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Sermons on eternal record:

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  • The Eternal Gospel Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Oct 12, 2022

    This week, with the 144,000 standing on Mt Zion with Jesus, a series of angelic messengers arrive on the scene with one last warning to the people to turn away from this world system before the Seventh Trumpet, which is the Bowl Judgements, is sounded.

    Dr. Bradford Reaves Crossway Christan Fellowship Hagerstown, MD Part 1: Part 2: It is a remarkable thing in the world today that people are hoping for a better world and it is more

  • A Taste Of Eternity

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Feb 17, 2020

    What does life look like beyond the grave? Let’s examine our transformation now and its eternal result. We will look at the transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-9 and its application in transforming our lives today.

    What does life look like beyond the grave? Let’s examine our transformation now and its eternal result. We will look at the transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-9 and its application in transforming our lives today. Small Group of 3 Matthew 17:1 After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John more

  • Eternal Security Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Sep 13, 2024

    Do we have to wonder minute by minute where we are with our salvation?

    INTRODUCTION • In my life as a Christian, I have heard many Christians, when speaking on the subject of their salvation, that they HOPE to make it to Heaven, that they HOPE they get to be with Jesus when it is all said and done. • On the other side of the coin, I have heard from people who don’t more

  • God Is Eternal

    Contributed by Samuel M on Oct 4, 2024

    God is Eternal, which means that He is not living in the past or in the future, but rather he is living now ( in the present moment of time) with all of His Glory and Holiness. His eternity past and future i.e. His all and everything is encapsulated or wrapped in this present moment of time.

    God is Eternal, which means that He is not living in the past or in the future, but rather he is living now ( in the present moment of time) with all of His Glory and Holiness. His eternity past and future i.e. His all and everything is encapsulated or wrapped in this present moment of time. He is more

  • Eternity And Future Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on May 7, 2024

    Death and what then? Will you merely cease to exist? Is there another life awaiting us?

    It is a major fact of the future of each person. Death and what then? Will you merely cease to exist? Is there another life awaiting us? Some say it is irrelevant. For many, it is disturbing to discuss it. Others feel what is done here and now is all there is to it. But the Bible makes it clear more

  • Eternal Hope PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 16, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores finding hope in adversity through God's eternal promises and renewing our minds, as guided by 1 Peter 1.

    Welcome, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. What a blessing it is to gather together in His name, to feel the warmth of fellowship and the power of collective faith. Today, we have the privilege to sit at the feet of our Lord and learn from His Word. It's a privilege, indeed, to be able to open more

  • A Day For Eternity Series

    Contributed by Mark Hall on Oct 8, 2023

    We are in the great race of life that leads to eternity and eternal greatness. I give my permission for this sermon to be used in its fullness for the glory of God.

    A DAY FOR ETERNITY Please open your Bible to 2 Peter 3 as we continue our series on the Great Race of life with today’s message, “A Day For Eternity.” 2 Peter 3:8 beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. NKJV THE WILL more

  • For Eternal Hope Series

    Contributed by Scott Jewell on Feb 25, 2024

    Paul prays for believers to have hope in Christ Jesus. How is this different from worldly hope and how does it help us navigate life?

    Have you ever thought about how the meaning of a symbol or a logo can change meanings if you were to rotate it upside down? For example, if you turn the hands over on our title slide, it looks kind of like someone is now washing their hands. If you rotate the lesser than symbol in math, it becomes more

  • Eternally Fit

    Contributed by Samuel M on Feb 27, 2024

    A person whom God breaks is the person whom God uses. If God is breaking you, it is for a purpose. That purpose is to make you fit for eternity and prepare you to spend all of eternity with God.

    A person whom God breaks is the person whom God uses. If God is breaking you, it is for a purpose. That purpose is to make you fit for eternity and prepare you to spend all of eternity with God. God sometimes breaks you by allowing some sickness( or health issues) for a period of time in order to more

  • Eternal Treasures

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Mar 6, 2024

    Is our focus on earthly kingdoms or the kingdom of God? How much do we treasure the things of God? Let’s examine heaven’s treasure in Matthew 13:44-52.

    Eternal Treasures Is our focus on earthly kingdoms or the kingdom of God? How much do we treasure the things of God? Let’s examine heaven’s treasure in Matthew 13:44-52. Like black mustard, the kingdom of heaven will grow large, not stay small like exclusive sects teach. Like leaven it affects more

  • Preparing For Eternity Series

    Contributed by Mark Hall on Apr 24, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Preparing for the Eternal Rewards and Treasures of Heaven. I give my permission for this sermon to be used and copied as long as it is used to honor and glorify Jesus Christ.

    PREPARING FOR ETERNITY Please open your Bibles to Matthew 6:19, as we continue our series on the eternal rewards of heaven, with today’s message, “Preparing for Eternity.” Of all the things for which you prepare, there is nothing greater than preparing for eternity. We go to school to prepare for a more

  • In Terms Of Eternity

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jun 11, 2023

    The Bible teaches that after death (Hebrews 9:27), we will face judgment and enter eternity, either heaven or hell. Consider what that means and how it should motivate us to spread the Gospel in these last days.

    The Bible teaches that from the moment we are conceived, we are destined to live forever (Psalm 61:7; Daniel 12:2; Matthew 25:46: Romans 2:7). The LORD God Almighty saw fit to create us, give us meaning, a purpose, and conscience to use for His glory and our benefit (Psalm 73:25-28; Romans more

  • Investing For Eternity Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 10, 2021

    If you want to manage Jesus’ money well, receive His investment in you, increase His investment in you, but most importantly, believe that He will reward you.

    Before going to Europe on business, a man drove his Rolls-Royce to a downtown New York City bank and went in to ask for an immediate loan of $5,000. The loan officer swallowed hard and asked for collateral. The man replied, “Well then, here are the keys to my Rolls-Royce.” The loan officer more

  • Preparation For Eternity

    Contributed by John White on Apr 15, 2019

    What a wonderful day this is, as all over the world people are celebrating Jesus as the Son of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, alive forever more!

    Preparation for Eternity Matthew 27:62-28:7 What a wonderful day this is, as all over the world people are celebrating Jesus as the Son of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, alive forever more! But really, we do that every Sunday don’t we? We gather together with fellow Christians to celebrate more

  • The Preparation For Eternity

    Contributed by Norman Bernad on Sep 27, 2022

    We are called to be faithful to God and obey him. Being faithful is the meaning of waiting for the Lord to come. There will be no second chances when Christ returns.

    We are called to be faithful to God and obey him. Being faithful is the meaning of waiting for the Lord to come. There will be no second chances when Christ returns. It’s not hard to tell that we are getting closer to the end of the church year. Matthew 25:1-13, which is known as the Parable of more

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