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  • Through Family Pt 6 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jul 5, 2019

    We find joy in the journey of life through family when we learn to manage family crisis’ and prevent family crisis’. Looking at biblical examples is a great way to learn how to do both.

    Video Illustration: Unanswered by Sermon 6: Finding joy in the journey through family – tag line - it comes from learning how to manage a family crisis and preventing family crisis’. Thesis: We find joy in the journey of life through family when we learn to manage family crisis’ more

  • The Family Strife That Stole Christmas

    Contributed by Louis Mare on Dec 11, 2023

    The devil is after something God created the most and is trying to destroy it while we are looking the other way.

    Man, is it not easy to get lost in the world view of Christmas, the presents, traditions, the hustle and bustle. The busy malls, the bony music, and Mariah Carey music fill everywhere. I wonder if you can relate to this video because I believe that sometimes, even for us, we miss what Christmas is more

  • Jesus' Family Values

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jun 4, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about the Church as Family.

    “Jesus’ Family Values” Mark 3:20-35 Family is a foundational concept in the Bible. The Bible begins in Genesis, not with talk about nations and tribes, but families—big families, real families. Sometimes God’s people are likened to the bride of the Bridegroom and our infidelities are compared more

  • "Family Relations And Stressful Dinners”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jul 3, 2024

    Hometown hero becomes one "rejected", by family and village. Ultimately Jesus was despised and rejected for our sake. Some quotes from Jesus: A Theography

    In Jesus Holy Name July 7, 2024 Text: Mark 6:1a, 2b (Luke 4:29–30) Pentecost VII Redeemer “Family Relations and Stressful Dinners” Do you remember the story of Br’er Rabbit? The Uncle Remus folk tale is an African American trickster story about the exploits of more

  • Our Families, Politics, And Unity

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 23, 2024

    He told me that means the only thing they never discuss are the two most important things in life.

    Clergy Corner for 7-28-24 Today’s brief reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians has an exhortation from the writer’s heart, right from the deepest part of his conscience, mind and will. He calls himself “prisoner for the Lord,” so we think immediately of the end of his life, when he was more

  • Sermon # 2 - The Family Of God Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on May 21, 2024

    Every one belongs to an earthly family, but Jesus helps us understand that every child of God belongs to the family of God. What are the criteria to belong to God’s family? The answers to this question will be explained in this message.

    Jesus’ reply as recorded in Matthew 12:48, But he replied to the man who told him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" (ESV) We are meditating this year on some of the important questions that Jesus asked. If you are wondering as to why Jesus asked so many questions, they were more

  • Re-Building A Strong Family

    Contributed by Norman Bernad on Sep 28, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    One of the closest things to the heart of God is the family. God created the family to be in relationship with him. God created the family to be in service of him. God created the family to mentor future generations of followers.

    Re-Building a Strong Family 1. Galatians. 5:22-26 2. Ephesians.5:21-26 Ps.127 One of the closest things to the heart of God is the family. God created the family to be in relationship with him. God created the family to be in service of him. God created the family to mentor future generations of more

  • In Harmony Or Not? | A Godly Family Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Oct 1, 2020

    A little girl was punished for some act of disobedience. Her mom and dad decide that her punishment will be for her to

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: In Harmony or not? | A Godly Family by Rev. Shine.P Thomas How does a Godly more

  • Loyal To God, Loyal To Family

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Oct 5, 2020

    Family is the basis for a nation. Our families are under attack. GOD is the key to healthy families and nations.

    After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve. And the first thing the Heavenly Father said to these first children was, "Don’t." "Don’t what?" Adam replied. “Don’t eat the forbidden fruit." God said. "Forbidden fruit? We have forbidden fruit? Hey, Eve. . . more

  • Channel Of Blessing To Your Family Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on May 20, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Each person in the home ought to be a Channel of Blessing to one another. God tells the husband to love his wife- a blessing. The wives are told to submit to her husband- a blessing. Children are told to honor their parents- a blessing. Parents are not to exasperate their children- a blessing.

    Channel of Blessing to your Family Introduction By now, if you have been coming to services the last couple of weeks, you know that you are a priest according to the First Epistle of Peter. And you may also know that your function as a priest is to be a Channel of Blessing. We are to be that more

  • Back To School Advice For Families Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 9, 2021

    I want to talk to you about the deadly sin of envy. We continue a seven-week series of sermons devoted to the Seven Deadly Sins.

    Fights between brothers and sisters are common and often can be humorous. I collected a few stories that highlight just how funny sibling rivalry can be. One young girl with two brothers who were around ten years older than her, taught her the alphabet in this order, “A,B,C,D,R,F,K.” It wasn’t more

  • Overcoming Hidden Family Challenges SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Household enemies are more dangerous because you are usually less cautious with them. You usually have no problem dealing with known enemies. But you lower your guards at home because you believe you are in the midst of people who love and care for you.

    Today, we will delve into the topic of household enemies and how to break their power over our lives. Household enemies can be more dangerous than known enemies because we often let our guard down around those we trust. These enemies can be found within our own families, such as a wicked spouse, a more

  • God's Blueprint For Your Family SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Biblical advice for newlyweds

    God's Plan for Your Family (Ephesians 5:18-22) The family is the fundamental unit of society, but in this generation, we are witnessing the decline of the family. Divorce, sexual liberation, domestic violence, infidelity, and other societal issues are contributing to the demise of the family. more

  • Establishing Strong Christian Families Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Mar 20, 2023

    Strong Christian families are important in and of themselves, but beyond that as testimony to attract a lost and hurting broken world to Christ. People want to know if following Christ makes a difference.

    There are two God ordained institutions. The first is the church that Jesus Christ instituted. The second is marriage and family established by God at the Garden of Eden. We need to support Christian marriages and Christian families. The church should see as a goal to establish strong Christian more

  • My Family Is A Hot Mess Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    When dealing with family chaos, we need to trust God, love our family members equally, and practice forgiveness.

    You know, when your little brother won't stop annoying you, or your parents just don't get it? Yeah, we're going there. Let's start with a quick prayer. God, thanks for our families, even when they drive us nuts. Help us to trust, love, and forgive each other, just like you do with us. God, thanks more

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