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  • "Resurrection 2004 Means Rejoicing Everyday!" Series

    Contributed by Francis Avila on Apr 9, 2004
    based on 10 ratings

    I believe that "Resurrection Sunday" must not be just a one day event, then tomorrow its gone. I believe it must impact our life on a daily basis.

    "RESURRECTION 2004 MEANS REJOICING EVERYDAY!" TEXT: Matthew 28: 1-10 Introduction One Sunday morning, during the Bolshevik Revolution (Russian Revolution), the Red Guards rounded up all the people of a small village into the town chapel. After a very lengthy lecture about "Communism" the more

  • What Does Jesus' Ascension Mean?

    Contributed by Charles Degner on May 12, 2003
    based on 127 ratings

    Jesus’ ascension is one of the facts of salvation we confess in the Apostle’s Creed every week. But what does it mean for us today?

    In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach {2} until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. {3} After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs more

  • The Twist: What Does The Resurrection Mean? Series

    Contributed by Brad Crocker on Mar 2, 2004
    based on 86 ratings

    Jesus’ resurrection means that we can live with Him now and forever. Third of four in the series "Dying was His Reason for Living."

    Dying Was His Reason for Living The Twist: What Does the Resurrection Mean? Brad Crocker Landmark Christian Church, Chippewa Falls, WI 3/2/2004 In April of the year 2000, there was a car crash in Japan. Sadly, a man died in the accident. When the police came to examine the body, witnesses at the more

  • The Empty Tomb- What Does It Mean?

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Mar 30, 2002
    based on 179 ratings

    The empty tomb means: 1) He’s alive! 2) You’re forgiven 3) It’s okay

    The empty tomb- what does it mean? Lk24:1-12 WBC 31/3/2am (Easter Sunday) INTRO: ILL.- Mary Louise Duggard, age 8 said of Easter, "You get eggs, and you remember God." Not bad! Jamila Young-Hogan, age 4,. said, "It’s the day that God woke up." Again, not bad. Amanda Ward, age 7, said, "It’s when more

  • He Got Up!

    Contributed by Jeff Budzinski on Apr 3, 2007
    based on 19 ratings

    Easter means victory. Victory over death, hell and the grave. This Easter, we can walk in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Let us look to the Word of God this morning for more insight into the resurrection of Jesus.

    Introduction o For a lot of people, Easter is just another holiday, a 3-day weekend of fun and no work. For others, it’s chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs. o For the Believer in Christ Jesus, it is the reason why we live on this earth. The resurrection of Jesus is the basis of our faith. o Easter more

  • God's Easter Gift

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Apr 5, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Easter sermon focusing on the gift (grace) of righteousness and life

    God’s Easter Gift Romans 5:12-21 (The message was preceeded by "Amazing Grace/Your Grace Is Enough.") What does Easter mean to you? (Illus: I have a friend who was not raised in a Christian home. He had a hard time figuring out why they celebrated the holiday.) For the Apostle Paul, Easter more

  • The Significance Of Easter

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 24, 2008

    As we contemplate the resurrection, we need to pause and reflect about what happened and what it all means to us

    The Significance of Easter (topical) Note: The illustrations in this sermon come from Sermon Central, as noted below. 1. Because Easter is such an important day, our elders met and decided, "You know, we want to get a really special speaker. Why don’t we call the best preacher in the state and more

  • Easter At Home

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 7, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Many people are at home with no means of participating in Easter celebrations. Here is one way to have Easter at home, even alone, if needed.

    Sing: Because He Lives <> Reading: Ezekiel 37:3-14 3 And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” So I answered, “O Lord God, You know.” 4 Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the more

  • Easter 2003!

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Apr 21, 2003
    based on 49 ratings

    Some of you walked in here today and your first thought was, “I need Jesus.” I’ll be extending to you an invitation to do just that today. In addition, I have several things to share with you. I have a dedication to make, a sermon to give, a personal test

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: Some of you walked in here today and your first thought was, “I need Jesus.” I’ll be extending to you an invitation to do just that today. In addition, I have several things to share with you. I have a dedication to make, a sermon to give, a personal testimony to more

  • Easter Proclamation Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Apr 4, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    The Easter story proclaims Easter is an Ever-flowing life with meaning and Grace from God which enriches those who embrace Resurrection Sunday.

    An Easter Proclamation Theme: Restoring Spiritual Life This Easter When Jesus was crucified on the Cross, and was raised again on the third day, He got victory over sin and death and that purchased the abundant life in Christ which is available to all who will but surrender to His Lordship. more

  • "All Boxed In? Impossible!"

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Mar 28, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Easter: What does Easter mean to you? How does it change your life?The message of Christianity, recorded in the Bible, is more than a historical record of a great miracle worker named Jesus. The message of Christianity was not created by a group 12 disc

    In Jesus Holy Name March 31, 2013 Text: Luke 24:1-3,5b,6a Easter Redeemer “All Boxed In? Impossible!” A Sunday School class was preparing their Easter craft project when their teacher asked: each student, "What does Easter more

  • Easter Evidence Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The sermon introduction discusses the significance of the cross as a symbol of Easter, highlighting its original use as a tool of execution and torture, and its transformation into a symbol of special meaning and beauty.

    He is risen! I’m happy to see you this Resurrection Sunday! Does anyone have a new cross necklace? I’ve always thought that if you don’t like giving chocolate and bunnies, a cross could make a great gift for Easter morning. Whether you received it today or have worn it for years, how many of you more

  • Easter! What A Difference.

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Apr 13, 2014
    based on 8 ratings


    EASTER - WHAT A DIFFERENCE! 1 Corinthians 15:1-15:11 Today is Easter Sunday &, as Christians, we have gathered to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior & Lord. But even as we more

  • The Difference Easter Makes

    Contributed by Simon Fullylove on Apr 19, 2006
    based on 25 ratings

    This sermon looks at how the women on Easter Sunday remembered the words of Jesus and this made all the difference to how they felt.

    Introduction Imagine the women visiting Jesus tomb on Easter Sunday felt. They were already heartbroken, Jesus was dead, and they were depressed, afraid of the Jews. Now they just wanted to do one last thing for Jesus, to take care of his body. When they get there he’s gone. The bible says Luke more

  • "The Real Meaning Of Christmas Is Found On Easter Day"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Dec 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for Christmas Eve.

    Luke 2:1-20 “The Real Meaning of Christmas is Found on Easter Day” By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN I did a funeral a couple days ago for a man I never met, and a family I will probably never meet again. That happens more

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