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  • Victorious In A Foreign Land (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jul 7, 2021

    Although we can't always see it, God is working on our behalf. Even when it sees as if hope is lost, God remains in control. He is sovereignly working behind the scenes in the lives of His people.

    Victorious in a Foreign Land (Part 2) Esther 9: 1-19 At this point in our study, we have considered much regarding the lives of Esther, Mordecai, and the Jews living within the Persian Empire. Following many ups and downs, the pendulum has finally swung in their favor. Although they couldn’t see more

  • The Trip To The Promised Land Is Worth The Risk

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Mar 17, 2021

    Isaiah called the Israelites back to Israel from Babylon, and God calls us to heaven on a dangerous journey in Jesus.

    3.21.2021 Isaiah 43:1–7 (EHV) 1 But now this is what the LORD says, the LORD who created you, O Jacob, the LORD who formed you, O Israel. Do not be afraid, because I have redeemed you. I have called you by name. You are mine. 2 When you cross through the waters, I will be with you. When you more

  • When The Land Enjoyed Her Sabbath

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Jul 23, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." In other words, the Sabbath was designed to serve and benefit man, not the other way around. God gifted man with a sabbath and He did not intend for the sabbath to be greater than man but that man would accept His gift with joy.

    2 Chronicles 36:11-21(NKJV) "When the land enjoyed her Sabbath” July 23, 2023 I. A Failure 16 “…the wrath of the LORD arose against His people, till there was no remedy.” In chapter 7 God had given them a remedy! “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, more

  • Daniel 1: Living In A Strange Land Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Sep 3, 2020

    How can we thrive in an ungodly environment? 1) Stand up for who we are, 2) Excel in what we do. In exile, Daniel was excelled, without losing his identity.

    LIVING IN A STRANGE LAND—Daniel 1, 1 Peter 2:9-12 Read Daniel 1:1-20. ***My first days in a college dorm were a rude awakening, for a guy who had led a pretty sheltered life. Bob Dylan was blasting out, “Lay, Lady, Lay” on the stereo down the hall. (Yes, I am ancient!) The Beatles were singing more

  • Breaking The Cycle In A Land Misled-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 2, 2019

    1 of 5. King Ahaz of Judah’s reign was marked/defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance. A land defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance is misled & to be pitied. The cycle must be broken in a misled land, due to it’s WASTED...

    BREAKING The CYCLE In A LAND MISLED-I — 2Kings 16:01-18; 18:01-07, 14-16; 19:1-7, 14-20, 35-37 OR: Overcoming Political Compliance/Acquiescence Overcoming The Politics of Spiritual Acquiescence. Attention: 1787—Benjamin Franklin, eldest member at the Constitutional Convention—"I've lived, more

  • Breaking The Cycle In A Land Misled-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 2, 2019

    2 of 5. King Ahaz of Judah’s reign was marked/defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance. A land defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance is misled & to be pitied. The cycle must be broken in a misled land, due to it’s wasted...

    BREAKING The CYCLE In A LAND MISLED--II— 2Kings 16:01-18; 18:01-07, 14-16; 19:1-7, 14-20, 35-37 Overcoming Political Compliance/Acquiescence Overcoming The Politics of Spiritual Acquiescence. Attention: President George Washington "And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality more

  • Breaking The Cycle In A Land Misled-3

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 9, 2019

    3 of 5. King Ahaz of Judah’s reign was marked/defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance. A land defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance is misled & to be pitied. The cycle must be broken in a misled land, due to it’s wasted...

    BREAKING The CYCLE In A LAND MISLED--III— 2Kings 16:1-4(16:01-18; 18:01-07, 13-16; 19:1-7, 14-20, 35-37) Overcoming Political Compliance/Acquiescence Overcoming The Politics of Spiritual Acquiescence. Attention: Thomas Jefferson regarding his concern for America regarding her shameless sin, even more

  • Breaking The Cycle In A Land Misled-4

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 9, 2019

    4 of 5. King Ahaz of Judah’s reign was marked/defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance. A land defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance is misled & to be pitied. The cycle must be broken in a misled land, due to it’s WASTED...

    BREAKING The CYCLE In A LAND MISLED--IV— 2Kings 16:1-4(16:01-18; 18:01-07, 13-16; 19:1-7, 14-20, 35-37) Overcoming Political Compliance/Acquiescence Overcoming The Politics of Spiritual Acquiescence. Attention: President Ronald W. Reagan’s statement of concern for his country—"Without God more

  • Breaking The Cycle In A Land Misled-5

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 19, 2019

    5 of 5. King Ahaz of Judah’s reign was marked/defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance. A land defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance is misled & to be pitied. The cycle must be broken in a misled land, due to it’s WASTED...

    BREAKING The CYCLE In A LAND MISLED--V— 2Kings 16:1-4; 18:1-7(16:01-18; 18:01-07, 14-16, 17-18; 19:1-7, 14-20, 35-37) Overcoming Political Acquiescence Overcoming The Politics of Spiritual Acquiescence. Attention: “America was founded by people who believed that God was their rock of safety. I more

  • God’s Hand In The Land-2 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Sep 21, 2017

    2 of 2. Upon hearing of Israel’s miraculous crossing of the Jordan the surrounding nations recognized their weak condition. When God’s power is obvious, those apart from Him perceive their frailty. When God’s hand is in the land...

    GOD’s HAND In The LAND-II—Joshua 5:1 Attention: Husband & wife loading car in preparation for lengthy fishing trip/Husband keeps looking amorously at wife/Felt uncomfortable because it seemed out of place/kept telling her, ‘Honey, I love you”/Getting in her way as she was getting ready/Finally she more

  • God’s Hand In The Land-1 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Sep 21, 2017

    1 of 2. Upon hearing of Israel’s miraculous crossing of the Jordan the surrounding nations recognized their weak condition. When God’s power is obvious, those apart from Him perceive their frailty. When God’s hand is in the land...

    GOD’s HAND In The LAND-I—Joshua 5:1 When ‘God’s hand’ is obviously ‘in the land’, great & life-changing things happen! The surrounding nations recognized their weak condition before the Israelite God upon hearing of Israel’s miraculous crossing of the Jordan. When God’s hand is clearly seen, more

  • Reviving Our Land Through Prayer SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Utilizing our most powerful tool, prayer, to overcome our biggest adversary and bring about a spiritual awakening in our nation.

    Today, we will explore the topic of revival and how it can bring transformation to our land. In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God provides us with a powerful formula for experiencing His blessings and revival. Let's dive into this verse and uncover its profound message. The first step towards revival is more

  • How Will We Cross Over To The Promised Lands?

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Nov 3, 2014

    The sermon shares with us how we can cross over to ne promised lands.

    Joshua 3:7-17 How will we cross over to the Promised Lands? 1. Questions Israel will ask, How are we going to get across to the Promised Lands? This is what the Israelites are more

  • Ezekiel 37 (The Valley Of The Dry Bones)

    Contributed by David Smith on Nov 21, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Can God bring life to those old dry bones? You betcha He can! ...

    "The hand of the LORD came upon me, and he brought me out by the spirit of the LORD and set me down in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. 2He led me all around them; there were very many lying in the valley, and they were very dry." A few years ago now an American university newspaper more

  • The Agenda Of A Storm? Dry Faith? Wet Faith?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Nov 2, 2018

    Let us consider the agenda of storms. No one is exempt from the storms of faith. What do I do when there is so much water in my boat it looks like I am doomed? Is Jesus on board?

    THE STORM’S AGENDA: DRY FAITH VS. WET FAITH… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I would first ask us to weigh and ponder this thought. THERE CAN BE NO RESURRECTION WITHOUT A CRUCIFIXION… We hate the very thought of the Crucifixion, but FAITH KNOWS that the crucifixion and all the more

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