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Sermons on false beliefs:

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  • Free From False Beliefs- The Big Lie

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Aug 29, 2015

    The Big lie: Performance and other people’s opinion of me determine my self worth. I have to perform to a certain level in order to feel good about myself.

    Free From False Beliefs- The Big Lie Ephesians 1:3-8NLT The Big lie: Performance and other people’s opinion of me determine my self worth. I have to perform to a certain level in order to feel good about myself. (It seems I never get to that level!) Consequences: Fear of failure: more

  • The Real Thing (Part One)

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Oct 22, 2018

    Coca-Cola had an advertizing campaign where its slogan introduced the beverage as the real thing. It's understood that by describing itself as "the real thing" it implied that its competitors are merely impostors and of a lower quality. The real thing is better.

    THE REAL THING (part one) Coca-Cola had an advertizing campaign where its slogan introduced the beverage as the real thing. It's understood that by describing itself as "the real thing" it implied that its competitors are merely impostors and of a lower quality. So, you have the real thing and more

  • A Godly Home Guarantees Godly Kids Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jul 22, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The problem with this myth is that people have confused a promise with a proverb and that creates a great problem.

    Series: Mythbusters “A Godly Home Guarantees Godly Kids” Proverbs 22:6 Open We’re continuing on this morning in our series of messages called Mythbusters. We’re looking at eight spiritual myths – spiritual urban legends – to which many people subscribe. more

  • Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jul 22, 2016

    My conscience isn't a reliable guide in determining the difference between right and wrong

    Series: Mythbusters “Let Your Conscience be Your Guide” 1 Corinthians 4:3-4 Open We turn back to our series called Mythbusters this morning. We’ve been looking at some spiritual myths that people believe and live their lives by. Spiritual mythology is dangerous. It more

  • Forgiving Means Forgeting Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jul 22, 2016

    Misconceptions concerning forgiveness have forged a very formidable spiritual myth. This spiritual myth is the widely-held belief that genuine forgives means literally forgetting what happened.

    Series: Mythbusters “Forgiving Means Forgetting” 1 Samuel 12:13-14 Matthew 18:21-35 Open After a two week break with Youth Sunday two weeks ago and the concert last week, we’re back in our series of messages called Mythbusters. We’re focusing in on spiritual myths. more

  • Christians Shouldn't Judge Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jul 22, 2016

    The idea that Jesus forbade his followers to judge is a myth

    Series: Mythbusters “Christians Shouldn’t Judge” Matthew 7:1-6; 15-20 Open Today is the last message in our series called Mythbusters. We have been focusing in on spiritual myths. These myths are based on false understandings of scripture and they always lead you down more

  • Everything Happens For A Reason Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jul 22, 2016
    based on 8 ratings

    Bad things happen. While God is still in charge, not everything that happens in our lives is good.

    Series: Mythbusters “Everything Happens for a Reason” Romans 8:28 Open Over the last few weeks, we’ve been in a series of messages called Mythbusters. We’re focusing in on spiritual myths – we’ve also called them spiritual urban legends. These myths or more

  • A Valley Means A Wrong Turn Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jul 22, 2016

    People assume that God’s leading always takes us to the mountaintop. A valley means you find a way out. That's a wrong assumption.

    Series: Mythbusters “A Valley Means a Wrong Turn” Selected Passages Open We’re winding down our message series called Mythbusters. We only have today and next Sunday left in this series. We are focusing in on spiritual myths. These myths are based on false more

  • Jesus Opens Our Eyes To The Truth

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 22, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    If you have been journeying through life without Jesus, you have no idea what you have been missing. Today we are going to take a closer look to see how Jesus will open our eyes to the truth.

    When I was in the third grade at Carroll Bell elementary school here in San Antonio, I begin having headaches in class. My mom decided to have my eyes checked. And sure enough, I needed glasses. I don't know exactly how long I had been seeing things blurry but when I got my new glasses it more

  • Seeking, Yet Questioning Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on May 1, 2023

    We look at another reaction to Jesus’ claims from the Jewish crowds. The Jewish crowds had four false beliefs about Jesus. These beliefs are still prevalent in today’s society.

    Last time we looked at how to overcome any mocking or unbelief when it comes to us being Christians. We looked specifically at the response of Jesus’ half-brothers. Tonight we look at another reaction to Jesus’ claims from the Jewish crowds. The Jewish crowds had four false beliefs about Jesus. more

  • Spotting False Teachers Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 18, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    False teachers don’t walk around with nametags that say, “Hi, I’m a False Teacher.” We must beware of false beliefs, faulty behavior and fake benefits.

    Spotting False Teachers 2 Peter 2:1-3 Rev. Brian Bill May 16-17, 2015 How many of you like watching infomercials? Any proud owners of the Sham-Wow, the Snuggie or the Perfect Bacon Bowl here today? Earlier this month, I read an article in the Quad-City Times called, “Infomercial Tricks more

  • Warnings For The Church PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 13, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages believers to combat false beliefs, deepen their understanding of biblical truths, and remain vigilant against modern philosophies that contradict God's Word.

    Welcome, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. We gather here today, not as strangers meeting for the first time, but as a family joined together by the love of our Savior. We share a common bond, a common faith, and a common purpose – to know Him more and make Him known. Today, we gather to open more

  • Mythology 101 Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jul 22, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual myths are abundant. My goal today is to acquaint you with some introductory information that will help you navigate these spiritual myths.

    Series: Mythbusters “Mythology 101” John 8:31-32 Open I have really good news this morning. We won’t have any financial concerns for quite some time to come! We’re going to have enough money to do anything we’ve ever dreamed of doing. The good news came more

  • God Has A Blueprint For My Life Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jul 22, 2016

    In determining God's will, we often are confounded because we confuse a blueprint for a game plan.

    Series: Mythbusters “God Has a Blueprint for My Life” Ephesians 5:17; Romans 12:2 Open We’re moving forward in our series of messages called Mythbusters. We’re looking at a variety of spiritual myths that people believe in and on which they build their lives. more

  • Faith Can Fix Anything Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jul 22, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    When God doesn’t meet their expectations, some people are absolutely devastated spiritually. This devastation The is the predictable result of having placed their trust in the myth that if we have enough faith, we can do or fix anything.

    Series: Mythbusters “Faith Can Fix Anything” Hebrews 11:1, 6, 32-39 Open Before we get started on today’s message, I want to read you a “thank you” letter. Our ladies ministry, Joyous Ministries, did a ministry project where they took new or gently-used more