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  • Thrive In Your Thought Life Series

    Contributed by Kory Ferree on Aug 29, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    You were made for more than to barely get by or merely survive. You were made to come alive in Christ, strive toward Him, and thrive in your life.

    You were made for more than to just barely get by or merely survive… you were made to come alive in Christ, to strive toward Him and thrive in your life. We are called as Christians to be more than conquerors through Christ, Who loves us and lives through us. The best kept secret in the body of more

  • The Joy Of Faith

    Contributed by Mark Roper on Jul 27, 2013

    People who look on Bible religion as gloomy and joyless would do well to study Psalms 5

    THE JOY OF FAITH People who look on Bible religion as gloomy and joyless would do well to study the Book of Psalms. It is worth note that in this one book of Scripture the words "joy," "joyful," "glad," "gladness," "rejoice," occur more than ninety times. The Faithful sees the rainbow in the more

  • Thoughts On Heaven

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Jun 11, 2006
    based on 125 ratings

    1.Heven is a place of joy. 2. Heaven is descibed as a city. 3. Heaven takes seriously the difficulties we are facing now.

    I was tremendously impacted by a funeral I once had. The service was for the mother of a member of the church who was a great Christian woman. During the service, one of her former pastors stood to share his gratitude for the life of this woman. He was retired from ministry at the time, and he more

  • The Joy Of Faith

    Contributed by Jerry Thorpe on Apr 26, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Every day, everyone of us have to make a decision. Do we walk by faith or do we walk by sight?

    And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith; (Philippians 1:25) INTRODUCTION: Every minute of every day each and every one of us has to make a decision. Do I walk by faith or do I walk by sight. I. It is obvious more

  • "Faith In Action” Series

    Contributed by George Bannister on Jun 4, 2003
    based on 144 ratings

    This message deals with some practical ways that faith is lived out in our lives. It is a part of my series on the book of Hebrews.

    TEXT: Hebrews 11:23-29 TOPIC: “Faith In Action” INTRODUCTION: How strong is your faith? If you had to rate it on a scale of one to ten, where would your faith fall? Real faith is not demonstrated in the confines of a Sunday Morning worship service. It is revealed in the difficult times of life. more

  • Farewell Thoughts

    Contributed by Christopher Martin on Feb 2, 2010
    based on 15 ratings

    My farewell sermon at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Audubon, Iowa preached 1/10/2010.

    I’ve found that of all the sermons that I have prepared to be preached from this pulpit, this one that I have to preach today has perhaps been the most difficult to write. For starters, it’s an emotional one because this is the last time I will preach to you from this pulpit as your Pastor. If more

  • Little Faith And Second Thoughts

    Contributed by Mark Roper on Nov 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    God wants us to be victors, not victims; to grow, not grovel; to soar, not sink; to overcome, not to be overwhelmed.

    Little faith and second thoughts Matthew 14:13-31 It’s not uncommon to have total faith men. For example faith in a doctor’s skill, a airline pilots ability to safely and professionally perform his duties. Just think about the possibilities of a man with unlimited confidence in God. more

  • Joy In Believing Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Jun 7, 2011

    During this series we will be looking at Paul’s letter to the Philippian church. Paul founded the church at Philippi and wrote the letter during a time of imprisonment in Rome. One of the themes in the book is joy. (some thoughts taken from a series by Cr

    Philippians Pt5- Joy in Believing Study of Philippians- letter- meant to convey life. Last week looked at v2.16- Word of Life- Jn 5:26 (NASB) “For just as the Father has life in Himself, even so He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself; We were created to drink of this same life- Jn more

  • Thoughts PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 6, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the profound connection between our thoughts and actions, emphasizing the importance of aligning our inner thoughts with our outward deeds.

    Welcome, brothers and sisters in Christ, to this blessed gathering where we come together as a family, united under the banner of our Savior's love. We are here, not by coincidence, but by divine appointment. Each one of us has been called to this place, at this time, for a purpose. And that more

  • The Power Of Thought PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 19, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To explore the power of thoughts in shaping our actions and results, emphasizing the significant impact of faith and belief in our lives.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers and sisters in Christ, we gather here today under the banner of faith, bound together by the common thread of our belief, and united in our shared pursuit of understanding. We are here to immerse ourselves in the profound wisdom of God's Word, to seek His guidance, more

  • Thoughts

    Contributed by Eric Routon on Mar 27, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    The enemy attacks us through our thoughts. We must take all of our thoughts captive, drag them to Christ and let Him make them obedient.

    Thoughts Prepared by: H. Eric Routon August 7, 2007 “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments more

  • Heavy Thoughts Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Apr 3, 2014

    A study of chapter 3 of the book of Romans verses 21 through 31

    Romans 3: 21 – 31 Heavy Thoughts 21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned more

  • The Way Of Joy - Faithfulness Series

    Contributed by Thomas Bartlett on Apr 17, 2020

    If there’s one thing that plagues Americans it’s anxiety. We worry about so many things. We worry about things that the rest of the world aren’t even aware of. Have you heard the term, “first world problems”?

    OUTLINE The Way of Joy Philippians Chapter 1 Steele Creek Church, Eastfield – Dr. Tom Bartlett March 1, 2020 Biblical joy: a deep sense of satisfaction, given by the Holy Spirit that settles the heart and mind because of what God has promised. Biblical faith: understanding what God has said and more

  • The Joy Of Walking By Faith Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jan 7, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    IT takes a lot to walk by faith. The rewards are worth it!

    INTRODUCTION „X SLIDE 1 „X Walking by faith. That sounds so good doesn¡¦t it. „X I think all Christians want to walk by faith. We want to walk the path God wants us to walk, we want to trust in Him to provide for and protect us. HOW MANY OF US HERE TODAY WANT TO WALK BY FAITH? „X Great, then more

  • The Joy Of Walking By Faith Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Apr 20, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    When we walk by faith, life is fun!

    INTRODUCTION  SLIDE 1  Walking by faith. That sounds so good doesn’t it.  I think all Christians want to walk by faith. We want to walk the path God wants us to walk, we want to trust in Him to provide for and protect us. HOW MANY OF US HERE TODAY WANT TO WALK BY more