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  • The Feeding Of The 5,000 Series

    Contributed by Donald Rapp on Sep 5, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    We can learn a lot about our role in God's kingdom from this miracle.

    The feeding of the 5,000 Mark 6:33-44 I. Introduction: A. The miracle of the feeding of the 5000 is one of the most significant of all the miracles 1. Because it is recorded in all four Gospels 2. Because of the tremendous truth it teaches us. 3. It may seem weird to you but I think you can more

  • Too Spiritual By Half?

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Feb 4, 2015

    Too Spiritual By Half?

    In an exposition of Mark chapter 3, it was observed that Christ's first miracle after the commissioning of the Apostles was the casting out of a demon followed by the healing of Peter's mother-in-law. The Lutheran seminarian insisted that this symbolically represented the precedence of the spirit more

  • "Lame Excuses" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Mar 27, 2017

    Seems like a surprising question when Jesus ask someone who has been sick for 38 years...."Do you want to get well?" Honestly some people do now want to.

    “Lame Excuses” John 5:1-15 So it is an interesting question to pose to someone when we ask a person who is been critically sick for 38 years... In that entire time he could not walk. Now someone asked him, hey do you want to get well? You can’t walk. No wheelchairs at that time. Jesus approaches more

  • That Ain't No Ghost, Buster! Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on May 10, 2016

    We find our Savior/Disciples once again in a storm on the Sea of Galilee. We’re going to learn today three assurances that this story gives us concerning storms.

    10 Amazing Miracles From Scripture Series (3 of 10) “That Ain’t No Ghost, Buster!” John 6.15-21 10/18/15 CFBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A John 6:15-21 (NASB) 15 So Jesus, perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force to make more

  • The Valley Syndrome

    Contributed by James Thornton on May 15, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Location do not play a big factor when It comes to God blessing you.

    THE VALLEY SYNDROME Deu 11:8 Therefore shall ye keep all the commandments which I command you this day, that ye may be strong, and go in and possess the land, whither ye go to possess it; Deu 11:9 And that ye may prolong your days in the land, which the LORD sware unto your fathers to give more

  • But Now I See

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on May 16, 2013

    The one who was blind was able to see but the ones who thought they could see were proven to be blind.

    BUT NOW I SEE John 9:1-41 1) Here’s mud in your eye! (1-12). • Who sinned? (1-3) It was a popular misconception that one could actually sin in the womb, and would thus suffer by having some birth defect. It was also a misconception that all human suffering was the result of either a more

  • Why Do People Get Sick? Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Sep 30, 2017

    If we believe that it is the desire of God to heal us then we can benefit by knowing what makes us sick. The Church is commanded by Jesus to carry on His work of healing.

    WHY DO PEOPLE GET SICK? Lakewood COG | Pastor Jonathan Vorce | October 1, 2017 INTRODUCTION ¥ Explain the difference between a Healing and a Miracle. ¥ A Miracle happens instantaneously ¥ A Healing is the rapid acceleration of Divine Health (takes a little time) ¥ Healing Wisdom ¥ Your body more

  • Feeding The 5,000 Series

    Contributed by Joel Preston on May 27, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    This miracle is one of only two recorded in all four gospels. The other is the resurrection of Jesus. As such, this is this miracle is of primary Importance to our understanding of who Jesus is and what His plan includes for each of us individually, for t

    The Gospel of Mark #16 – “Feeding the 5,000” Mark 6:30-44 Intro – 1. ILL – A priest was giving his flock a sermon on the Gospel, and he mentioned how with 5 loaves of bread & 2 fish our Savior fed 5,000 people at once; but instead of saying 5,000, he said 500. The more

  • Feed Your Faith On The Miracles Of Jesus Christ! Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 17, 2022

    The Lord's miracles. . . 1. Confirm His compassion for us (vs. 29-32). 2. Remind us that our faith can grow (vs. 32-33). 3. Prove the Lord's power (vs. 34-37). 4. Highlight the rich abundance God has for us (vs. 37-38).

    Feed Your Faith on the Miracles of Jesus Christ! The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 15:29-39 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared August 17, 2022) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to Matthew 15. Last time in vs. 21-28, God's Word reported the story of a desperate mother who had unshakable faith more

  • Take Heart. It Is I

    Contributed by Nathan Webb on Aug 16, 2023

    A sermon for the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost (Proper 14.) A look at the gravity of Jesus' appearance on the water in the midst of the storm.

    “Take heart, it is I.” Jesus has just fed more than five thousand people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. The disciples are picking up twelve baskets of leftovers. Each one of them packs a basket with their travelling gear. It’s getting late and Jesus has told them, “It’s time to head more

  • How God Saves The Best Till Last

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on May 5, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at what an incredible Kingdom Jesus is offering.

    Outline: WHAT’S THE POINT? What Jesus does here is a sign, which is initially fulfilled in the disciples’ amazed response to the miracle. - John 2:11. DAWNING AWARENESS: Beyond the initial “wow” factor, there is a lot here to show that God has “saved the best till more

  • Not Just Treading Water Series

    Contributed by Kemuel Travis on Feb 3, 2013

    God doesn’t want us to merely tread water, He wants to rescue us as we place our faith in Him and cry out for His help.

    Too many Christians settle for simply treading water -In their physical lives -In their spiritual lives -Treading water may keep you safe (at least for a while), but it will never get you anywhere -Peter learned a bit about this truth -Matthew 14:22-33 -Let's look at Peter's progression I. more

  • Net Was Not Broken Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jan 30, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    How to trust God when you can’t see past the end of our nose? It does not matter if you can’t see it or not, it does not matter if you can’t experience, does not matter if it looks dark and eerie; but mark it, if you trust God in the midst of this mess,

    Net was not broken! John 21:“Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.” How to trust God when you can’t see past the end of our nose? It does not matter if you more

  • You Cannot Keep A Good Man Down (August 13, 2023 Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost).

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 10, 2023

    Joseph’s favoritism caused friction among the other sons and how they treated Joseph.

    YOU CANNOT KEEP A GOOD MAN DOWN (2023 version). Text: Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 Genesis 37:1-4 Jacob settled in the land where his father had lived as an alien, the land of Canaan.  (2)  This is the story of the family of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was shepherding the flock more

  • Signs - Pt. 2 Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Oct 19, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus was clear that our walk should be marked by signs and wonders. What is following you? Is your life “signless”?

    Signs Pt. 2 I. Introduction I have a sign situation. My situation is not that Jesus did signs! My issue is that Jesus, in John 14:11-14 and Mark 16:14-20, made it crystal clear that we would not only have signs following us, but even greater signs than He performed. My sign issue is that I see more

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