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  • Confident Faith Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 7, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    Confidence makes all the difference in our faith walk!

    INTRODUCTION • What is it that will drive some to great things while others sit and do little of nothing? What will drive some to attempt to reach heights that seem to be unreachable? • What will cause that young man to ask out the beautiful young cheerleader while the other young man will not more

  • The Shield Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Feb 13, 2006
    based on 88 ratings

    When we examine our lives we can find many areas where Satan has successfully thrown a fiery arrow which makes us question our faith and the integrity of our Christian lives. The shield of faith has been give to us by Jesus as protection against these at

    Ephesians 6:16 The Shield of Faith Scripture Readings:- 2 Corinthians 13:1-10 Ephesians 6:10-18 Sermon Text Ephesians 6:16 Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, When it comes to the demonic, many in our culture take one of two extreme approaches. Some believe demons are nothing but a more

  • God Is Faithful Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Jun 14, 2021

    Closely related to God's immutability is His faithfulness. All Scripture references are from the NASB.

    As we have considered the attributes of God, last week we looked at God never changing. The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament. Only God can say “I never change.” (Malachi 3:6). Very closely related to the unchangeableness of God is His faithfulness. When we encounter more

  • The Place Of Faith

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Sep 4, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    Faith consists of risk, offers a reward, requires action, and is the way of acceptance.

    Football season is upon us as we enter the final month of summer 2003. Soon the days will grow cooler, the night will come earlier, and the clothes will cover more of us rather than less. Already the pundits are making their predictions regarding the best teams in the high school and college polls more

  • Keeping The Faith

    Contributed by Dr. Randy Croft on Dec 21, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    How to weather doubt, discouragement, and hardships.

    Keeping the Faith ILLUS: The story is told of a man who was walking across the road when he was hit by a car. The impact knocked him on his head which caused him to be in a coma for a couple of days before he finally regained consciousness. When he opened his eyes, his loving wife was there beside more

  • The Choice Of Faith

    Contributed by Keith Linkous on Sep 30, 2001
    based on 102 ratings

    Faith is a choice we have to make, even when life disappoints us. We can choose faith, or discouragement. The choice of faith is what God is pleased with, and responds to.

    Life is not always easy. It’s not always fair, nor is it always kind. Life can take some twists and turns that we are simply not prepared for. And although we know that life can be cruel and disappointing, it seems that we are rarely ever prepared for things to go wrong. One of the facts of life more

  • A Heart Of Faith

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Aug 22, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    While ten men only saw the problems, two men in that group were able to see God, and depended on the promises that He had made to them.

    For today’s meditation we focus on Joshua 14:7, “I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh-barnea to spy out the land, and I brought him word again as it was in my heart.” (ESV) Of late we are studying the life of Caleb, and the above mentioned verse are the more

  • Faith Walk Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 24, 2007
    based on 65 ratings

    Did the Disciples just happen to be out on the sea when Jesus walked by? No. Jesus sent them there. Find out why.

    OPEN: A Scotsman, was taking a trip to the Holy Land, and when he got to the Sea of Galilee he was aghast when he found it would cost fifty dollars an hour to rent a boat to go out on the water. "Hoot mon," he said, "in Scotland I could ha got a boat for about $20." "That might be true," said more

  • Talking Faith Series

    Contributed by Joseph Rodgers on Jan 29, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A message from James 3 on the power of the tongue.

    Foolproof – A Study of James January 21, 2007 TALKING Faith – James 3:1-12 Video: One Word – from Recap: A few weeks ago we started a series in James about having a foolproof faith. That is, possessing a faith that can’t be fooled into thinking we have real faith more

  • Is God Faithful? Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Jan 8, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This continues in my expository series through the book of Acts.

    Table Talk What are some reasons the question “Is God faithful” is a valid question? Why might even Paul himself have questioned this? News flash: Paul was human like the rest of us, and that’s one of the things that I think we need to be constantly reminded of. We ought at this point to more

  • The Faithfulness Of God

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on May 16, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This Sunday we’ll be looking at “The Faithfulness of God” from the book of Hosea, because God’s faithfulness is not only a reoccurring theme found throughout Hosea’s story, but one that is found throughout God’s word.

    The Faithfulness of God The Book of Hosea Watch: Today we’ll be looking at the faithfulness of God. And to do so we’ll be looking at the Old Testament book of Hosea. But before we turn there, would you please turn in your Bibles to 2 Kings 17. If more

  • False Faith Or Fantastic Faith

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Jul 25, 2003
    based on 8 ratings

    God knows whether or not I am saved based on my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    FALSE FAITH OR FANTASTIC FAITH James 2:14-26 In this section of the book of James is where some people think James contradicts the teaching of Paul. Paul teaches that a person is saved by grace through faith plus nothing. Remember, Paul is dealing with the inward man. God knows whether or not I am more

  • Blind Faith - Seeing Faith Series

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Jul 16, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    Faith that is passionate may still be blind and arrogant. Paul discovered this on the Road to Damascus and learned how to have a true and mature faith

    INTRODUCTION A Jewish father was concerned about his son who was about a year away from his Bar Mitzvah, but was sorely lacking in his knowledge of the Jewish faith. To remedy this, he sent his son to Israel to experience his heritage. A year later the young man returned home. "Father, thank you more

  • Faithful Fruit Or Fruitless Faith

    Contributed by John Price on Aug 14, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    A study of forgiveness and the fig tree.

    This morning I want us to explore the incident of the fig tree and how it relates to Jesus teaching on forgiveness. Mk 11:12-14, 20-24 1) Mark 11:12-14 12 Now the next day, when they had come out from Bethany, He was hungry. 13 And seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves, He went to see if more

  • Increase Our Faith(Fulness) Series

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on Mar 31, 2004
    based on 64 ratings

    Looks at 4 aspects of discipleship. Focuses on how we must not wait to "feel faith" to use it.

    Luke 17:1-10 Increase our Faith(fulness) Intro: In the last two chapters of Luke, we have been seeing events surrounding a conflict between Jesus and the Pharisees over how to deal with lost people. Jesus taught them some important lessons about how God deals with lost people and how we should more

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