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  • Values We Live By

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    Our values determine our course of action.

    What makes a man willing to lay down his life for another? Consider these three examples: Richard Antrim, a native of Peru, Indiana, was a naval officer and POW in the Dutch East Indies during the Second World War. In April 1942 he attempted to intervene in the harsh punishment of a fellow naval more

  • Dead To Sin, Alive To God

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Jun 27, 2002
    based on 138 ratings

    At baptism, God changes your personality. Let’s see how.

    Romans 6:1-11 DEAD TO SIN, ALIVE TO GOD In our country, a major change is taking place. The wildfires in Colorado and Arizona are completely changing the landscape over there. Some of our WELS people living in those areas have been evacuated. A major change is taking place, and you have to more

  • The Secret To Being A Positive Thinker

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Jul 11, 2002
    based on 60 ratings

    How can you be hopeful,joyful, enthusiastic, in a world and life full of problems? Here you find the answer...

    Romans 8:18-25: THE SECRET TO BEING A POSITIVE THINKER Have you ever heard someone say, “You should think more positively. You should be a positive thinker.” Sometimes that’s easy. Sometimes, it’s not. For example, think about the flooding in Texas. I read about one man down there, whose more

  • From Chaos To Choice

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Oct 1, 2001
    based on 19 ratings

    Discover how God’s Worldview can help us move from chaos to making wise choices.

    This week I was told about a lady who called her husband at the World Trade Center after the planes smashed into the buildings. The husband was on ninety-something floor, explaining to her that he was okay. Before she hung up the phone, however, the line went dead. The husband has not yet been more

  • Return Of The King Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 29, 2003
    based on 144 ratings

    Revelation 19 tells us how Jesus will fulfill His promise: "I am coming soon." But there is more to this passage than meets the eye.

    OPEN: At the beginning of WWII, the Philippines were about to fall to the Japanese, and General Douglas MacArthur was ordered by President Roosevelt to evacuate his staff immediately. Before he left, MacArthur made a promise to the Philippine people: “I shall return!” Because of the complexity more

  • How To Respond The Natural Disasters

    Contributed by Clinton Smith on Mar 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon encourages believers to trust God in the natural disasters. God can be trusted no matter what happens in life.

    I went to a nearby hamburger stand by my job on Friday to get some oatmeal. Before entering in I picked up a copy of the LA Times newspaper and on the front was the gory pictures of the Katrina aftermath. As I walked into the hamburger stand to place more order, a man seen the newspaper under my more

  • A Word From God's Sentinel Series

    Contributed by Wes Richard on Sep 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    God calls his church to broadcast his warnings loud and clear in today’s world. He wants our hearts to be broken by the careless, godless people who are paying no attention to God’s warning signs and he wants us to take seriously our responsibility to do

    A man living on the first-floor of an apartment got upset every night because the guy living above him dropped his shoes on the floor when he got ready for bed. Every night, the same thing happened. First, the noise from one shoe, then the noise from the other. Finally, the man downstairs more

  • Life On Hold Series

    Contributed by Keith Andrews on Feb 5, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    Deployment represents lives on put hold. This sermon speaks to that issue in a soldier’s life

    Life on hold Sermon By: CH (CPT) Keith Andrews 5 February 2006 All Scriptures listed NKJV: The New King James Version. 1996, c1982. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. (The introduction is presented with hi-res screen shots from Tonight, I want to introduce to you, Viktor more

  • Games People Play: Clue Series

    Contributed by David Ward on Sep 27, 2006

    Big Idea: A forgiven person is a forgiving person, but a deceiving person is a deceived person.

    Games People Play: “Clue” Matthew 7:1-5, 15-23 INTRODUCTION: Doug Lansky has been a travel writer and photographer for many years. In the course of his travels he has collected photos of odd signs from around the world. Some samples: ß A white highway sign in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, says, more

  • A Nation Unknowingly In Crisis Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Dec 14, 2006
    based on 68 ratings

    This message is part of series paralleling ancient Israel & America. Without consideration Israel had rebelled & deserted the Lord & were unconscious of its consequences. They did not realize the seriousness of their situation before God.

    ISAIAH 1:2-9 A NATION UNKNOWINGLY IN CRISIS (Deuteronomy 30:15-20) Isaiah began his book (& ends his book- 66:24) by recounting, very realistically, the response of Judah to Yahweh’s favor and purpose. We will encounter God’s reaction to the human refusal to response to His favor and more

  • Things We Ought To Lament

    Contributed by Anthony Perry on Apr 25, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon finds a connection with the current condition of the United States with the condition of Jeremiah’s Judah. It also teache sus to respond with lament and hope as Jeremiah did for his people and nation.

    A Lament of Our Own Scripture: Lamentations 3:18-26 Before we get into this scripture and how it applies to our lives today it might be good to identify the author of Lamentations and learn a little about his background. Knowing these details will help us better understand what the writer is more

  • Baby And The Beautician

    Contributed by Dennis Raines on Mar 9, 2008

    Is what is in your head also in your heart?

    Baby and the Beautician Luke 13:22-30 In 1977 I decided to become a licensed boat captain. It was during that time that I had the opportunity to meet a man named “Baby”. He got the nickname because when he was in the second grade, he had to quit school and go to work to support his single mom more

  • A Word In The Wilderness

    Contributed by Cleavon Matthews Sr. on May 11, 2008
    based on 45 ratings

    God’s word transcends our wilderness experiences.

    A WORD IN THE WILDERNESS Psalm 63:1-11 By Cleavon Matthews December 9, 2007 INTRODUCTION The seasons of life are transitory moments. The video recordings of our migration are captured on the memory sticks of our mind. Our personal narrative is no fable or fairy tale. We are not living a more

  • The Gift Of Peace

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Dec 18, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Peace is a gift made possible by Jesus Christ, but if we are to truly experience peace, it requires that we follow the path to peace, the example that Christ has set for us.

    This past Monday morning, news broke that there was a bomb threat on the Harvard campus. This happened after I was already out of the house and settled into my office for the day. But I just happened to call my Mom about something else right after the news broke. After I had finished talking to her more

  • Jehovah Jireh - God Our Provider Series

    Contributed by Paul Basehore on Jan 16, 2015

    Jehovah Jireh, or "God Our Provider, " is one of the more well known names of God. But what does He provide? Why? How can we be sure He will provide for us?

    One day a man walked out of his house on his way to work and saw that it had started to rain. He didn’t think much of it at the time, but began to worry when he saw that it was still raining cats and dogs later that same night. He lived near a river, so he started to fear a possible flood. more

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