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  • The Greatest Of These Series

    Contributed by Tim Diack on Mar 25, 2013

    Jesus wept because the people did not recognize the time of God's coming to them - but what about us? Today is Palm Sunday and the question we need to wrestle with is this: Have we recognized the time of God's coming to us?

    The Greatest of These - Matthew 21:1-11 - March 24, 2013 Series: Palm Sunday For many people the highlight of any given year is Christmas, isn’t it? Christmas is when family comes together, parties are attended, and presents are exchanged. More importantly, it’s the time of year more

  • Strength To Stand-10 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Oct 25, 2017

    10 of 11. Paul closes his direction to the Ephesian church by encouraging them to find their strength in the Lord. But where or how do God's people find strength to stand victorious? God’s people acquire strength to stand victorious thru a distinct...

    STRENGTH To STAND-X—Ephesians 6:10-20 Paul urged the Ephesian church to find their strength in the Lord by effectively arming themselves. The church must acquire God’s strength to stand victorious. Where & How can the church find strength to stand victorious? 12 distinctions of the Christian more

  • The End Is Near Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Aug 26, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Trust Christ with your life and wait for His coming, watch for His coming, and work until He comes out of a genuine, living faith in Him.

    Several years ago, a businessman had to drive to Fort Wayne, Indiana, for work. He rented a big, brand-new, Chrysler 300 and enjoyed the ride so much that he blew past the first tollbooth. He had an I-PASS in his own car, so he didn’t think anything about it. Then he realized that the rental car more

  • Walk In The Wisdom Of The Lord Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on May 31, 2024

    How can we walk in the wisdom of the Lord? 1. Set the highest standards (Eph 5:15). 2. Ask for God's assistance (James 1:5). 3. Treasure our time (Eph 5:16; Rom 13:11-14). 4. Understand the Lord's will for our lives (Eph 5:17).

    Walk in the Wisdom of the Lord Ephesians 5:15-17; James 1:5; Romans 13:11-14 Sermon by Rick Crandall Series: The Book of Ephesians (Prepared May 31, 2024) BACKGROUND: *Today we will continue looking into God's Word to see how He wants us to live as Christians. From a practical, everyday point more

  • Be Wise About Sex Series

    Contributed by David Owens on May 20, 2024

    In the book of Proverbs, Solomon devotes four long sections to the subject of sexual morality. In these sections, he not only warns about where the traps and temptations of sexual immorality lead, he also gives a godly and life bringing alternative.

    A. Once there was a preacher who was explaining to his son about the “facts of life” or better known as “the birds and the bees.” 1. The youngster listened wide-eyed and attentively, and when his dad was finished, he asked with great concern: “Does God know about this?” 2. Rest assured: God knows more

  • Should We Wear Collars

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jul 21, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    Today as we examine the 8th chapter of Leviticus we will discover four similarities that teach us that the Priesthood of the Old Testament is like the Royal Priesthood of the New Testament in certain respects.

    "SHOULD WE WEAR COLLARS" TEXT: LEVITICUS CHAPTER 8 INTRODUCTION By now many of you are over half way through your reading in the book of Leviticus. How are you doing? Do you feel a little weary and worn from struggling through all those passages? Are you having a hard time seeing the more

  • Beware Of Warnings

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Jul 16, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    God gives His people a watchman to protect their life. Brothers and sisters, in the weeks, months, and years that lie ahead, let us both, you and I, listen to the Word of God. And let us take heed to these warnings. So there will be life - eternal life.

    Opening illustration: Americans are getting warned to death. Manufacturers are growing increasingly wary of being sued when their products are misused, so they are attaching warning labels to hundreds of items. For example, a Batman outfit bears this caveat: “Parents, please exercise more

  • Seek Wisdom Who Is Jesus Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jul 8, 2017

    This verse calls and challenges the people to come to Him for knowledge, wealth and life. Its continuous search at the feet of God. Such men is sought by God

    Men Sought by God Proverbs 8:34 “Blessed is the man that hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors”. WAITING AT THE DOOR POSTS Waiting is always connected to and referred to the act of Prayer with fasting. Be still and look to Lord and wait patiently (Ps.37:7). I more

  • The Body Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Mar 19, 2019

    The church is not a building, place or street address. It is not just an organization. The church is an “organism”.

    THE BODY OF CHRIST I CORINTHIANS 12 INTRODUCTION: There are different figures of speech used to describe the nature and function of the church. One is “the body of Christ.” The church is not a building, place or street address. It is not just an organization. The church is an “organism”. more

  • Let This Mind Be In You

    Contributed by Steve Yarber on May 21, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    To become more like Christ, we need to know the mind of Christ.

    “Let This Mind Be In You” Philippians 2:5-11 Paul isn’t encouraging the church to have Christ’s intellect. He is encouraging them to have Christ’s attitude toward God’s will and toward people. When the mind of Christ is in me … I empty myself Jesus was in the form of God Had every right more

  • Modesty Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 12, 2012

    The need for modesty

    1 Timothy 2b: Modesty 10/12/08 Turn with me this morning to the second chapter in the book of 1 Timothy. Timothy is towards the end of the New Testament, in the second half of the Bible. We saw that this is a letter from the Apostle Paul to Timothy, his young protegé. Paul left Timothy at Ephesus more

  • Loving One Another With Modesty

    Contributed by Jason Smith on Dec 23, 2013

    This lesson challenges you to ask yourself the hard questions about why you wear what you wear

    This morning I will be speaking on the subject of modesty. This is an important topic that affects EVERY person here in some way, but it is unfortunately at times a divisive topic, especially when considering specific applications. My prayer for the lesson this morning is that we understand what more

  • Truth Or Bare: Does God Care What I Wear?

    Contributed by Travis Johnson on Feb 15, 2005
    based on 57 ratings

    The clothes you wear communicate a message. What message are you communicating?

    TRUTH OR BARE: DOES GOD CARE WHAT I WEAR? 1 Tim. 2:9-10, And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes. For women who claim to more

  • Body Functions - Pt. 2 - Carry/Comfort Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Nov 27, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Exactly like our physical body our spiritual body consists of individuals and relationships carrying out specific functions! Our survival depends on our ability to maintain and at times restore our internal environment.

    Body Functions Pt. 3 - Carry/Comfort I. Introduction God formed each of us and according to Jeremiah He knew us before we were ever formed. He formed our natural bodies by by establishing biological systems that carry out specific functions. These systems are necessary for everyday living. Our more

  • Jesus Is The Way To Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Danny Anderson on Oct 28, 2006

    We have seen that Jesus is The Way to a better life, even here on earth; but, much more importantly, Jesus is the way to forgiveness for our sins! The purpose of this message is to help us to better understand why we need forgiveness and how Jesus provide

    Jesus Is The Way To Forgiveness Text: John 14:1-7 Introduction: We have seen that Jesus is The Way to a better life, even here on earth; but, much more importantly, Jesus is the way to forgiveness for our sins! The purpose of this message is to help us to better understand why we need more

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