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  • Laughing At God's Promises

    Contributed by Bradford Robinson on Oct 28, 2005
    based on 60 ratings

    Sometimes God’s promises are so amazing they are hard to beleive! Yet God does the amazing.

    In the movie “It Could Happen to You” which is said to be loosely based on a true story, Nicolas Cage plays a cop who stops in to a diner and doesn’t have enough money to give a tip to the waitress, so he makes an unbelievable promise. He says that he has a lottery ticket and if he wins, her tip more

  • Connecting With The Created Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Oct 29, 2017

    We know we should love others as we love ourselves, but how do we love ourselves? This message looks at connect with ourselves.

    I was probably 9 or 10 when I first discovered Lego, as opposed to the soft plastic bricks that I had been playing with up to that time. Even though Lego had been around for 20 years it was only introduced in Canada in the early sixties. But even after I discovered the joys of Lego I didn’t more

  • A Disaster And A Healing. Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jul 11, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    'A Disaster and a Healing' Acts chapter 5 verses 1-16 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). A contrast worth noting (vs 1-2). (2). A pair as bad as each other (vs 1-2). (3). A charge of deceit and lying (vs :3-4,9). (4). A warning they will never forget (vs 11). (5). A ministry back on track (vs 12-16) SERMON BODY: Ill: • One summer morning in the 1920s, • A more

  • Faith's Power Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    By faith know what others cannot know and do what others cannot do.

    After Columbus discovered America, the Spanish Nobles gave him a hard time, because they were jealous of the honors King Ferdinand was heaping on him. On one occasion, after they had had a little too much to drink, they began to complain about all the accolades Columbus received. They told him it more

  • Babble On, Babylon

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Feb 27, 2014

    What was the Tower of Babel all about?

    Babble On, Babylon Genesis 11:1-9 Introduction It did not take fallen man long to revert to type. The flood came because man had forgotten God. They built cities for themselves and became mighty in the earth. The flood had cleansed this world, but the seeds of sin and rebellion made it onto the more

  • Mystery Babylon: The First 2000 Years. Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Jul 3, 2015

    How Satan's kingdom began and prospered among us from creation to Abraham.

    1: THE FALL OF SATAN AND HIS PLAN FOR MAN Our story must begin before the planet we inhabit was set in place by our Heavenly Father. There seems to have been a conflict in the heavenlies between the Almighty and one of His created angels, Lucifer. The latter evidently wanted more authority than more

  • No. Limits Series

    Contributed by Dwayne Dickson on Feb 13, 2016

    The 4th Sermon in "Our Favorite O.T. Stories." The point of the story of the Tower of Babel is: You are never so successful that you have outgrown your need for God. For in the end it is salvation that matters.

    No Limits Introduction In taking on this task of going through the important Old Testament stories, I have really had to wrestle with what stories to include and which ones to skip. And I was tempted to skip the story of the Tower of Babel. But I just couldn’t. Partially because it is more

  • Diagnosing Your Wisdom Count Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 6, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    here are you at on the wisdom continuum? How do you handle human vulnerability – yours in particular? How you answer the questions I will raise will provide a good diagnostic for your level of godly wisdom.

    Diagnosing Your Wisdom Count (Proverbs 18:10-13) 1. There are many portions of Scripture considered wisdom literature. 2. Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Proverbs, and certain Psalm (like 112), along with the NT Book of James and some of Jesus’ teachings, particularly the Sermon on the Mount, more

  • Babylon- Man Versus God Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Dec 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 1st Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Babylon".

    Series: Biblical Cities- Babylon [#1] BABYLON- MAN VERSUS GOD Psalm 137:1 Introduction: We are continuing in our Series about some of the most mentioned Cities in the Bible. Tonight, we are going to study the city that is 2nd on the list- Babylon. Babylon is mentioned 286 times in the Bible. more

  • Genesis Chapter Eleven Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jan 7, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Eleven. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER ELEVEN OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is the story of the Tower of Babel is built and the linage up to Abram. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 11 Men begin to build the city and tower of Babel: God confounds their language: and disperses them over all the earth. more

  • Living When Things Come Apart

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Mar 18, 2024

    So, what do we do when life starts to come apart? Understanding God is our refuge causes us to be able to trust Him freely without fear knowing. God is closer than whatever we are going through.

    Living when things come Apart. By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING: - The other day I was getting ready for work, and I grabbed a pair of pants and as I was putting them on, I noticed the hem on one of the cuffs had begun to unravel and part of my pant leg was hanging down. I was trying to more

  • Money Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Jul 3, 2009

    Part 8 and final in series Relating to God: What We Can Learn About God Through Our Closest Relationships On Earth. Thinking about money in a spiritual and relational way, do we often live financially as if we expect God to sign some kind of prenuptial.

    Money Part 8 in series Relating to God: What We Can Learn About God Through Our Closest Relationships On Earth Wildwind Community Church David Flowers March 28, 2009 I haven’t talked to you about money since January of 2008! It has been a long time. But as I was thinking about this series we’re more

  • People Vs Bait Series

    Contributed by John Sears on Jun 19, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Our response to the tragedy that took place in the mass murders of 50 people in a nightclub in Orlando can help build God's Kingdom or build more hatred between the church and the LGBT Community. Our best solution is to see how Jesus might respond.

    Special Note: I read this at our welcome time. During our morning message, we will be talking about some mature themed topics today. There will be a time or two that we drift somewhere in the realm of PG-13. If you have children with you who are not yet teenagers, we would encourage you to let more

  • The Holy Spirit Is Given! Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on May 30, 2021

    ‘The Holy Spirit is Given’ Acts chapter 2 verses 1-13 – sermon by Gordon Curley – sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). The Day of Pentecost (vs 1a) (2). The Coming of the Spirit (vs 2-4) (3). The Reaction of the Crowd (vs 5-13) SERMON BODY: Ill: • Many of you know I like to drink the black nectar. • A good cup of coffee is one of life’s pleasurers! • And I agree with the person who more

  • How Should We Then Live?

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Jun 4, 2006
    based on 97 ratings

    A contrast and comparison of the Tower of Bable and Pentecost.

    The Philadelphia Daily News reported that 46-year-old David Vassallo boarded a jetliner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for a flight to North Carolina. He began talking to the man seated next to him and boasted that he was an undercover federal sky marshal. The man he was talking to was quite more

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