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  • Kids Will Be Kids Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 16, 2010
    based on 64 ratings

    Some say "Kids will be kids" meaning that if you just leave them alone, they’ll turn out okay. But the writer of Proverbs disagreed. Do you know why?

    James Dobson tells of a 10 year old boy named Robert who was an absolute terror. Whenever his mother went to the doctor, he would literally attack the office, grabbing instruments and files and telephones. All the while his passive mother could do little more than shake her head in bewilderment. more

  • Rededicate Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 10, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Regardless of your role, rededicate yourself to God’s redemptive purposes.

    Recently, the New York Times ran an article entitled, “America’s Mothers Are in Crisis: Is Anyone Listening to Them?” As part of their research, they set up a “Primal Scream Line” for mothers across the country to call and leave a one-minute message. Hundreds of moms responded with shouts, cries, more

  • Kids!

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Aug 4, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    Kids can be agravating...They drive adults nuts Kids need safe homes and the church should be a safe place.

    “Dad can I have a glass of water please?” “No, go to sleep.” “Dad, I’m thirsty, can I have a glass of water please?” “NO, go to sleep.” “Daaaad, I’m really thirsty. Can you get me a glass of water please?” “No, and if you ask once more I’ll spank you” (Silence) “Dad, when you come into spank me can more

  • Kids Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Jul 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    How should kids play the part God has for them and why?

    Real Life: Playing Your Part - Kids Obey your parents Why should I? It is Commanded by God It is pleasing to God It is the right thing to do Honor your parents Benefits to yourself A Better Life A Longer Life Slide 1 Introduction Any kids here take science? Who can tell me about an more

  • Connecting With The Creator's Kids' Kids. Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Nov 11, 2017

    This message looks at the cost and return on investing in the lives of children.

    Have you ever stepped on a piece of Lego, in the dark?  Have you ever wondered how something so small that provides so much enjoyment can cause so much pain? Well, you’re in luck, because I’m going to explain the science behind the pain.  There are basically four reasons that are wrapped up in more

  • Are You Equipped?

    Contributed by Millie Pisano on Jun 18, 2004
    based on 10 ratings

    Did you know that when you asked Jesus into you’re heart, you enlisted in the army Of the Most High God. And He equipped you with a powerful suit of armour!

    ARE YOU EQUIPPED? Twilla Paris; Warrior is a Child Lyrics: Lately I’ve been winning battles left and right But even winners can get wounded in the fight People say that I’m amazing Strong beyond my years But they don’t see inside of me I’m hiding all the tears more

  • "Construction Equipment" Series

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Jun 6, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    God gave gifts for the building up of the Church. Apostles prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers. (#14 in the Unfathomable Love of Christ series)

    “And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, more

  • Equipping The Called Series

    Contributed by Captain Emily Vincent on Jul 11, 2023

    Have you ever been asked to do something that you just did not feel prepared to do at all? God asks BIG things of us, and we feel like we could never measure up...BUT, He will ALWAYS equip us for the things He asks of us, even if we don't think we are ready for it yet!

    As we continue to talk about our Mis-Quoted series…I wanted to focus a little bit on the different things God called His people to do in the Scriptures…WE are going to talk about a guy who, in all honesty, was not equipped to do what God was asking Him to do…but we as His people are called to more

  • The Equipping Factor Series

    Contributed by Lance Hostetter on Apr 15, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon examines how Jesus prepared his disciples after the resurrection and prior to the ascenion.

    “The Equipping Factor” Luke 24:36-49 Introduction: Asking a man or woman to go to war to fight and possibly die for a cause is one thing. Sending someone to battle with the right training or tools to defend themselves is a whole other thing. Illustartions from the Korean War: NO more

  • Equipping In Discipleship Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Sep 30, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    God calls us to spiritual maturity. Spiritual growth is planned, a process, personal, practical and involves people.

    EQUIPPING IN DISCIPLESHIP Benjamin Franklin learned that crushed plaster sown in the fields would help make things grow. He told his neighbors this, but they did not believe him and they argued with him trying to prove that plaster could be of no use at all. After a little while he allowed the more

  • How To Pray For Your Kids

    Contributed by Bob Hunter on Jul 29, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    ATTENTION: Moms & Dads! Start praying specifically and effectively for your children. This message will equip the Parent to pray intentionally. Easy to ppt outline. Great Mother’s Day or Father’s Day message.

    "How to pray for the next generation" Suggested Message for Mother’s or Father’s Day By Pastor Bob & Cambria Hunter EASY TO P.P.T. OUTLINE: What should I say when I pray for my children? Three prayerful suggestions: * A hand of protection to cover them * A sense of purpose to guide more

  • Equipping Them! Series

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Jun 3, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Church is a place where people come together; a place where everyone, not just the pastor, cares about and takes care of one another; a place where every person matters.

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: In a society that is becoming increasingly fragmented, in which people seem more and more separated from one another, the church can be a refuge. It’s more than a building, more than a Sunday morning meeting, more than an organization. A community. Church is a place more

  • Fully Equipped Series

    Contributed by Douglas Dudley on Apr 18, 2005
    based on 20 ratings


    Fully Equipped Text: 2nd Timothy 3:14-17 Introduction. I’d like to tell you a story about a little 9 year-old boy by the name of “Joey”. Joey’s parents took him to Sunday school and his teacher taught the class a lesson from the Bible. Now the lesson the teacher taught was from the Book more

  • Equipping The Church Series

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Aug 30, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    This is the fourth in a study series on Ephesians and deals with Paul’s prayer for the equipping of the early church for the job of kingdom building.

    Paul’s Prayer – Churches Equipping Ephesians 3:14-21 How many of you know that the church has a job to do? What job has Christ left for us? “As the Father has sent me, so send I you.” How many of you know that if you are going to do a job you need the right equipment? If you want to move snow more

  • Not The Equipped But The Called Series

    Contributed by John Graves on Mar 3, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    An Expository Sermon Dealing With Matthew 10:1-15 We are called to share the gospel, but we must do it with a trust in Christ’s Power Not Ours

    B. The Relevance of the Text. How many of you here this morning feel that you are inadequate to serve Christ? Do you feel that you are nothing and that Jesus could never use you? A lot of people feel that way I am sure. I feel that way. In fact we should all feel that we are inadequate to more