  • Eric Kramer

    Contributing sermons since Feb 26, 2005
eric's church

na, Pennsylvania 15106

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  • Greatest Investment Advice Ever Given

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Investment advice, in a long story format, edit according to your needs, not copywrited, bible quotes taken from internet bible quotes, feel free to add to or edit this paper any way acceptable to God. I am no expert and dont claim to be, no formal theol

    The Greatest Investment Advice Ever Given The king held vast amounts of gold in his treasury, so risk another investment, especially in a foreign country. It was far to travel; over 1,000 miles away, and 2 countries buffered him between his well-defended lands and the Italian peninsula’s Roman more

  • American And Muslim Lust And Adultery

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    A quick look at the differences between lust and adultery in America and in Muslim countries. No copywrt, feel free to edit or add too however you like. I am not an expert, so please forgive and bring to my attention any mistakes. Thanks.

    We can learn several lessons from the Muslim world, from their mistakes and from their successes too. One such mistake and success is adultery, one of The Ten Commandments. The muslims take lust and adultery very seriously. Compared to some of us Americans they follow Jesus’s command better more