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  • Characteristics Of An Evangelistic Life Series

    Contributed by Dean O'bryan on Aug 14, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Using Paul’s example in Acts 17, a practical description of principles for us to get Christ’s message to people

    Trinity Baptist Church August 6, 2006 Winning Ways (series) Characteristics of an Evangelistic Life Acts 17:15-34 Most of you spend time with normal people. I often don’t. I have to spend time with people like pastors! I was sitting innocently with a group of Heartland pastors in Omaha a few more

  • The Unexpected Evangelist Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Jan 29, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The Samaritan woman at the well was an unlikely candidate to become one of Jesus' first evangelists, yet that's exactly what she was. Jesus extended grace to the Samaritan woman, which changed her. How could she help but share the good news!

    This morning, we sit down at the “foot” of Jacob’s Well. This passage from John about Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well just outside of Sychar is rich with messages and lessons for all who seek Jesus. One commentator reflected that this is “a text more

  • From Terrorist To Evangelist Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Sep 5, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Paul lived the first part of his life learning how to be a good Jew, not knowing that from the beginning of his life, God had other plans. And God has a plan for your life.

    INTRODUCTION Wow, I can’t believe what I just read. I follow Ted Turner on Twitter and this morning he posted an amazing tweet. In case you didn’t know, Ted Turner is a billionaire. He created CNN and owns the Atlanta Braves. In the past, he has been very critical of Christianity. He more

  • Evangelistic Message

    Contributed by Noel Atkinson on Jun 23, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    This is an evangelistic message presenting the truth of the resurrection from history. It examines the life of Jesus and his claims to be the son of God ending with the sinners prayer

    Evangelistic sermon Something to challenge your thinking Let us open in prayer: <Pray that God will open our minds> As you know today is an evangelistic service. I was really worried about how to open the message. But then I realised; you guys have come here to have your views challenged. You more

  • The Stubborn Evangelist Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This short story is one where Jonah is in flight; it’s also one where God is in pursuit. Jonah’s life is really one of a boomerang for he ends up in the place that ran from in the beginning. For four chapters we’ll witness Jonah’s futile flight as well as God’s persistent pursuit.

    Note: The entire book of Jonah is read before I preach. Today we launch a new four part series entitled Jonah: The Stubborn Evangelist. And it is coming at just the right time for our church (more on the timing in just a moment). Most only know it as an amusing story about a prophet and a “whale.” more

  • Evangelistic Funeral Service

    Contributed by Chuck Hill on Dec 11, 2004
    based on 49 ratings

    This message addresses the fact that GOd loves all people and has a desire to forgive and restore in their life.

    Funeral Message: Mr. Milton Earle Cooper December 9, 2004 @ 3pm 1. Pre-Service Music: 2. Greeting & Condolences to Family: We are here today to remember the life and the legacy of Milton Earle Cooper. Milton Cooper was born on July 23, 1944 here in Greenville County and passed away on Tuesday more

  • The Gift Of The Evangelist Series

    Contributed by Nigel Heath on Jul 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    In terms of realized eschatology the kingdom has come, the kingdom is coming and the kingdom will co. Ezekiel's vision of the temple is a picture like that of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and the results that followed.

    12.6.11 THE GIFT OF THE EVANGELIST INTRO Today is Pentecost Sunday -- the day in our Church calendar when we remember not so much the Jewish feast, but what took place on that most memorable of all Jewish Pentecost feasts -- the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. POINT Some of us may associate the more

  • The Disciple As Evangelist Series

    Contributed by Daniel Dennison on Jul 22, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the 7th sermon in a series of 8 on discipleship. This sermon talks about the importance of evangelism in discipleship.

    Some of the text in this sermon comes from "Out of the Saltshaker" by Rebecca Pippert. Over the past six weeks we’ve talked about several different characteristics of disciples. We’ve learned the importance of submission in discipleship. We’ve learned the necessity of prayer and study in our more

  • Evangelistic Power

    Contributed by Terry Hovey on Apr 28, 2023

    They did so much with so little, but today, we do so little with so much!

    Evangelistic Power Acts 1:1-11 After the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the disciples returned to Galilee as commanded by both the Lord and the angels. The final chapter of the gospel of John recorded the third time the disciples as a group, encountered the risen Lord. As we read more

  • The Master Evangelist Series

    Contributed by Pastor Dempsey Daniels on Nov 30, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Sermon in the series Let’s Be Jesus Friends

    Series: Lets Be Jesus Friends Sermon 1: The Master Evangelist Matthew 9:35-10:15 As Jesus moved among the people teaching, preaching, and healing, He was moved by the people. He had compassion. He felt as they felt. I think I need to tell you in the early moments of the preachment hour that more

  • The First Evangelists

    Contributed by John Quigley on Apr 6, 2016

    The women to and from the tomb.

    Set the stage first: Read the verses: Just as the dawn was beginning to break, the women make their way to the tomb, there are soldiers supposed to be there guarding the tomb to make sure no one comes to steal the body. They expected that the stone would have to be rolled away so they could go more

  • Philip The Evangelist Series

    Contributed by Tom Mccrossan on Feb 28, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Witnessing in the power of the Spirit

    PHILIP THE EVANGELIST Acts 8:1-25 Intro.: What is evangelism? What is an evangelist? (Wait for answers) Jesus said in His final words, “Go, be my witnesses here and everywhere,” “Go and make disciples of all nations.” To evangelize is to tell the good news of Jesus. “Gospel” = “evangel” = more

  • Terrorist To Evangelist

    Contributed by Jim Caswell on Aug 28, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    No one is beyond the reach of His amazing grace!

    Title: From Terrorist to Evangelist Place: BLCC Date: 8/27/17 Text: Galatians 1.11-24 CT: No one is beyond the reach of His amazing grace! [Screen 1] FAS: Speaking about the power of Christ to redeem sinners and build his church, Russell Moore recently (2015) wrote: The next Billy Graham might more

  • The Attitude Of The Evangelist Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 20, 2016

    We must always understand that we are weak and prone to sin and laziness. We must always ask to be filled with the spirit of Jesus, so that He can work through us.

    Thursday of 20th Week in Course The beginning of the first letter to the church at Corinth is a little misleading, because Paul is thanking God for the grace shown in that church. He talks about how the Corinthians have been “enriched in him with all speech and knowledge,” and says more

  • Promises To An Evangelist Series

    Contributed by Adam Green on May 3, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Reformed theology with consideration of our imaginations

    The Promises of an Evangelist The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. During the war, Joshua told his troops: Do not be frightened and do not act. be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. The prophet of the Lord seeks to share the promise of a New Jerusalem more