. So during these next few weeks, I would encourage you to do a study of Ephesians during your daily Bible reading.

    The Staff A Study of Exodus 4:1-5 An Introduction to the series THE PURPOSE OF THE CHURCH I goggled “The purpose of the church.” There were only 22,600,000 results. Here is one I liked. “It has been taught that the purpose of the church can be broken up into the three more

  • The Staff Series

    Contributed by Rev. Richard Norman on Jan 10, 2012

    Paul wrote the book of Ephesians to encourage the church and to define the purpose of the church. So during these next few weeks, I would encourage you to do a study of Ephesians during your daily Bible reading.

    The Staff A Study of Exodus 4:1-5 An Introduction to the series THE PURPOSE OF THE CHURCH I goggled “The purpose of the church.” There were only 22,600,000 results. Here is one I liked. “It has been taught that the purpose of the church can be broken up into the three more

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