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  • Come Down

    Contributed by Robert Kerr on May 31, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    In many ways the world calls us to come down from serving the Lord. Elijah shows us the victory that is ours if we remain faithful

    COME DOWN Read: 2 Kings 1:1-12 Text: Vs 9 "Thou man of God, the king hath said, Come down." Intro: How often has the world said to us "Come Down". Come down from your Bible reading and spend time watching TV or the Movies. Come down from your faithfulness in attending Church more

  • Going Through The Fire

    Contributed by Dennis Jones on Feb 16, 2003
    based on 91 ratings

    Sometimes we feel like we are going through a lot of unnecessary hard times. Some people like to say they are going through the fire.

    Sometimes we feel like we are going through a lot of unnecessary hard times. Some people like to say they are going through the fire. My bible tells me that God will be there for me any time any place. Even in the middle of the fire like He was for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. Open with more

  • What Is Faith?

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Mar 10, 2002
    based on 184 ratings

    A study in the characteristics of faith

    I. Faith is Absolute Assurance A. Substance = hupostasis = a standing under = confidence (the quality of confidence which leads one to stand under, endure, undertake anything. B. Hebrews 11:1a "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for...? C. ASV - Hebrews 11:1a ?Now faith is the assurance more

  • Abel: Faith To Follow God's Way Series

    Contributed by John Raulerson on Dec 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    By faith Abel chose obedience and was accepted by God.

    Series: Heroes of the Faith ABEL: FAITH TO FOLLOW GOD’S WAY Hebrews 11:4; Genesis 4:1-5 I. ABEL’S FAITH PRODUCED A HEART PLEASING TO GOD (Genesis 4:4c) “...And the Lord had respect unto Abel...” Abel’s actions flowed from a Heart of Humility Cain’s actions flowed from a Heart of more

  • Lessons In Faith Series

    Contributed by Aarron Ellerman on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    A powerful look at how faith should shape our lives and help us to live in obedience to God’s will.

    Series: Joshua Text: Joshua 6:1-20 Title: “Lessons In Faith” I. An Obstacle To Faith (1) • The walls around Jericho o Jericho was a military fortress. o Outer wall – 6 ft. thick and 30 ft. high. o Inner wall – 12 ft. thick and 30 ft. high. o The two walls were 15 ft. apart and connected by more

  • Bad Intentions

    Contributed by Kenneth Cox on Jun 11, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon deals with the situational irony in the life of Joseph.

    BAD INTENTIONS The workweek seems to have more hours in it than it used to have. A housewife with three children she adores becomes tired, exhausted, and wondering why she ever married in the first place. A healthy, robust man suddenly becomes ill and has to be rushed to the nearest hospital for more

  • God Alone Shall Fulfill God's Word Series

    Contributed by Thomas Black on Jan 28, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    Man’s wisdom and men’s minds don’t accomplish God’s plan. When men try to fulfill God’s word apart from God, there is strife, contention, & failure

    Passage: Genesis 16 Man’s wisdom and men’s minds don’t accomplish God’s plan There was a man who purchased one of those do it yourself kits from the sporting goods store. It contained all the parts to build a replica of the old muzzleloader guns used in days gone by. He pealed open the box, broke more

  • Faith Endures Despite The Disappointments Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Oct 2, 2007
    based on 26 ratings

    This message explores Joseph’s example of faith that endures disappointments.

    Have you ever wondered what determines if a person will or will not be a success? What are those vital ingredients necessary for success? For decades many considered the intelligence quotient or IQ test to be an important measure of potential. However, through the years we have seen many people more

  • Faith Moves Beyond Our Comfort Zone And Takes Risks Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Oct 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon that examines the risk taking faith of Rahab.

    What causes ordinary people to take risks? What prompts people to gamble or engage in extreme sports such as skydiving, hang gliding, scuba diving, auto racing, rock climbing and whitewater kayaking? Psychologists have determined that it is more a personality trait rather than a behavior. Some more

  • A Father/Son Story Series

    Contributed by Douglas Dudley on Apr 25, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    Abraham’s faith was tested just like our faith is tested. Was there anything that he loved more than God? Is there an Isaac in our life that we love more than God?

    A Father/Son Story Text: Genesis 22:1-18 Introduction. A man was telling of an incident that happened with his oldest son. The boy was only 4 ½ years old at the time. The father said, “He was upstairs when I heard him fall, and he was screaming!” The father said he ran upstairs in an more

  • I Will Be Faithful To The End Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Mar 10, 2007
    based on 36 ratings

    We all need to make the commitment to be faithful until the end no matter what outer circumstances may come our way.

    I Will Be Faithful to the End Introduction: Over the past few weeks we have talked about different commitments that we can and should make. We have talked about being better witnesses, better stewards, better students of the Word and better servants for Christ. In all we do we need to strive to more

  • Serving God In Uncertain Times Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Goats on Jul 8, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    there is hope when we make up our minds to serve God in uncertain times!

    I Kings17:1 Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, "As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word." Skip down to…… I Kings 17:10 So he went to Zarephath. When he came to the town gate, a more

  • Putting Your Faith Into Action Series

    Contributed by Jeff Budzinski on Sep 22, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Last week we discussed that faith must be part of our daily lifestyle. The just shall live by faith. We walk by faith, not by sight. When we live a life of faith, it pleases God. We all start off with a measure of faith, it only increases when you mediate

    Introduction · Last week we discussed that faith must be part of our daily lifestyle. The just shall live by faith. We walk by faith, not by sight. · When we live a life of faith, it pleases God. We all start off with a measure of faith, it only increases when you mediate on the Word and put it more

  • Trust And Obey Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on Mar 23, 2004
    based on 48 ratings

    Reflections on the general themes of Genesis

    Trust and Obey Genesis- Final For this morning’s message, I take no specific text. Instead, I invite you to reflect on the material that we have surveyed in our brief excursion through the first book of the Bible. My desire in this series of messages has not been to explain every mystery or to more

  • It's In The Bag

    Contributed by La Juana Morris on Jul 18, 2002
    based on 57 ratings

    Believe it to Receive it!

    It’s In The Bag Psalm 23 Subject: Believe it to receive it! The town preacher was walking through town one day. Mulling over in her head what to preach on Sunday morning. Wondering what word from on high would the Lord give her. She pondered upon the sickness that was running rampant in the more

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