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  • How To Escape Financial Bondage Series

    Contributed by Michael Martin on Nov 26, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    2 of 5 in the Series on Money

    (Prov. 22:7) "The borrower is servant to the lender..." I preached on last Wednesday on "The love of money is the root of all evil". I showed from the Bible... I. Our responsibility toward our employer. II. If you co-sign for a friend, he will become a stranger. III. If you co-sign for a more

  • Greatest Investment Advice Ever Given

    Contributed by Eric Kramer on Feb 26, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Investment advice, in a long story format, edit according to your needs, not copywrited, bible quotes taken from internet bible quotes, feel free to add to or edit this paper any way acceptable to God. I am no expert and dont claim to be, no formal theol

    The Greatest Investment Advice Ever Given The king held vast amounts of gold in his treasury, so risk another investment, especially in a foreign country. It was far to travel; over 1,000 miles away, and 2 countries buffered him between his well-defended lands and the Italian peninsula’s Roman more

  • Finances: Building A Stable Future (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Marcus Naugler on Nov 23, 2001
    based on 99 ratings

    Building a foundation by monetary means is useless and futile without Godly wisdom. Honoring the Lord with our finances is the key to a stable future.

    Finances: Building a Stable Future (Part 2, Building a Stronger Family) Text: Proverbs 3:7-18 (page 450 in pew Bible) TOP 10 SIGNS YOU ARE BROKE 10. American Express calls and says: "Leave home without it!" 9. You’re formulating a plan to rob the food bank. 8. Long distance companies don’t more

  • Little Man; Big Heart Series

    Contributed by Wes Richard on Jan 29, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Zaccheus’ attitude toward money completely changed when Jesus found him up a tree.

    The owner of a fitness center was offering $1,000 to anyone who was stronger than he was. He would squeeze a lemon dry, and then hand the lemon to anyone who wished to challenge him. Anyone who could squeeze just one more drop out would win the money. Many strong people tried, but nobody more

  • Treasure In Heaven

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on Dec 19, 2006
    based on 41 ratings

    We need to place our treasure in heaven through giving to the poor and tithing to the church rather than fall into greed (excessive spending) and worry (excessive saving).

    [Clip from short film, Gone Nutty, from Ice Age. Scrat tries to store nuts for the Ice Age, and he stores one too many. 4:12] Jesus warned us about two dangers: greed (which includes materialism), and worry. Both of which lead to the same problem, storing up for ourselves treasure on earth, more

  • Flipped Right Side Up Series

    Contributed by Mary Lewis on Jul 11, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    A "God’s eye view" of wealth and possessions

    Flipped Right Side Up James 1:9-11 March 10, 2002 James Boice once heard a statement given by an actress named Sophie Tucker. She was being asked by reporters about her early struggles before she became a success, and whether or not she had been happy in her years of poverty. She answered, more

  • Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: A Matter Of Greed Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Oct 23, 2001
    based on 76 ratings

    Part 2 in Television series, looks at various types of greed.

    Matthew 6:19-34 Who wants to be a Millionaire? That has to be a rhetorical question. U u pick me, pick me. Like who wouldn’t want to be a millionaire? Probably most of us have seen at least one episode of Millionaire and many people watch it on a regular basis. Then you know that the Show more

  • Earning - Where Does Our Money Come From? Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 4, 2008

    In the first lesson of this series, we focus on three things: 1 - Everything Belongs to God. 2 - God gives us the Ability to Earn Money. 3 - The Pursuit of Money must be kept in Perspective.

    Introduction: A. A Madison Avenue advertising agency surveyed non-church-going people several years ago and asked them their impressions of church. 1. The respondents said, “The problem with church is that the people are always sad, or they talk about death, or they ask for money.” B. A classic more

  • Enough

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 12, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    Wealth leads us to illusions wherein we lose sight of God; poverty leads us to spiritual disease. Pray for enough to satisfy real needs and to be able to give for others.

    You don’t have to raise your hands on this one. But I do wonder how many of you spent some time this week fantasizing about that Powerball lottery. What would you have done with $250,000,000? What dreams would you have indulged? What unthinkable thoughts did you think? Well, now, I, being a more

  • True Riches Vs. Uncertain Riches

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Apr 12, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    It is so easy to "mess up" with money, but the Scriptures give us clear instructions on how to guard our stewardship.

    TRUE RICHES Vs. UNCERTAIN RICHES TEXT: 1 Timothy 6:6-19 W. Max Alderman INTRODUCTION: America has a standard for comparing the relative value of those things that are in the material realm. We use what we refer to as the Gold Standard. For ages people of more

  • Greed: His Heart Will Go On Series

    Contributed by Michael Hollinger on Apr 15, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Greed is the opposite of trust in God.

    Title: Greed: His Heart Will Hold On Text: Heb 13:5 MP: Holding on to Jesus is better than holding onto anything else. Outline: 1. Intro: Tax Day the Scariest Day of the Year a. Lincoln Shot / Titanic Sank b. Wrong Auditee c. Money stirs up lots of emotions 2. Text: Two simple truths, but the more

  • Avoiding The Mistake Of Materialism Series

    Contributed by David Owens on May 8, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    The mistake of materialism leads to destruction. In this sermon look at what happened to four people who feel into the trap of materialism.

    Introduction: A. One of the biggest mistakes we can make in life is to buy into the myth that more is better and that money and the things it can buy will make us happy. B. All he ever wanted was more. 1. He wanted more money so he turned inherited wealth into a billion dollars worth of more

  • Spending - Where Does Our Money Go? Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 11, 2008

    In this sermon we try to bring our finances under control through CONTENTMENT and CONTAINMENT.

    Introduction: A. The story is told of two friends who met on the street. 1. One of the men looked so sad and was almost on the verge of tears. 2. The other man asked, “Hey my friend, how come you look like the whole world has caved in?” 3. The sad fellow said, “Let me tell you. Three weeks ago, more

  • Contentment - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

    Contributed by Ken Kersten on Jun 3, 2003
    based on 244 ratings

    Our Society is summed up in the words of a U2 song - "I still haven’t found what I’m looking for." This sermon explores why we have such a drive for more...

    I Still Haven’t Found What I’m looking For 1 Timothy 6:6-10 While your turning to our passage, I want you to listen to a few words from a song by U2. (Play song) I hope you caught that. Bono the lead singer of U2 is singing the words, “I have climbed the highest mountains. I have run more

  • What Am I Living For

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jan 29, 2005
    based on 57 ratings

    This topic deals with the reality that money, things, and pleasure are not worth dedicating our lives too. We need to discover our purpose in God.

    What Am I Living For? GNLCC 1/9/2005 Ecclesiastes 1:16-2:11 Matthew 22:34-40 If you were to take an honest examination of your life today, how would you answer the question “what am I living for.” What is it that you believe is worth your spending your life in the way you’re spending more

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