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  • Blessed Are The Meek Series

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Jun 13, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    We tend to think that meekness is for losers, but Jesus teaches that the earth belongs to those who humility and meekness is seen in their trust of Christ.

    Blessed are the Meek Matthew 5:5 May 29, 2005 This is the third sermon on the beatitudes. We have come down to Matthew 5:5. “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” I have a feeling that we have a problem today as we come to this beatitude on meekness. Meekness doesn’t really more

  • A Time To Be Blessed Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Dec 1, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the 4th sermon in the series "A Time To".

    Series: A Time To… (Haggai) [#4] A TIME TO BE BLESSED Haggai 2:10-19 Introduction: I read this prayer written by Frank Morris. Dear Lord, So far today, God, I’ve done all right. I haven’t gossiped, haven’t lost my temper, haven’t been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, over-indulgent, coveted more

  • A Blessed Life Series

    Contributed by Rule Digal on Dec 19, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    I know we want to haqve a life blessed by God. This sermon gives us the secrets found in Psalm 1.

    Theme: A LIFE BLESSED BY GOD Intro. A. Year 2005 is about to end. Days are so fleeting. Thank God for all the blessings, experiences, challenges, and opportunities that we have gone through this year. B. I just want this morning to give you an exhortation, final exhortation for this year, from the more

  • Blessed Are The Meek Series

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Dec 26, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    The Beatitudes exhibit the natural progression of the transformation that comes only through Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Those who seek this transformation are "blessed" or "approved of God." True happiness in life comes when one r

    Blessed are the Meek Matthew 5:5 #3 of 8 in Series INTRODUCTION The Beatitudes exhibit the natural progression of the transformation that comes only through Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Those who seek this transformation are "blessed" or "approved of God." True happiness more

  • The Blessed Relationship

    Contributed by Toby Powers on Dec 23, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    There is a relationship between Christ and his Church. We belong to him, and he belongs to us. His desire is toward us. What a joy it is to be his!

    From the desk of Pastor Toby Powers Truth Baptist Church Hwy 78 Bremen, GA Correspondence Address: 56 Taylor Cir Carrollton, GA 30117 Email: The Blessed Relationship SOS 8:5 Intro: We belong to the Lord. He is our beloved, and we have a divine relationship with him. I like those more

  • Blessed Are The Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by Art Campbell on Aug 9, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Asks the question: are you a peacekeeper or a peacemaker?

    Matt 5.9 "Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God." Intro video: Virtual Family Isn’t that a great invention! Many people are like that family. The words they say might sound nice, but under the surface, they’re really not happy. They just don’t want to have to deal more

  • Blessings In The Valley Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on May 9, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    We often think that God’s blessing should just pop up. Some do! More often than not though God asks us to look for them. God has strategically placed His blessings where we could find them if we are listening to Him. God wants us to remember that He loves

    Valley Experience Series # 3 Opening Illustration: Once Isaac and his servants remembered the wells, they had to look for them. The wells just didn’t pop up. Effort was made to remember exactly where they were, and to find them. There is a story of a family unpacking at their new home. After more

  • Word Blessings Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Mar 17, 2008
    based on 49 ratings

    God blesses His Word. The remnant heard God’s will clearly revealed in His Word and they didn’t ignore it or put it aside. They no longer stalled and delayed. This time, when they heard God’s Word, they obeyed His will. And when that happens, God blesses.

    1. God blessed the remnant with firm audacity (5:5) 2. God blessed the remnant with a fair assessment (5:6-6:5) 3. God blessed the remnant with a fervent advocate (6:6-13) 4. God blessed the remnant with full accomplishment (6:14-15) Back in the book of Exodus, when God was describing the priestly more

  • Baptism's Blessing

    Contributed by David Scudder on Sep 19, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    What is the importance of baptism? Why should ever follower of Christ be baptized?

    Baptism’s Blessing Matthew 28:19 Purpose: To explain the meaning of baptism. Aim: I want the listener to see the importance of baptism and pursue it. INTRODUCTION: It never ceases to amaze me how some people are willing to identify themselves with the Philadelphia Eagles. Some men will paint more

  • Spiritual Blessings

    Contributed by Charles Scott on Oct 17, 2006

    In Christ we have obtained an inheritance and a responsibility to unite heaven and earth: we also believed in him and were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until heaven and are are united.

    Ephesians 1__1-14 Proper 10 B SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS Amos 7:7-15 This is what the Lord God showed me: behold, the Lord was standing beside a wall built with a plumb line, with a plumb line in his hand. And the Lord said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A plumb line.” Then the Lord said, more

  • Blessed Is The Nation

    Contributed by Brad Rigney on Jun 23, 2006
    based on 114 ratings

    This sermon looks at how we, as a country can Bless God in appreciation for all His blessings to us! Used as a sermon for the 4th of July.

    Blessed is the Nation Psalm 33:1-15 Intro.: A. I think that most - if not all of us - would agree that our Nation has been blessed. We have been blessed materially, geographically, educationally, and technologically. As we celebrate the birth our Nation this week, on July 4th, we need to be more

  • Blessed Is The Man

    Contributed by Lee Henry on Jul 14, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    The Psalmist describes the character and behavior of a person who is blessed by God.

    Blessed is the Man Psalm 1 I. A man is blessed when he does not (vs. 1) A. Listen to the counsel of the wicked. 1. Character of the wicked. (Ps. 10:7-11) 2. Nature of their counsel. a. Unreliable (Ps. 5:9) b. Unwise (Ps. 36:3) B. Walk with the sinners (Wicked) 1. They more

  • How To Be Blessed

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Aug 26, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus spells out how to receive God's blessings.

    Luke 14:1, 7 – 14 / How To Be Blessed Intro: The story is told of 2 men who were interviewing for the same job. They were equally qualified for the position so the potential employer decided to invite each to dinner on separate occasions. The 2 dinners went well and enabled the employer more

  • The Valley Of Blessing

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Sep 2, 2010
    based on 15 ratings

    Sometimes we face situations that leave us filled with fear and uncertainty. We don’t know how to respond because our situation seems impossible. But God works in ways we cannot see and if we will do life with Him, our growing trust in Him will compel us

    The Valley of Blessing Intro: It was Easter morning, 1799, and the people of Feldkirch, Austria, were terrified. They believed this Easter would likely be the very worst day of their lives. Outside the gates stood the army of Napoleon, and he wanted in. The citizens were ready to raise the white more

  • Blesses Are The Meek Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 26, 2011

    Continuing ther series on the sermon of the mount. Blessed are the Meek. The Meek are not doormats and they do not have to give up thier values to avoid conflict.

    Blessed are the Meek For they will inherit the earth Matthew 5:1-5:12 Turn to Matthew 5 as we continue to look at the Sermon on the Mount. We will be looking at the third Be-attitude this morning. “Blessed are the Meek for they will inherit the earth.” Recapping the first two- 1. more

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