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  • Biblical Unity Releases

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on Aug 3, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    Unity is not just for the factory and the family, but also for our fellowship and our faith! These 5 principles work every time for a church that is serious about making a difference with their faith.

    “Biblical Unity Releases” Acts 2:40-47 Unity is not just for the factory and the family, but also for our fellowship and our faith! Maybe you heard about this… A young girl wandered into the deep woods of British Columbia for hours. Mom and Dad called the police and a search party was formed more

  • "All In A Day’s Work”

    Contributed by David Roth on Oct 5, 2020

    In a parable of vineyard workers, Christ shows that all who receive from Him, and all that is received from Him, is totally gift. It is not earned. As Christians we rejoice and are thankful that we are in His vineyard, and that His continues to call others to His vineyard to labor with us.

    Matthew 20:1-16 J. J. May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen. (Ps. 19:14) “All in a day’s work” There was a cobbler who lived in a small town. He was good at making shoes, and made them for all the more

  • Unbeliever Funeral

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jun 28, 2020

    John wasn't a church goer but he did practice the Golden Rule.

    Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved. Obituary Funerals Remind Us: • Of the Reality and Brevity of Life • Of Our Need for Others to Encourage Us • Of Our Need for God in Our Grief John loved all kinds of music so we will more

  • Second Childhood

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Aug 25, 2016

    What qualities of a child does the Lord want us to imitate? (Outline from Bob Russell in Lookout Magazine February 25, 2001 called "Becoming Childlike" pg. 14)

    HoHum: A lady was cleaning her house and singing Gospel songs as she worked. She began singing, "Soon and very soon, we are going to see the king..." Her little son was in the next room and began singing along with Mom. Something was a little off, however, so Mom stopped to listen. The more

  • The Mission

    Contributed by John Oscar on Dec 19, 2022

    A Devotional for mission's convention, focusing on a clip from Schindler's List

    The Mission CCCAG, 11-13-22 Scripture: Romans 10:9-15 When I got saved in 1993, one of the biggest movies in the theaters was called Schindler’s List. If you aren’t familiar with that movie, it’s about a German industrialist named Oskar Schindler who bought a factory in Poland to sell things to more

  • Do You Love Yourself? Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Aug 7, 2014

    We are to love. We are to love our neighbor. We are to love our neighbor as we love OURSELVES.

    1. Matthew 7.12 a. Why "Golden Rule"? In AD 222-235 Roman Emperor Alexander Severus adopted the golden rule as his motto, and displayed it on public buildings, and promotes peace among religions. Some say the golden rule is called golden because Severus wrote it on his wall in gold. b. It is NOT more

  • The Joy Of An Abundant Christian Life

    Contributed by Dr. Michael Pope on Apr 10, 2018

    Learning how to live the life God has intended for us

    THE ABUNDANT CHRISTIAN LIFE JOHN 10:10 25 MAR 18 DR. M POPE INTRO: As we are one week away from Easter, we are reminded of the new life we have through Christ from being born again. To be Born again means we have experienced a ‘Spiritual Resurrection’. We have eternal life. What I want to more

  • Fruit Producing

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on Jul 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This message answers the questions: How do I produce spiritual fruit? and Why do I produce spiritual fruit?

    Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:19-23 The apple tree is undoubtedly the most popular fruit tree in North America. These trees grow everywhere in the US and produce so much fruit that often we don’t know what to do with them. But who doesn’t love the smell of apple pie, apple crisp, more

  • The Making Of A Monster Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Jan 23, 2022

    Our mind is a battleground. The battle to become more like Jesus takes place in our mind. There are mind monsters that we must confront. It is time to turn on the light!

    I. Introduction I know some of you will think less of me after I admit to you that I can remember when I was a young boy that when I went to bed, I did not want to sleep with my hand hanging off the side of my bed! I know I am supposed to be tough and courageous, but I was afraid that something more

  • Pentecost--The Holy Spirit Renews Like Dewfall

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on May 11, 2017

    Pentecost 2017 The Spirit helps us in our weakness (Rom. 8:26); brings joy and power for life, and Charismatic gifts, and renews like dewfall.

    Pentecost 2017 1.The Spirit helps us in our weakness (Rom. 8:26). Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. The amazing thing is that the church has survived as long as it has—especially since it depends on people like me and you. Dr. Donald Strobe tells about a man who woke up with a hangover: more

  • I Believe In Creation Series

    Contributed by Joseph Rodgers on Dec 11, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    An apologetic message on the creation

    Call Me Crazy – I Believe God Created 11/15/15 Genesis 1 Sunday AM For 2 weeks we’ve been in a series entitled, Call Me Crazy – where we’ve been talking about why we believe in the reliability of the Bible and the existence for God. Today, we’re going to look at why I believe in more

  • God Gave Me Back My Tomorrow Series

    Contributed by Sean Smuts on Aug 4, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    First in a series on Witness

    Text: Acts 22:6-24 Sean Smuts Subject: Witnessing Theme: Cost of Witnessing "God Gave Me Back My Tomorrow" Introduction:A boy who applied for work was told by the manager he did not think they had enough work to keep another boy employed. The boy said, “But I more

  • Fix Your Rule Series

    Contributed by David Salisbury on Jun 6, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    Lesson 16 on the Sermon on the Mount. The Golden Rule.

    Fix Your Rule Matthew 7:12 In the old Soviet Union there were very few laws about factories polluting the water. That was with good reason because one of the few laws they did have was that any factory which dumped chemicals back into the river must do so upstream from its own intake pipes. more

  • Idol Of Your Hearts

    Contributed by Victoria Oladipupo on Mar 7, 2011
    based on 11 ratings

    The problem of the idol is that it hinders the move of God. God is saying, “Clear away the idols. Cast them into the fire. Then you can see what I can do.”

    Idol of your hearts Ezekiel 14:1-14:4 Hebrews 4:13 “Idolatry is the most discussed problem in the Bible and one of the most powerful spiritual and intellectual concepts in the believer’s arsenal. Many people have secret idols hidden in the chambers of their hearts from the sight more

  • "Our Missionary God”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Feb 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This message is based on the preaching of Jesus in Capernaum, His prayer to the Father which reminded Him of His purpose, to proclaim the message of grace, not just healing out of compassion. We have the same purpose.

    In Jesus Holy Name February 6, 2021 Text: Mark 1:38-39 Epiphany V Redeemer “Our Missionary God” Almost 2,000 years ago when Jesus walked this earth, He began preaching in the more

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