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Sermons on facing discouragment:

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  • The Mirror

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Feb 2, 2016
    based on 45 ratings

    If we want to know who we really are, what mirror should we look in? We need, we must yield to God's Word to God's will and allow him to mold us into the image the reflection, the image of His son.

    For Those not familiar with an Anglican Service; there are 4 Scriptures read prior to the Message. Today's assigned readings are: Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 99; 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2; and Luke 9:28-43. After being away for some time on a business trip, ... Bill thought it would be nice ... to bring more

  • "When God Hides His Face"

    Contributed by Mark H. Stevens Thd on Jan 24, 2014

    A careful examination of Psalm 13 and the importance of being open and honest with God.

    Scripture: Psalm 13 I. Introduction: Have you ever felt that God was giving you the “silent treatment”? What is the Lord’s purpose for not immediately answering prayer? How should you respond when God seems distant? II. Message A. Examples of God’s Silence 1. Mary and more

  • Three Important Looks Or Paul's Last Testimony

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Jun 16, 2018

    Paul Looked Around, Paul Looked Back, Paul Looked Ahead.

    THREE IMPORTANT LOOKS OR PAUL'S LAST TESTIMONY INTRODUCTION: Just looking in department stores. Often looking with no purpose. II Timothy 4:6-8 Paul was looking with a definite purpose. As Paul awaited execution, he wrote a farewell letter to his dear comrade in service, Timothy. He knows more

  • When You Face Tremendous Obstacles

    Contributed by David Cook on Jul 12, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    When you face tremendous obstacles God is ready to lead you through!

    Intro: What tremendous obstacle are you facing this morning? Ex. My best friends son had cancerShare telephone call from Wayne Patton about Luke having cancer; We broke down in prayer over the phone. Praise the Lord, Luke Patton is cancer free today! You are going to face tremendous obstacles in more

  • To Whom Shall We Go Series

    Contributed by Dewayne Bolton on Jun 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In the midst of the journey of life there comes times we are distressed and don't know how to handle the difficult situations of life. But thanks be to God there is one we can go too and know He knows the way through life's difficult times.

    John 6:66-71 TO WHOM SHALL WE GO Jesus began his ministry in Judea. His success there seemed to be all that could be desired. However it soon became apparent that the crowds that followed Him misunderstood or willfully ignored His purpose. It seemed they followed Him chiefly for material things. more

  • Facing The Giants Of Your Life With Prayer Series

    Contributed by Christopher Gregas on May 17, 2011
    based on 30 ratings

    A message that encourages us to commit the great challenges and trials in our life to God in prayer.

    “Facing The Giants In Your Life With Prayer” Text: 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 We all have probably heard the story of David and Goliath in I Samuel 17…how God used a brave young man full of faith to face a huge hulk of a man so that God could get the glory. With sling in hand, he more

  • Journey Through The O.t. #4: Weak And Discouraged Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jul 3, 2012
    based on 7 ratings

    In the Book of Judges, God called and chose Gideon - a small and insignificant man - to be one of his champions. With God on our side, we can overcome weaknesses and discouragement.

    JOURNEY THROUGH THE OLD TESTAMENT #4: WEAK AND DISCOURAGED INTRO TO TOPIC: Have you ever questioned or wondered: “IF the Lord is (good and He is) with us, WHY then has all this (bad stuff) happened to us? And WHERE are all His miracles which our fathers told us about? BUT now the Lord has forsaken more

  • Facing Roadblocks To An Effectual Prayer Life?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Sep 12, 2018

    Prayer is important not only to God but for us. There are many roadblocks and obstacles to an effective prayer life. Good prayer is not a "spare tire mentality" but "a steering wheel!"

    FACING THE ROADBLOCKS TO AN EFFECTUAL PRAYER LIFE? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. EFFECTUAL: producing the desired more

  • Help Me God, I'm Discouraged Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Oct 27, 2022

    The Devil has done his work of discouragement for a long time. If you feel discouraged, you are not alone. God's children do get discouraged. But what did Jesus mean when he said that we can have “life more abundantly,” “life to the full?”

    Alba 8-18-13 (Revised 10-23-2022) HELP ME GOD, I'M DISCOURAGED John 10:10 I don’t know if this story about Abraham Lincoln is true or not, but the story is told that Lincoln was surprised one day when a rough looking man drew a revolver and pushed it in his face. "Abe" figured more

  • A Spiritual 'second Wind' [depression / Discouragement / Quitting / Storms] Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Sep 20, 2005
    based on 874 ratings

    The Gulf Coast doesn’t want a 2nd wind, but the Apostle Paul needed a spiritual one, and so do we at times. *3 promises God gave Paul and offers us to help us keep on keeping on. Link included to formatted text, handout, and PowerPoint template.

    A Spiritual Second Wind Acts 18:1-11 I suppose all of us at some time or another get depressed, or want to give up and quit. In the heat of a moment we’ll say, "I’ll just leave this job, this church, or this family, and they’ll miss me…they’ll wish they had treated me different!" Often we have more

  • Facing A New Year In A Shaky World

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Jan 1, 2024

    We are facing a New Year, and while that can mean hope for a better future, the past and its troubles casts a shadow over that hope that is hard to ignore. We are living in a shaky world.

    Alba 12-31-2023 FACING A NEW YEAR IN A SHAKY WORLD I Thessalonians 3:1-5 Have you ever gone to a scary movie? When I was twelve years old some friends and I walked to a movie theater that was about two miles from our home. The movie was called “Them”. It was not the kind of movie our family more

  • Home, Home On The Range

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Jan 9, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    Where seldom is heard a discouraging word! How is it around your home? We all face difficult times. Discouragement is almost universal in a war zone. Is there anything we can do about it?

    14, November 2004 Dakota Community Church Home, Home on the Range Introduction: Where seldom is heard a discouraging word! How is it around your home? We all face difficult times. Discouragement is almost universal in a war zone. Is there anything we can do about it? Do we just need to suffer and more

  • The Two Faces Of Faith: Triumph And Trial

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Apr 9, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    It’s easy to trust God when the sea is parting, when the walls of Jericho are falling, when His voice is clearly coming through to our spirit. But what about those days when God is silent? Discovering both sides of Faith!

    There is a faith receives what it believes, and a faith that believes beyond what it receives. Text: Hebrews 11:13-16 "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers more

  • When Dagon Fell On His Face

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 26, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God is the Living God; He is able to uphold his own Name & honor. He’s not a fabrication of human ingenuity; He’s independent of us. What a miracle when he enters a human life.

    WHEN DAGON FELL ON HIS FACE 1 Sam. 4,5 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. My son John Wesley got married yesterday. During the reception they had 2 couples who’d been married over 50 years tell how they’d stayed married. The women said, “Have lots of patience.” The men said, more

  • How Do You Face Trouble?

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 22, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Is there any good news for those who suffer? In times when trouble strikes, we need to take an inventory to see if there is any good news that can cheer us up and help us to bear the burden of pain. Trouble and suffering are facts of life that all of us

    Title: How do you face trouble? Text: Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped. And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the more

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