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Sermons on expressing gratitude:

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  • Testing, Trust, And Thanks Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Nov 4, 2024

    This central part of Psalm 66 urges us to recognize God's presence in our lives in the midst of pain and prosperity and respond with personal piety.

    In the year 715 BC, Shalmanezer, the King of Assyria besieged the Northern Kingdom of Israel. For three years, his army starved the nation of Israel until finally they surrendered. In 712 BC, the northern Kingdom crumbled, Israelite citizens were marched off to a foreign land, and Assyria began more

  • Cinco Razones Para Regocijarse

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Nov 7, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    En este sermón, el Dr. Tow describe cinco razones para regocijarse. Este sermón lo obligará a cultivar una actitud de agradecimiento y lo alentará a ver los acontecimientos de la vida desde una perspectiva eterna.

    Cinco Razones Para Regocijarse 7-07-12-15 ( “Dad gracias al Señor, porque es bueno, porque para siempre es su misericordia”. Al menos cuatro salmos diferentes comienzan con esas palabras. Por supuesto, el mandato de dar gracias se encuentra en toda la Escritura. more

  • Proclamation, Prayer, Penitence, And Praise Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Nov 14, 2024

    Our thanks and praise takes many forms, but is most effective when we have a penitent heart.

    Open your Bibles or the Pew Bible to Psalm 66. As we have over the last couple of weeks, I’d love for you to be able to look at that while we are walking through these last several verses. Throughout this Psalm we have seen an example of worship and witness acting as a sort of call and response. more

  • Advent Is Approaching Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Nov 19, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Advent is fast approaching. Advent is a time of deeper reflection, a sacred pause, and an opportunity to prepare our hearts for something far more significant: the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and the promise of His return.

    Advent Is Approaching Introduction As the days grow shorter and the crispness of the air reminds us that winter is near, a familiar sense of anticipation begins to stir. Advent is fast approaching. For the world around us, this season often means rushing headlong into the hustle and bustle of more

  • Will You Give Him Thanks?

    Contributed by R.p. Ministries on Nov 23, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    This manuscript is to provide reference to give reverence and thanks unto God for everything. The Bible tells us that in everything give thanks.

    Sermon Manuscript Title: Will You Give Him Thanks? Text: Luke 17:11-19 (Focus verses: 16-18) Theme: Trusting God Fully and Being Thankful in All Seasons Introduction Good morning, church! It is Thanksgiving season, a time when families gather, communities share, and we reflect on what we are more

  • The Great Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Nov 27, 2024

    As Christians, we walk in the beauty and glory of God's great love and mercy in Christ. What better reason could there ever be to thank God with all of our hearts, and with our very lives themselves?

    "The Great Thanksgiving" Psalm 100 I once heard a pastor tell the story in a sermon of something that happened when he was visiting his brother in Florida. While there they decided to go deep-sea fishing on his brother’s boat. But after they were several miles out at sea and well out more

  • Give Thanks Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    The sermon emphasizes the importance of gratitude in all circumstances, aligning with God's will, and being joyful, prayerful, and grateful, regardless of our situations.

    Welcome church! I’m so grateful to see you all here today. Doris Day once said, “Gratitude is riches, complaint is poverty.” And as we gather together today with Thanksgiving fresh on our minds, there is so much for us to be grateful for. I hope that as I was sharing you were busy thinking of all more

  • Living A Life Of Thanksgiving PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 17, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Explores the challenge and importance of maintaining a lifestyle of rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks in all circumstances, as commanded in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

    Good morning, beloved family in Christ. It is indeed a joy and privilege to gather once again in the house of the Lord, to find solace in His presence and to draw from the wellspring of His wisdom. Today, we gather not just as a congregation, but as a community, united by the love of God and the more

  • Let's Worship

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Aug 17, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Our lives are to be joyful expressions of worship

    Psalm 95 Let’s Worship Woodlawn Baptist Church August 5, 2007 In Matthew 15:8-9, Jesus said, “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me…” I pray to God He would never have to say those words more

  • Thanksliving Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Todd Pope on Nov 21, 2011

    Sermon Series on gratitude becoming a way of life.

    Can you remember a moment of ingratitude upon someone receiving a gift? Perhaps it is a story of your children or of you as a child or teen. Have you ever witnessed an act of ingratitude that was just wrong, it just bugged you? Someone given a gift and their attitude screamed like a spoiled brat? more

  • The Power Of Praise And Thanksgiving. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 19, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Praise and thanksgiving are powerful tools that can transform our lives and our relationship with God.

    Praise and thanksgiving are powerful tools that can transform our lives and our relationship with God. When we choose to focus on the goodness of God and express our gratitude, we open ourselves up to a deeper level of faith, hope, and joy. We will explore the power of praise and thanksgiving, and more

  • Jeremiah's Living Sermon On Fatherhood

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Feb 23, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Jeremiah’s experience with the Rechabites shaped his message on fatherhood and guidance. We need to renew our commitment to parenting and to responding to parental guidance.

    I guess every teenager grapples with who he is. For me, a 17-year-old, away from home and “on my own” at college, I was ever so much “smarter” than I am today and certainly “much smarter” than my own father who had attended college and seminary on a “catch as catch can” basis and had no degree to more

  • Hear O Earth

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Nov 7, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Expressive of deep grief

    Sermon Hear O Earth Jeremiah 22:29 I. The Exclamation - “O” It is expressive of deep grief: O Absalom, O Jerusalem Matthew 23:37 II. The Repetition Earth, Earth, Earth Expresses deep concern How great the danger Under condemnation, in darkness, bondage, misery, outer darkness, more

  • Finding Your Identity

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jul 27, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    It is not so much that we find or create our identity but that we receive it... from God.

    Title: Finding Your Identity Text: Colossians 2:6-7 Thesis: It is not so much that we find or create our identity but that we receive it… from God. Introduction: Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France has proposed a decree that would ban anyone from wearing religious symbols of any kind. The more

  • Against Grumbling Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Jul 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    As believers we are called to serve and seek to serve, all without grumbling and complaining.

    SERMON BRIEF Date Written: January 31, 2001 Date Preached: January 31, 2001 Church: BBC (PM) Wed Night FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS Series: Great Imperatives for the Christian Walk Title: The Imperative Regarding Grumbling Text: Phil 2:14-15 “…Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you more

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