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Sermons on El Apocalipsis 2:7:

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  • Restoring Your Passion Series

    Contributed by Ralph Juthman on Oct 4, 2002
    based on 274 ratings

    This is part Two of the series what makes a Great church

    TITLE: How To restore Your Passion Text: rev. 2:1-8: Romans 12:11 Theme: Church, renewal,, spiritual growth P.S. A healthy church begins with a consuming passion for God. Introduction In my last message, I said that the real issue of church growth is not how fast or large is the church more

  • A Message To The Loveless Church Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Oct 18, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    Week 4 in a Wednesday evening study in Revelation

    Week 4 “A Message To The Loveless Church” Date: June 19, 2002 Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Revelation 2: 1-7 Introduction A boy came home from church one Sunday evening got ready for bed and said this prayer; “God we had a wonderful day in church today… wish you could have been more

  • Ephesus The Great Series

    Contributed by Dan Campbell on Feb 3, 2003
    based on 33 ratings

    The first century believers faced stiff opposition from political authorities determined to stop the spread of their message. Despite the increasingly harsh treatment, they were able to go a long way in fulfilling the Lord’s mandate to take the gospel to

    THE REVELATION OF JESUS part 3 EPHESUS THE GREAT Revelation 2:1-11 The first century believers faced stiff opposition from political authorities determined to stop the spread of their message. Despite the increasingly harsh treatment, they were able to go a long way in fulfilling the Lord’s more

  • A Tale Of Seven Churches: Ephesus Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Feb 17, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Part two of an eight part message looking at the 7 churches of Asia

    It was the first of the seven. Out of all the church in all the countries Jesus singled out these seven to originally receive the message of the Revelation, but before they were to read the book Jesus had a message for them. You ever wonder why? Why not just jump in with all the weird and more

  • Our Response - Love God Series

    Contributed by Keith Edwards on May 1, 2002
    based on 58 ratings

    What is our response to the incredible love of God? To Love Him.

    God’s Love and Our Response: Loving God Bethel Assembly of God 3/4/2002 AM INTRODUCTION Last week – “The Incredible Love of God” from 1 John 4:8 The next two weeks – “Our response – Love God… Love People” REVELATION 2:1-7 This is a church with historical promise. Paul started the church and more

  • "The Danger Of Leaving The First Love"

    Contributed by Dennis Deese on May 13, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Loving Jesus first and foremost!

    ATHE DANGER OF LEAVING THE FIRST LOVE@ Dr. Dennis Deese REVELATION 2:1-7 This church represents the church age in history between Pentecost and 100 A.D. Ephesus literally means "desirable". Ephesus was the chief city of the province of Asia. It was the metropolitan city that influenced both more

  • Have We Left Our First Love? Are We Still Saving Lives?

    Contributed by Rev. Saeed Richardson on May 23, 2002
    based on 48 ratings

    As we look at our church today are we about our Father’s business-saving live? Or are we not?

    THE LIFEBOAT STATION , by Theodore Wedel On a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks often occur there was once a crude little lifesaving station. The building was just a hut, and there was only one boat, but the few devoted members kept a constant watch over the sea, and with no thought for more

  • Remember... Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 24, 2002
    based on 114 ratings

    What did Jesus mean by telling the Ephesian church to "remember the height from which you have fallen?"

    OPEN: Art Toalston in The Baptist Press - Nov. 15, 2001 reported from New York and he wrote: “The cross has been saved. That’s the cross of steel beams uncovered as workers in New York cleared away debris at the World Trade Center. Recovery worker Frank Silecchia, who has championed the cross’ more

  • Guard Your First Love

    Contributed by Bob Ashcraft on Jun 9, 2002
    based on 167 ratings

    Is your love for Jesus exclusive? Do you regularly take quality time to be with him? We must guard our "first love."

    Guard Your First Love Pastor Bob Ashcraft June 2, 2002 (RealAudio) ------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION: · In the first three chapters of Revelation, Jesus addresses the churches: · He has come to judge these churches in righteousness · 1 Peter 4:17 more

  • Ephesus

    Contributed by Ken Gilmore on Jun 20, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    What God expects from a church is often different from what the Church thinks he expects. This was true at Ephesus and is true at many other churches.

    Rev 2:1-7 Introduction: -Seven Golden Candlesticks are the seven churches. -Seven stars are their ministers -Why only seven of the churches – why not Troas, Miletus, Colosse, or Hieropolis? -These seven letters contain messages valuable to our church. Let us identify what God loves about these more

  • Ephesus: A First Love Lost

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 44 ratings

    Thesis: A healthy church is one that never leaves its first love.

    Thesis: A healthy church is one that never leaves its first love. Intro.: 1. What one first century church do we know more about than any other in NT? 2. Ephesus! a. Acts 19-20--establishment of church by Paul. b. Ephesians--letter written to correct some developing problems. c. 1 more

  • Cordless Christians

    Contributed by John Kapteyn on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 7 ratings

    1. The book of revelation is a book of judgement and hope.

    1. The book of revelation is a book of judgement and hope. We have spent much time on considering how the wicked will be judged and how God will destroy all evil including the one from whom all evil flows. As we said last week God’s judgement is complete. 2. And now we spend our last two weeks of more

  • Back To The Basics

    Contributed by V. David Sedaca on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 9 ratings

    Today's passage deals with the first of seven churches, Ephesus.

    Today's passage deals with the first of seven churches, Ephesus. Our belief is that there were probably more than seven at this time, but God chose these churches to prove the conditions of Churches and Christians in the last days. Ephesus is commended for Her (1) Labor, (2) Patience, (3) Stand more

  • The Revelation Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Mark Bouman on Nov 23, 2000
    based on 81 ratings

    A small introduction to the Apocalypse of St. John and a verse by verse exposition of the first Chapter of the book.

    Introduction- A few years ago a friend asked me what I thought was the most important book of the Bible for our own day and age. My answer to him was a resounding, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.” It is because, I believe, we are getting nearer and nearer to its literal fulfillment every day. more

  • Conform To God, Not Society

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Oct 7, 2021

    Do not let society determine how you are to conform to the Bible. God must come before society. Today's society will try to drag you into its evil ways. Rely upon Jesus to help you so that does not happen.

    Conform to God, not society Revelation 2:1-7 Michael H. Koplitz This letter that we find in Revelation chapter two verses one through seven is a letter that was sent to the messenger at the church at Ephesus in Asia Minor. The letter starts with compliments from Jesus about the good works that more

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